Mineral Deposit Inventory for Ontario

Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines

Permanent Link to this Record: MDI31D15SE00114

Deposit: MDI31D15SE00114


Mineral Deposit Identification
Deposit Name(s) Miners Creek - 1991
Related Deposit Type None
Deposit Status discretionary occurrence
Date Created 1991-Feb-20
Date Last Modified 2005-Dec-07
Created By Q Unknown
Revised By D Laidlaw


Primary Commodities: uranium


Township or Area: Lutterworth

Latitude: 44° 49' 14.08"    Longitude: --78° 44' 31.96"

UTM Zone: 17    Easting: 678503   Northing: 4965499    UTM Datum: NAD83

Resident Geologist District: Southeastern Ontario

NTS Grid: 31D15SE

Point Location Description: General

Location Method: conversion from mdi

Source Map: DEMR 1980, NTS 31D15 MINDEN

Sources Map Scale: 1:25 000

Access Description: 2.8 km NNE of Buller.


Deposit Mineralization and Alteration
Rank Mineral Name Class Economic Mineral Type Alteration Mineral Type Alteration Ranking Alteration Intensity Habit Description
5 allanite economic ore n/a
10 thorite economic ore n/a
15 uranothorite economic ore n/a


Book - OGS 1986, OFR 5601, P119

Publication Number: N/A    Date: 1996

Book - OGS 1990, GR 269, P75

Publication Number: N/A    Date: 2003

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Ministry Contact Information

For detailed information regarding this mineral deposit please contact the Southern Ontario Resident Geologist District Office