Ontario Mineral Inventory

Ontario Geological Survey
Permanent Link to this Record: MDI52A06SW00003

Record: MDI52A06SW00003


Mineral Record Identification
Record Name(s) Lily of the Valley - 1892, Parsons - 1892
Related Record Type Partial
Related Record(s)
Record Status Occurrence
Date Created 1979-Aug-24
Date Last Modified 2022-Apr-26
Created By
Revised By


Primary Commodities: Silver

Secondary Commodities: Zinc, Fluorite, Lead


Township or Area: Paipoonge

Latitude: 48° 19' 50.31"    Longitude: -89° 29' 19.33"

UTM Zone: 16    Easting: 315550   Northing: 5356044    UTM Datum: NAD83

Resident Geologist District: Thunder Bay South

NTS Grid: 52A05SE, 52A06SW

Point Location Description: General

Location Method: Conversion from MDI

Exploration History

1892: Vein was discovered by Mr. Parsons, who conducted trenching and stripping and sunk 2 shafts. 1936: F. Stewardson and F. Moran acquired the property and conducted stripping and trenching, and sunk a shaft to a depth of 13.7 m.


Province: Southern

Formation Group: Animikie Group

Geological Age: Paleoproterozoic  


Lithology Data
Rock Type Rank Composition Texture Relationship
Terrigenous-Clastic-Unsubdivided 1 Adjacent
Vein 2 Quartz And Caclite Host


Mineralization and Alteration
Rank Mineral Name Class Economic Mineral Type Alteration Mineral Type Alteration Ranking Alteration Intensity Alteration Style

Mineralization Comments

Feb 06, 2018 (Therese Pettigrew) - Two nearly parallel composite veins near the middle of lot 19, concession IV, Paipoonge township, were located by Mr. Parsons who, it is reported, mined some few tons of ore averaging 1,000 ounces of silver a ton. The north vein has been exposed by cross trenches at intervals of 20 feet, for a distance of 120 feet. A shaft, 15 feet deep, has been sunk at the west end of the workings. On the south vein, 60 feet south from this shaft, there is a second shaft 50 feet deep. Stripping extends for distances of 40 feet along the south vein on either side of the shaft. The composite veins seal shatter zones in grey, flat-lying Animikie shale. The north vein strikes south 72 degrees east, dips vertically, and has a width of about 3 feet. The vein material constitutes about one-half of the volume of the cemented shatter zone and is almost entirely confined to two veins, each 8 inches to 10 inches wide, separated by 1.5 feet of shale which here and there is penetrated by ramifying quartz stringers. One of the 8 to 10-inch veins consists chiefly of coarsely crystalline calcite, whereas the other is almost entirely colourless and pale amethystine quartz. The south vein has an average width of 12 inches and contains little brecciated country rock. It trends south 63 degrees east and dips vertically. The vein material is predominately coarsely crystalline calcite. The gangue minerals that are common to both veins, in addition to those mentioned, are rose quartz and green fluorite. Metallic minerals make up between 2 and 3 per cent of the vein material. They include light-coloured and black sphalerite, galena, pyrite, marcasite, and leaf argentite (Tanton, 1931). In 1936, ore from the new shaft was shipped to the Temiskaming Testing Laboratories at Cobalt. A total of 5060 pounds of ore was shipped, yielding 2200 oz Ag (Sinclair et al., 1937).

Mineral Record Details

1 Vein
Rank Characteristic            
1 Vein


Part - Mines of Ontario in 1936

Publication Number: ARV46-01.003 Page: 234-235  Date: 1997

Author: Sinclair D.G., Tower W.O., Bayne A.S., Cooper D.F., Weir E.B., Webster A.R.

Publisher Name: Ontario Dept. of Mines


Publication - Fort William and Port Arthur, and Thunder Cape Map-area, Thunder Bay District, Ontario; Geological Survey of Canada, Memoir 167

Publication Number: GSC Memoir 167 Page: 138-139  Date: 1931

Author: Tanton, T.L.

Publisher Name: Geological Survey of Canada

Location: https://doi.org/10.4095/100799

Mono - Silver cobalt calcite vein deposits of Ontario

Publication Number: MDC010 Page: 78  Date: 1968

Author: Sergiades A.O.

Publisher Name: Ontario Dept. of Mines


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Ministry Contact Information

For detailed information regarding this mineral record please contact the Thunder Bay South Resident Geologist District Office