Ontario Mineral Inventory

Ontario Geological Survey
Permanent Link to this Record: MDI52F10NW00116

Record: MDI52F10NW00116


Mineral Record Identification
Record Name(s) Nabish Lake - 1956, Johnston-Jeness - 1987
Related Record Type Simple
Related Record(s)
Record Status Occurrence
Date Created 1987-Apr-10
Date Last Modified 2022-Nov-04
Created By
Revised By


Primary Commodities: Nickel, Copper

Secondary Commodities: Platinum, Palladium


Township or Area: Contact Bay Area

Latitude: 49° 39' 11.73"    Longitude: -92° 55' 46.59"

UTM Zone: 15    Easting: 505081   Northing: 5500082    UTM Datum: NAD83

Resident Geologist District: Kenora

NTS Grid: 52F10NW

Point Location Description: Location of DDH 1 from AFRI 52F10NW0093

Location Method: Conversion from MDI

Access Description: The property is located about 10 miles southwest of Dryden and about 1.5 miles east of the south tip of Nabish Lake. (O.D.M. 1969, MRC 12, p.165)

Exploration History

1956: Discovered by W.A. Johnston and optioned to Preston East Dome Mines, Limited. Four d.d. holes totalling 959 feet (292.3 m) (dd #1 - claim 26922) drilled by Preston East Dome Mines. 1960: EM survey by Preston East Dome Mines Ltd. 1967: Agena Mining Company Ltd. conducted a ground EM geophysical survey. 2001: Atikwa Minerals Ltd. optioned the property and conducted geological mapping and sampling. 2009: SEDEX Mining Corp. conducted prospecting, soil sampling, and a VTEM survey.

Assessment Work on File

Assessment Work on File
Office File Number Online Assessment File Identifier Online Assessment File Directory
10 52F10NW0093 52F10NW0093
63.2085 52F10NW0081 52F10NW0081
2.21725 52F10NW2002 52F10NW2002
2.41350 20000004126 20000004126


Province: Superior

Subprovince: Wabigoon

Geological Age: Archean  

Geology Comments

Nov 23, 2017 (Therese Pettigrew) - The showing is in a portion of the Nabish Lake Mafic Intrusive, one of several layered mafic intrusions (ca. 2732 Ma) lying along the periphery- of the Atikwa Batholith (ca. 2730 Ma). The Nabish Lake Intrusive is oriented north-south in long dimension, with a mushroom-shaped "cap" on the north, indicating the possibility of folding. The showing is located in this northern portion of the intrusive (AFRI 52F10NW2002).


Lithology Data
Rock Type Rank Composition Texture Relationship
Gabbro 1 Gabbro Host
Granite 2 Adjacent

Lithology Comments

Mar 25, 2010 (J Bongfelt) - Sulphides are related to sharing in altered Early Precambrian gabbro, close to a gabbro-granite contact. (O.D.M. 1969, MRC 12, p.165)

Nov 23, 2017 (Therese Pettigrew) - The mafic intrusive rocks consist of a sequence of massive to crudely layered mafic to ultramafic rocks underlie the claim, consisting of >1-2 m thick layers of quartz gabbro, gabbronorite, hornblende gabbro, anorthositic gabbro, and pyroxenite. Layering is generally not distinct: only locally can faint, discontinuous compositional layering on the order of centimeters be discerned. Where visible, strike of the layering is approximately 330° and dips are steep. There appears to be an east-to-west fractionation trend, from pyroxenite-gabbro-dominated couplets on the east to gabbro-anorthositic gabbro couplets on the west. Deformation is indicated by intrafolial folds of the layering; however, the details of this folding is unknown at this time. Dioritic to granodioritic rocks (of the Atikwa Batholith) form the eastern boundary of the mafic intrusive (AFRI 52F10NW2002).


Mineralization and Alteration
Rank Mineral Name Class Economic Mineral Type Alteration Mineral Type Alteration Ranking Alteration Intensity Alteration Style

Mineralization Comments

Mar 25, 2010 (J Bongfelt) - Two pits, 30 feet apart have exposed widths of 9 and 12 feet. A grab sample assayed 1.5% Cu and 0.3% Ni. (MNR - MDI Record re Kenora Historical File 52F10NW00116, Nabish Lake)

Nov 23, 2017 (Therese Pettigrew) - Mineralization encountered is primarily disseminated sulfides, dominated by pyrite, but including lesser chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite. Sulfide concentrations are typically less than 1%, but locally attain 2-3%. Local zones of higher sulfide concentrations have been exposed in old pits, and consist of well-mineralized gabbros. Sulfides comprise up to 5-10% of the rock at these sites, and these mineralized zones range from <1 m to 3-5 m. Samples from the 2001 program showed weakly anomalous PGE concentrations at samples 627915, 627934, and 627936, with 116 ppb Pt+Pd, 121 Pt+Pd. and 74 ppb Pt+Pd, respectively. The highest nickel assays returned were 1100-1250 ppm Ni. The highest Cu assays returned were up to 3740 ppm Cu (0.374% Cu) (AFRI 52F10NW2002).

Mineral Record Details


File - Resident Geologist files 5210NW, V-2 Nabish Lake Property

Publication Number: Date:


Publisher Name:

Location: Kenora RGP office

Mono - Copper, nickel, lead and zinc deposits in Ontario (revised to February, 1957)

Publication Number: MDC002 Page: 20  Date: 1957

Author: Thomson J.E., Ferguson S.A., Johnston W.G.Q., Pye E.G., Savage W.S., Thomson R.

Publisher Name: Ontario Dept. of Mines


Mono - Copper, nickel, lead and zinc deposits of Ontario

Publication Number: MDC012 Page: 165  Date: 1969

Author: Shklanka R.

Publisher Name: Ontario Dept. of Mines


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For detailed information regarding this mineral record please contact the Kenora Resident Geologist District Office