Ontario Mineral Inventory

Ontario Geological Survey
Permanent Link to this Record: MDI52K13NW00011

Record: MDI52K13NW00011


Mineral Record Identification
Record Name(s) Starratt-Olsen Mine - 1984, Starratt Showing - 1984, Hasaga No. 2 Property - 1940
Related Record Type Compound
Related Record(s)
Record Status Past Producing Mine With Reserves or Resources
Date Created 1984-Apr-18
Date Last Modified 2022-Sep-27
Created By
Revised By


Primary Commodities: Gold

Secondary Commodities: Silver


Township or Area: Baird

Latitude: 50° 57' 3"    Longitude: -93° 56' .16"

UTM Zone: 15    Easting: 434436.583   Northing: 5644772.005    UTM Datum: NAD83

Resident Geologist District: Red Lake

NTS Grid: 52K13NW

Point Location Description: Shaft Symbol 0.3 KM WNW of Starratt Townsite

Location Method: Data Compilation

Access Description: Mine and townsite is at the end of Highway 618.

Exploration History

1934: D. Olsen trenched. 1936-37: Val D'Or Minerals holdings optioned and did trenching, 3251.6 m of drilling, a 21.7m shaft was sunk with 5.2 m of crosscutting on the 9.8 m level. 1938: Faulkenham Lake Gold Mine Ltd. optioned and did 364.2 m of surface drilling, 45.75 m of underground drilling, No. 1 shaft sunk to 67.1 m with level at 53.4 m. 1939-44: Hasaga Gold Mines drilled 40 underground holes (701.5 m) and 21 surface holes (3965.0 m), No. 1 shaft deepened to 94.55 m with level at 91.5 m, 293.1 m of drifting and 87.5 m of crosscutting. 1945-56: Starratt-Olsen Gold Mines Ltd. was incorporated and performed minor surface drilling, 1800 underground drill holes totalling about 66,490 m, No. 1 shaft deepened to 649.3 m, 11285 m of drifting, 289.75 m of crosscutting, mill capacity of 500 tpd. 1957: Company name changed to Starratt Nickel Mines Ltd. 1981-1982: Noranda optioned property, performed geophysical and geological surveys and diamond drilling.


Province: Superior

Subprovince: Uchi

Terrane: North Caribou

Domain: Uchi

Belt: Red Lake

Geological Age: Archean  

Metamorphism Grade: Amphibolite

Geology Comments

Dec 07, 2005 (K R Kettles) - The rocks in the area of the Starratt-Olsen - Madsen Mines can be grouped into two sequences: a lower tholeiitic to komatiitic sequence and an upper calc-alkalic sequence. The tholeiitic-komatiitic sequence contains two parts as well: a lower part composed of tholeiitic pillowed basalt, which contains the Austin Shear Zone, the host for the gold deposits; and an upper part of tholeiitic-komatiitic felsic to intermediate volcanics with minor interspersed mafic volcanics. Gabbro sills and dikes are present throughout the tholeiitic-komatiitic sequence. The calc-alkalic sequence is composed of rhyolitic flows, tuffs, and breccias. The rocks vary in strike across the area. Near the Starratt-Olsen Mine the strike of the rocks is 055 to 060 deg and the dip 70 deg to the southeast. Foliation generally strikes 45 to 60 deg and dips 70 deg southeast. The rocks are metamorphosed to amphibolite facies, and are deformed by the shearing. The Ore zones at the Starratt-Olsen Mine are situated at the southwest end of the Austin Shear Zone, and are very similar to those at the Madsen Mine ( which are comprised of several en echelon orebodies consisting of lenses of sheared sulphide-bearing metavolcanic flows. Ore zones are parallel to the bedding and oblique to foliation. Individual ore bodies within ore zones are oblique to bedding and parallel to foliation.).


Lithology Data
Rock Type Rank Composition Texture Relationship
Felsic Tuff 1 Tuff Adjacent
Granodiorite 2 Adjacent
Mafic lava flow-unsubdivided 3 Tholeiitic Deformed Host

Lithology Comments

Dec 07, 2005 (K R Kettles) - The host rocks for the Starrat-Olsen ore zones are altered and deformed tholeiitic pillowed mafic metavolcanics. These rocks contain the Austin Shear zone which hosts the gold deposits in the area. They are overlain by tholeiitic felsic to intermediate volcanic rocks previously thought to be part of the upper calc-alkalic sequence. The tholeiitic -komatiitic mafic volcanics are cut by gabbro sills and dikes. In the vicinity of the Madsen mine, the metavolcanics have been depleted in Na2O, MgO, and CaO and enriched in SiO2, K2O, Sb, Li, B, Ba, Ag, S, Zn, Cu, Hg, and Au.


Mineralization and Alteration
Rank Mineral Name Class Economic Mineral Type Alteration Mineral Type Alteration Ranking Alteration Intensity Alteration Style

Mineralization Comments

Dec 07, 2005 (K R Kettles) - Ore zones at the Starratt-Olsen Mine are at the SW end of the Austin Shear Zone. The ore zones are very similar to those at the Madsen Mine which have been described as the following: the Ore zones at the Madsen Mine comprise several en echelon orebodies consisting of lenses of sheared sulphide-bearing metavolcanic flows. Ore zones are parallel to the bedding and oblique to foliation. Individual ore bodies within ore zones are oblique to bedding and parallel to foliation. The ore zones contain variable amounts of pyrite, pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, magnetite, and gold. Scheelite and molybdenite are rare. Finely disseminated pyrite is the most abundant sulphide mineral (Horwood 1940). Most of the gold occurs in the native state as minute inclusions in silicate minerals. Average grade of ore that was produced at the Starrat-Olsen Mine was 0.180 opt Au and 0.03 opt Ag.

Alteration Comments

Dec 07, 2005 (K R Kettles) - A depletion of Na2O, CaO, and MgO in the ore zones is indicated by the presence of andalusite, cordierite, staurolite, almandine garnet, biotite, and muscovite. Potassic metasomatism is indicated mineralogically by the presence of abundant biotite and muscovite (Durocher, 1983). The alteration affects the pillowed mafic metavolcanic flows.

Mineral Record Details

Mineral Zones - Size and Shape

Rank: 1       Structure Type: Shear

Zone Name: Detour Lake - Rank 1
Shape Length Thickness Depth Strike Dip Plunge Trend Age Reference
Unknown 50

Site Visit Information

Date: Nov 29, 1996

Geologist: K R Kettles

Notes: N/A

Reserves or Resources Data
Zone Year Category Tonnes Reference Comments Commodities
Starratt-Olsen Mine 1973 Unclassified 13600 OFR 6180, Table 14 (Northern Miner, July 26, 1973) CANADIAN MINES HANDBOOK 1969-1970 P.337 Grade: 15.4 g/t Au; ( Estimate Reserve of 15 000 tons averaging 0.45 opt Au) Gold 15.43 NA
Production Data
Year Tonnes Commodities Reference Comment
1956 823550 Silver 853230
Gold 5100650
MDI, OFR 5558, p 8 1948-56; Grade: 6.17 g/t Au and 1/03 g/t Ag (907 813 tons of 0.180 opt Au and 0.030 opt Ag)


File - Resident Geologist files AF RL 1940 Baird #18

Publication Number: AF Baird18 Date: 1940


Publisher Name:

Location: Red Lake RGP

Map - Baird Township, eastern part, Kenora District

Publication Number: M2072 Scale: 1:12,000    Date: 1997

Author: Ferguson S.A.

Publisher Name: Ontario Dept. of Mines


File - Resident Geologist files AF RL 1946-69 Baird #43

Publication Number: AF BAIRD43 Date: 1946


Publisher Name:

Location: Red Lake RGP

File - Resident Geologist files AF RL 1963 Baird #21

Publication Number: AF BAIRD21 Date: 1963


Publisher Name:

Location: Red Lake RGP

Book - Canadian Mines Handbook 1969-70

Publication Number: CMH 1969-70 Page: 337  Date: 1970


Publisher Name:

Location: Red Lake RGP

Part - Geology and mineral deposits of the Red Lake area

Publication Number: ARV49-02 Page: 133-138  Date: 1998

Author: Horwood H.C.

Publisher Name: Ontario Dept. of Mines


MonoMap - Geology of the eastern part of Baird Township, District of Kenora

Publication Number: R039 Page: 35-42  Date: 1997

Author: Ferguson S.A.

Publisher Name: Ontario Dept. of Mines


Mono - Gold deposits of Ontario, part 1, districts of Algoma, Cochrane, Kenora, Rainy River, and Thunder Bay

Publication Number: MDC013 Page: 190-191  Date: 1971

Author: Ferguson S.A., Groen H.A., Haynes R.

Publisher Name: Ontario Dept. of Mines and Northern Affairs


Article - The nature of hydrothermal alteration associated with the Madsen and Starratt-Olsen gold deposits, Red Lake area

Publication Number: MP110.010 Page: 123-140  Date: 1997

Author: Durocher M.E.

Publisher Name: Ontario Geological Survey


Compend - Summary of field work, 1983

Publication Number: MP116 Page: 216-219  Date: 1983

Author: Wood J., White O.L., Barlow R.B., Colvine A.C.

Publisher Name: Ontario Geological Survey


Mono - Gold occurrences, prospects, and deposits of the Red Lake area, volumes 1 and 2

Publication Number: OFR5558 Page: 6-8  Date: 1987

Author: Durocher M.E., Burchell P.S., Andrews A.J.

Publisher Name: Ontario Geological Survey


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