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Ontario Geological Survey

Red Lake District Theses Collection

District Theses
ID Author Title Year Institution Degree Scale Comments Availability URL
RL001 Adams, Glendenning Wallace Precious Metal Veins of the Berens River Mines, Northwestern Ontario 1976 University of Western Ontario M.Sc. Property Hard Copy
RL002 Allen, John Sleeman Carbonatization at Red Lake, Ontario 1939 University of Toronto M.Sc. Stratigraphic Hard Copy
RL003 Asbury, Brian Clarke Sulfide and Wall Rock Deformation at the South Bay Mine, Northwestern Ontario 1975 University of Toronto M.Sc. Property Hard Copy
RL004 Aziz, Michael Lorne Alkali Feldspar Megacrysts of the Little Shabumeni Lake Batholith, Northwestern Ontario 1987 University of Western Ontario B.Sc. Regional Hard Copy
RL005 Baker, Donald F. The Geology of the Hill-Sloan-Tivy Quartz Horizon, District of Kenora, Patricia Porton 1975 University of Waterloo B.Sc. Regional Hard Copy
RL006 Barclay, James Elliott Archean Variolitic Lavas from the Birch Uchi Greenstone Belt, Ontario 1976 Carleton University B.Sc. Regional Hard Copy
RL008 Barron, Keith M. The Petrological and Metallogenic Significance of the Alkaline Centre at the Springpole Gold Prospect, Northwestern Ontario 1996 University of Western Ontario Ph.D. Property Hard Copy
RL007 Bartley, M. W. The Relationship of Lamprophyre to Gold Deposits, particularly those of Precambrian Age 1937 University of Toronto M.A. Stratigraphic Hard Copy
RL007 Bartley, M.W. The Relationship of Lamprophyre to Gold Deposits, particularly those of Precambrian Age 1937 University of Toronto M.A. Stratigraphic Hard Copy
RL009 Bateman, John Danvers Geology and Gold Deposits of Uchi-Slate Lakes Area, District of Kenora 1939 Faculty of Graduate School of Yale University Ph.D. Stratigraphic Hard Copy
RL010 Beatty, Carol Mesoscopic and Microscopic Structural Features Associated with a Brittle-Ductile Shear Zone, in the Dome Stock; Red Lake, Ontario 1984 Queen's University B.Sc. Property Hard Copy
RL011 Berezowsky, Miron A Study of the 2A Ore body at South Bay Mines, Northwestern Ontario N.A. B.Sc. Property Missing Acknowledgment Section Hard Copy
RL012 Berger, Paula Marie Structural Geology of Northern Dome and Southern McDonough Townships, Red Lake, Northwestern Ontario 1984 Queen's University M.Sc. Regional Hard Copy
RL014 Betournay, Marc C. The Stability of Shallow Stopes of Hard Rock Mines 1995 McGill University Ph.D. Stratigraphic Incomplete, Missing Chapter 3 to 12 and Appendices, Reference List is Attached. Hard Copy
RL013 Birnie, David J. Volcanic Stratigraphy of a Selected Map-Area in the Birch-Uchi Volcanic Belt, Northwestern Ontario 1972 Queen's University B.Sc. Regional Hard Copy
RL015 Blewett, Kenneth William Sydney Lake Gneiss and Sulphide Deposit Northwestern Ontario 1976 University of Manitoba M.Sc. Property Hard Copy
RL016 Borowik, Alexandra Structural Analysis in the footwall of Uchi-English River Subprovince Boundary, Red Lake Region 1998 University of Toronto M.Sc. Stratigraphic Hard Copy
RL017 Bowes-Lyon, Lea-Marie Petrography and Geochemistry of the Komatiites and Komatiitic Basalts of the Red Lake Greenstone Belt 2001 McGill University B.Sc. Stratigraphic Hard Copy, Digital Copy
RL018 Breaks, Frederick Williams Origin and Evolution of Peraluminous Granite and Rare-Element Pegmatite in the Dryden Area, Superior province of Northwestern Ontario 1989 Carlton University Ph.D. Stratigraphic Hard Copy
RL019 Bridge, Dane A. The Geology and Geochemistry of the Cassiterite as a Minor Constituent of Zinc-Cooper Massive Sulphide Deposit at South Bay Mines 1972 University of Manitoba M.Sc. Property Hard Copy
RL020 Browne, David J. Geology of the North Mine McKenzie Red Lake Gold Mine Dome Township 1961 University of Western Ontario B.Sc. Property Hard Copy
RL021 Buck, Peter Stanley A Caldera Sequence in the Early Precambrian, Favourable Lake Volcanic Complex 1978 University of Manitoba M.Sc. Regional Hard Copy
RL022 Burrows, David Robert Geology and Geochemistry of Molybdenite Mineralization within an Archean Granodiorite Intrusion, Mink Lake, Northwestern Ontario 1984 University of Toronto M.Sc. Stratigraphic Hard Copy
RL023 Butler, Roy Leslie The Geology of Madsen Red Lake Gold Mine 1955 University of Manitoba M.Sc. Property Hard Copy
RL024 Carter, Terry Robert Archean Sedimentary Rocks and Associated Mineralization in the North Spirit Lake Area, Northwestern Ontario 1976 University of Western Ontario B.Sc. Property Hard Copy
RL025 Chipera, Steve J. Metamorphism in the eastern Las Seul Region of the English River Subprovince 1985 University of North Dekota M.Sc. Stratigraphic Hard Copy
RL026 Christie, Brian The Bamaji Lake Uranium Thorium Occurrence 1979 University of Toronto B.Sc. Property Hard Copy
RL027 Christie, Brian James Alteration and Gold Mineralization Associated with a Sheeted Veinlet Zone at the Campbell Red Lake Mine - Volume 1 1986 Queen's University M.Sc. Property Hard Copy
RL028 Christie, Brian James Alteration and Gold Mineralization Associated with a Sheeted Veinlet Zone at the Campbell Red Lake Mine - Volume 2 1986 Queen's University M.Sc. Property Hard Copy
RL029 Cooper, Bryon Hydrothermal Alteration Associated with Gold Mineralization at the Horshow Island Granodiorite Intrusion, Ontario 1985 University of Waterloo B.Sc. Property Hard Copy
RL030 Corkery, M. Timothy A Study of the Geology of the Sulphide Ore Bodies at South Bay Mines, Northwestern Ontario 1977 University of Manitoba M.Sc. Property Hard Copy
RL031 Cornford, E.H.G. The Geology and Ore Deposits of the Howey Mine, Red Lake, Ontario 1940 Queen's University M.A. Property Poor Photocopy Hard Copy
RL032 Cortis, Anthony L. Geology, Provenance and Depositional Environment of the Keewaywin Formation, Sandy Lake Greenstone Belt, Northwestern Ontario 1991 University of Manitoba M.Sc. Stratigraphic Hard Copy
RL033 Cowan, Patricia The Gold Content of Interflow Metasedimentary Rocks in the Red Lake Area 1979 McMaster University M.Sc. Stratigraphic Hard Copy
RL034 Crews, Michael James Patterns of Total Strain in the Walls of two Greenstone Assemblage Boundaries Western Birch-Uchi Belt (Confederation Lake), Northwestern Ontario 1999 University of Toronto M.Sc. Stratigraphic Hard Copy
RL035 Cummings, W.W. Differentiation of a Basic Intrusive Plug, Martin McNeely Property, Dome, Township, Red Lake Mining District, Ontario 1949 Queen's University B.Sc. Property Hard Copy
RL036 Cunningham, Susan M. Petrology and Geochemist of some Archean Volcanics Dome Township, Central Red Lake area 1979 McMaster University B.A. Stratigraphic Hard Copy
RL037 Damer, G. Clark Metamorphism of Hydrothermal Alteration at the Red Lake Mine, Balmertown, Ontario 1997 Queen's University M.Sc. Property Hard Copy
RL038 Davenport, Peter Henry The Application of Geochemistry to Base-metal Exploration in the Birch-Uchi Lakes Volcano-Sedimentary Belt, Northwestern Ontario 1972 University of Kingston Ph.D. Stratigraphic Hard Copy
RL039 Desnoyers, D.W. Geology of the Northwestern Portion of Lac Seul (Northwestern Ontario) 1977 Carleton University B.Sc. Stratigraphic Minor Spelling Errors Hard Copy
RL040 Dumoulin, Kevin Petrology and Geochemistry of the Dickenson-Campbell Diorite, Red Lake 2015 Lakehead University B.Sc. Property Hard Copy
RL041 Dykes, Shaun Methuen A Study of a Quartz-Feldspar Porphyry body in the Birch-Uchi Lake Volcanic Belt, Northwestern Ontario 1976 Queen's University B.Sc. Property Poor Photocopy Hard Copy
RL042 Dykes, Shaun Methuen The Geochemical and Petrological Study of the South Bay Mine Company 1979 Queen's University M.Sc. Property Hard Copy
RL043 Falls, Robert Meredith A Breccia in Metavolcanic Rocks of the Uchi Lake Area, District of Kenora, Northwestern Ontario 1974 Carleton University B.Sc. Property Hard Copy
RL044 Forsythe, Lee H. Trends of the Anorthite and Triclinicity Variations in the Archean Dome Stock Granite 1966 University of Saskatchewan M.A. Regional Hard Copy
RL045 Fraser, Ryan The Lithological Units, Structural Elements and Interpretation of Exit Bay Narrows, Birch Lake Region of the Birch-Uchi Greenstone Belt, Northwestern Ontario 1998 Queen's University B.Sc. Property Hard Copy
RL046 Fyon, John Andrew Seawater Alteration of Early Precambrian (Archean) Volcanic Rock and Exploration Criteria for Stratiform Gold Deposits, Porcupine Camp, Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Northeastern Ontario 1980 Queen's University M.Sc. Stratigraphic Hard Copy
RL047 Gillespie, Randall T. Petrology and Geochemistry of an Archean Migmatite Terrain, Favourable Lake Area, Northwest Ontario 1979 McMaster University B.Sc. Regional Hard Copy
RL049 Gross, W.H. An Investigation of the Control of Gold Mineralization in Northwestern Ontario 1950 University of Toronto Ph.D. Stratigraphic Poor Photocopy Hard Copy
RL048 Gross, W.H. Structure and Tectonic History of the Red Lake Area 1947 University of Toronto M.A. Stratigraphic Poor Photocopy Hard Copy
RL050 Henderson, Avery Geochemistry and Petrography of the Shrimp Lake Intrusion in the North Spirit Lake Greenstone Belt, Northwestern Ontario, Canada 2008 Lakehead University B.Sc. Property Hard Copy
RL051 Henke, Kevin R. Archean Metamorphism in Northwestern Ontario and Southeastern Manitoba 1984 University of North Dakota M.Sc. Stratigraphic Hard Copy
RL052 Hillary, Elizabeth M. Metamorphosed Trondhjemitic Basement beneath the Archean Favourable Lake Volcanic Complex, Northwestern Ontario 1980 University of Manitoba M.Sc. Regional Hard Copy
RL053 Hoffman, Eric Lawrence The Platinum Group Element and Gold Content of some Nickel Sulphide Ores 1978 University of Toronto Ph.D. Regional Hard Copy
RL054 Hollings, Peter Nigel Geochemistry of the Uchi Subprovince, Northern Superior Province: An Evaluation of the Geodynamic Evolution of the Northern Margin of the Superior Province Ocean Basin 1998 University of Saskatchewan Ph.D. Stratigraphic Hard Copy
RL055 Hopson, Richard Neil Alteration and Mineralization in the '04' ore Zone, Cochenour-Willans Mine, Red Lake District, Ontario 1994 University of Western Ontario M.Sc. Property Hard Copy
RL057 Johnson, G.A.C. Rock Alteration and Metamorphism at Cochenour Willans Gold Mine, Red Lake 1948 University of Manitoba M.Sc. Property Poor Photocopy Hard Copy
RL056 Jones, Robert D. Metamorphism Across the English River Gneissic Belt, Along the Red Lake Road 1973 University of Manitoba M.Sc. Stratigraphic Hard Copy
RL058 Ketchum, John William Ferguson Structural and Economic Geology of the Canmar Gold Property and Surrounding Area Birch Lake, Northwestern Ontario 1987 Queen's University B.Sc. Property Hard Copy
RL059 Kita, John Henry Geology and Genesis of the East Shore of Hoyles Bay Bateman and McDonough Townships Red Lake Area, Ontario 1978 University of Toronto B.Sc. Regional Hard Copy
RL060 Koschal, Gerard Petrology of the Wall Rock Alteration of the Uchi Orebody, Confederation Lake, Ontario, Canada 1973 Kent State University B.Sc. Property Hard Copy
RL061 Kuryliw, Chester J. The Geology of the Trout Bay Nickel Deposits, Red Lake District, Northwestern Ontario 1963 University of Manitoba B.Sc. Property Hard Copy
RL062 Kusmirski, Richard Taddeusz Michael Metallogeny of the "East South C" Ore Zone in the Dickenson Mine, Red Lake, Ontario; Evidence for Syngenetic Gold Deposition 1981 McMaster University M.Sc. Property Hard Copy
RL064 LaKind, Judy Sue Geochemical Study of Gold-Quartz Veins, Red Lake Gold Camp 1984 University of Wisconsin-Madison M.Sc. Stratigraphic Hard Copy
RL063 Lakind, Judy Sue Geology and Origin of Copper-Nickel Sulphide Deposits of the Bird River Area of Manitoba 1973 University of Manitoba Ph.D. Regional Hard Copy
RL065 Lalor, J. Geology and Volcanism (Archean) in the Woman Lake Area (Northwest Ontario) 1969 University of Manitoba M.Sc. Regional Hard Copy
RL066 Lange, Michael Geologie und Petrographie der Frame Lake- Intrusion in der Berens River-Subprovinz, Nordwest-Ontario, Kanada 1993 Westfalishcen Wilhelms-Universitat Property In German Only Hard Copy
RL068 Lavigne, Maurice Jean Jr. Geological, Geochemical and Sulfur Isotopic Investigations of Gold Mineralization and Sulfide Facies Banded Iron Formation at the Dickenson and Campbell Red Lake Mines, Red Lake, Ontario 1983 McMaster University M.Sc. Regional Hard Copy
RL067 Lavigne, Maurice Jean Jr. Relationship of Gold Mineralization with Hydrothermally Altered Granodiorite in Chester Township 1979 Brock University B.Sc. Regional Hard Copy
RL069 Leonard, Lloyd W. The Orientation and Shape of the 3-Dimensional Finite Strain Ellipsoid from Portions of the Birch-Uchi Archean Greenstone Belt N.W. Ontario Using Varioles as Strain Indicators 1978 Queen's University B.Sc. Stratigraphic Hard Copy
RL070 Lisle, Edward Thomas Geochemical, Geological and Geophysical Characteristics of the Area Surrounding the South Bay Deposit 1979 Queen's University M.Sc. Regional Hard Copy
RL071 Liu, Yongxing Fluid Dynamics and Fluid-Structural Relationships in the Red Lake Mine Trend, Red Lake Greenstone Belt, Ontario 2010 University of Regina M.Sc. Regional Hard Copy
RL072 Mader, Marianne Lithology, Metamorphism, and Structural Geology of Slate Bay, Red Lake, Ontario 2000 University of New Brunswick B.Sc. Property Hard Copy
RL073 Makepeace, David Kent The Geology of the Aerofoil Lake Pluton, Northwestern Ontario 1979 Queen's University B.Sc. Regional Hard Copy
RL074 Maniw, J.G. A Comparative Study of the Chemical Analyses of Granites and Gneisses of the Red Lake Area 1965 University of Toronto B.Sc. Stratigraphic Hard Copy
RL075 Mather, William B. The Geology and Paragenesis of the Gold Ores of the Howey Mine 1936 University of Chicago Ph.D. Property Poor Photocopy Hard Copy
RL076 Mathieson, Neil Alexander The Geology and Mineralization in the Area of the East South 'C' Ore Zone, Dickenson Mine, Red Lake, Northwestern Ontario 1982 Queen's University M.Sc. Property Hard Copy
RL077 Maxwell, Brian A. A Crustal Seismic Survey in the Red Lake - Ear Falls Area Using Quarry Blasts as the Source 1986 University of Manitoba M.Sc. Stratigraphic Hard Copy
RL078 McAuley, Tom Archean Marble in the Birch-Uchi Belt 1973 University of Toronto B.Sc. Regional Hard Copy
RL079 McConnell, John Wilson Geochemical Dispersion in Wallrocks of Archean Massive Sulphide Deposits 1976 Queen's University M.Sc. Stratigraphic Hard Copy
RL080 McGill, W.J. Geology and Ore Deposits of the Gold Eagle Mine, Red Lake, Ontario 1939 Queen's University M.Sc. Property Poor Photocopy Hard Copy
RL081 McMaster, Dawn A Preliminary 40Ar/39Ar Study of the Thermal History and Age of Gold in the Red Lake Greenstone Belt 1987 University of Toronto M.Sc. Stratigraphic Hard Copy
RL082 Metsaranta, Riku Preliminary Results of Geological Sampling from the Mesoarchean Balmer Assemblage, Birch-Uchi Greenstone Belt 2003 Lakehead University B.Sc. Regional Errors with some of the charts and graphs Hard Copy and Digital Copy
RL083 Moore, Robert I. A Northwestern Ontario Exploration Target 1974 Queen's University B.Sc. Property Hard Copy
RL084 Morin, James A, Petrology of the Clotty Granite, Perrault Falls 1970 University of Manitoba M.Sc. Regional Hard Copy
RL085 Moslehi, Hamid Analysis of Pebble Shape Fabrics in the Central Western Part of the Confederation Lake Greenstone Belt, Red Lake Region, NW Ontario 2000 University of Toronto M.Sc. Stratigraphic Hard Copy
RL086 Muir, T.L. Petrographic Study of The Hammell Lake Anorthositic Gabbro Complex 1972 Queen's University B.Sc. Property Hard Copy
RL087 Noble, Stephen Russell Geology, Geochemistry and Isotope Geology of the Trout Lake Batholith and the Uchi-Confederation Lakes Greenstone Belt, Northwestern Ontario 1989 University of Toronto Ph.D. Stratigraphic Hard Copy
RL088 Osmani, Ikramuddin Ahmad Component Magnetization of the Iron Formation and Deposits at the Griffith Mine Near Red Lake, Ontario 1982 University of Windsor M.Sc. Property Hard Copy
RL089 Panagapko, Douglas Allan The Geology, Petrology and Chemistry of the Conifer Lake Igneous Complex District of Kenora, Ontario 1976 Carleton University B.Sc. Property Hard Copy
RL090 Penczak, Robert Steven The Geological Context of Alteration and Gold Mineralization at the Campbell Mine, Red Lake District, Ontario 1996 Queen's University M.Sc. Property Hard Copy
RL091 Pettigrew, Neil Structural and Alteration History of the Buffalo Gold Deposit, Red Lake, Ontario 1999 University of New Brunswick B.Sc. Property Hard Copy
RL092 Raudsepp, Mati Petrology and Emplacement of a Differentiated Subvolcanic Mafic Still complex in the Early Precambrian Favourable Lake Volcanic Complex, Northwestern Ontario 1978 University of Manitoba M.Sc. Property Hard Copy
RL093 Rigg, David Michael Relations between Structure and Gold Mineralization in Campbell Red Lake and Dickenson Mines, Red Lake District, Ontario 1980 Queen's University M.Sc. Regional Hard Copy
RL094 Rodzinyak, Kristyn J. An Astrobiological Exploration of Mass Dependent and Mass Independent Sulfur Isotope Fractionation: Unexpectedly Large Isotope Fractionation During Sulfide Oxidation Lithologic and Geologic Test of the Mesoarchean S-MIF Minimum 2012 McGill University M.Sc. Stratigraphic Hard Copy
RL095 Runnals, R.J. Gravity Modeling Red Lake Region, Northwestern Ontario 1978 University of Toronto M.Sc. Stratigraphic Hard Copy
RL096 Sanborn, Mary The Role of Brittle-Ductile Shear in the Formation of Gold-Bearing Quartz-Carbonate Veins in the West Carbonate Zone of the Cochenour Willans Gold Mine, Red Lake, Ontario 1987 University of Toronto M.Sc. Property Hard Copy
RL097 Savoroy, Susan E. A Welded Ash Flow Deposit at Women Lake, Ontario 1976 University of Western Ontario B.Sc. Regional Hard Copy
RL098 Saxby, Richard Petrology, Alteration and Sulphides of the Dizie Prospect 1977 Queen's University B.Sc. Property Hard Copy
RL099 Schlemm, L.G.W. Geology of the Lake Rowan Property 1939 McGill University M.Sc. Property Hard Copy
RL100 Schweinberger, Michael Structure of the Wabigoon-Winnipeg River Subprovince Boundary on the Kenora Area, Canada 2002 University of Toronto M.Sc. Stratigraphic Hard Copy
RL101 Seccombe, Philip Jenneth Sulphur Isotope and Trace Element Geochemistry of Sulphide Mineralization in the Birch-Uchi Greenstone Belt, Northwestern Ontario 1973 University of Manitoba Ph.D. Property Photocopy of Microfiche Negative Hard Copy
RL102 Sopuck, Vladimir Joseph Structural Geology in the Birch Lake Uchi Lake Metavolcanic Metasedimentary Belt, Mitchell Township, Ontario 1971 University of Manitoba M.Sc. Stratigraphic Hard Copy
RL103 Sopuck, Vladmir Joseph A Lithogeochemical Approach in the Search for Areas of Felsic Volcanic Rocks Associated with Mineralization in the Canadian Shield 1977 Queen's University Ph.D. Stratigraphic Hard Copy
RL104 Stix, John Physical and Chemical Fractionation Process in Subaerial and Subaqueous Pyroclastic Rocks- Part 1-2 1989 University of Toronto Ph.D. Stratigraphic Hard Copy
RL105 Stone, Denver The Sydney Lake Fault Zone in Ontario and Manitoba, Canada 1981 University of Toronto Ph.D. Stratigraphic Hard Copy
RL106 Sutherland, Karen S. The Geology of the 1958 W.DR. Campbell Red Lake Mines Limited, Balmertown, Ontario 1980 Queen's University B.Sc. Property Missing Photomicrograph Plates Hard Copy
RL107 Tarnocai, Charles A. Gold Mineralization at the Campbell mine, Red Lake Greenstone Belt, Uchi Subprovince, Ontario 2000 University of Ottawa Ph.D. Property Hard Copy
RL108 Thompson, Edward G. Some Possible Guides to Ore in the Red Lake Camp 1960 University of Toronto M.Sc. Stratigraphic Hard Copy
RL109 Thorleifson, Leonard Harvey The Eastern Outlets of Lake Agassiz 1983 University of Manitoba M.Sc. Stratigraphic Hard Copy
RL110 Thurston, Phillips Cole The Volcanology and Trace Elements Geochemistry of Cyclical Volcanism in the Archean Confederation Lake Area, Northwestern Ontario 1980 University of Western Ontario Ph.D. Stratigraphic Hard Copy
RL111 Tomlinson, Kristy Y. The Geochemistry and Tectonic Setting of Early Precambrian Greenstone Belts, Northern Ontario, Canada 1996 University of Portsmouth Ph.D. Stratigraphic Hard Copy
RL112 Underwood, Art Exploration and Development in East Bay, Red Lake Mining Division, Ontario 1947 Stratigraphic Hard Copy
RL113 Vollrath, Jeanna Dianna A Geochemical Study of Four Precambrian Granites in Northwestern Ontario 1964 Carlton University M.Sc. Stratigraphic Poor Photocopy Hard Copy
RL114 Westerman, Christopher John Tectonic Evolution of a Part of the English River Sub province, Northwestern Ontario 1977 University of British Columbia Ph.D. Stratigraphic Hard Copy
RL115 Zagorevski, Alexandre Tectono-Metamorphic History of the Trout Bay Assemblage, Red Lake, Ontario 2001 University of Ottawa B.Sc. Regional Hard Copy
RL116 Zuberec, Philip M. A Petrographical and Geochemical Analysis of the Springpole Lake Sill, District of Kenora (Patricia Portion), Northwestern Ontario 1987 Brock University B.Sc. Regional Hard Copy

For further information contact the Red Lake District Resident Geologist Office

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