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Ontario Geological Survey

Southern Ontario District Theses Collection

District Theses
ID Author Title Year Institution Degree Scale Comments Availability URL
SO001 Alexander, S.A. Geological Significance of Deformed Metavolcanic, Metasedimentary, and Plutonic Rocks in the Composite Arc Belt, Southwest Grenville Province, near Actinolite, Ontario 2004 University of Toronto M.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO002 Allen, J.M. Silicate-Carbonate Equilibria in Calcareous Metasediments of the Tudor Township Area, Ontario: a Test of the P-T-XCO2-XH2O Model of Metamorphism 1976 Queen's University Ph.D. Regional Hardcopy
SO003 Allen, J.M. The Genesis of Precambrian Uranium Deposits in Eastern Canada and the Uraniferous Pegmatites at Mont Laurier, Quebec 1971 Queen's University M.Sc. Stratigraphic Hardcopy
SO004 Anderson, K.J. Structure and Metamorphism of the Lavant Long Lake Area, Grenville Province, Eastern Ontario 1988 Queen's University B.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO005 Anovitz, L.M. Pressure-Temperature-Time Constraints on the Metamorphism of the Grenville Province, ON 1987 University of Michigan Ph.D. Stratigraphic Hardcopy
SO006 Appleyard, E.C. Metasomatic or Magmatic Origin of Nepheline-bearing Gneisses at Wolfe, Lyndoch Township, Ontario 1959 Queen's University M.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO007 Archbold, N.L. Late Precambrian Diabase Dikes in Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec 1962 University of Michigan Ph.D. Stratigraphic Hardcopy
SO008 Atchison, D.W. Garnet Gneiss near Bancroft: the Paragenesis of a Precambrian Garnet Area 1937 Queen's University M.A. Property Hardcopy
SO009 Atkins, T.R. Petrography, Geochemistry and Geochronology of the Coe Hill Granite, Hastings County, Ontario 1983 McMaster University B.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO010 Ayer, J.A. The Mazinaw Lake Metavolcanic Complex, Grenville Province, Southeastern Ontario 1979 Carleton University M.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO011 Bain, I. The Geology of the Grenville Belt Through Actinolite, Ontario 1960 University of Toronto Ph.D. Regional Hardcopy
SO012 Barclay, W.A. Deformation Within the Perth Road Mylonite Zone, Frontenac Axis, Grenville Province, a Reappraisal 1985 Queen's University B.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO013 Bartlett, J.R. A Preliminary Study of Carbonatitic and Associated Rocks near Burnstown, Ontario 1980 Carleton University B.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO014 Bartlett, J.R. Stratigraphy, Physical Volcanology and Geochemistry of the Belmont Lake Metavolcanic Complex, Southeastern Ontario 1983 Carleton University M.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO015 Bedell, R.L. Jr. Madawaska Mines, Bancroft, Ontario: Deformation of the Faraday Metagabbro Complex and Its Influence on Uraniferous Pegmatite Emplacement and Ore Deposition 1985 University of Toronto M.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO016 Bishop, A.G. The Geology and Genesis of the Calabogie Iron Deposits, Renfrew County, Ontario 1977 Carleton University M.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO017 Blair, A.M. Surface Extraction of Non-Metallic Minerals in Ontario Southwest of Frontenac Axis 1965 University of Illinois Ph.D. Stratigraphic Hardcopy
SO018 Bogle, E.W. Factors Affecting Lake Sediment Geochemistry in the Southern Grenville 1980 Queen's University Ph.D. Stratigraphic Microfiche
SO019 Bonamigo, R.W. Evaluation of Strain in Some Naturally Deformed Metasediments from Madoc, Ontario 1982 University of Windsor B.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO020 Bourne, J.H. Petrogenesis of the Humite Group Minerals in Regionally Metamorphosed Marbles of the Grenville Supergroup 1974 Queen's University Ph.D. Stratigraphic Microfiche
SO021 Breaks, F.W. Origin of the Silent Lake Pluton and Its Quartz Sillimanite Nodules near Bancroft, Ontario 1971 McMaster University M.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO161 Brearton, H., Wynands, E., Elliott, K.N. and Marty, P. Zinc Exploration in the Grenville Province of South-Eastern Ontario 2018 Queen’s University Other Stratigraphic Hardcopy
SO022 Brigham, R.J. Structural Geology of Southwestern Ontario and Southeastern Michigan 1971 University of Western Ontario Ph.D. Stratigraphic Hardcopy
SO023 Burton, D.M. The Geology of the Cam Uranium Deposit, Cardiff Township, Ontario 1984 University of New Brunswick M.Sc. Property Hardcopy
SO024 Busch, J.P. Terrane Accretion and Orogenic Extension Along the Robertson Lake Shear Zone, Grenville Orogen, Canada 1996 University of Michigan Ph.D. Regional Hardcopy
SO025 Carlson, K. Marble Mylonites near Bancroft: Evidence For Crustal Extension in the Canadian Grenville and Extension in the Central Metasedimentary Belt of the 1988 University of Michigan M.Sc. Stratigraphic Hardcopy
SO026 Carter, T.R. Copper-Antimony-Gold-Silver Deposits of the Lavant-Darling Area, SE Ontario; Geology, Genesis and Metallogenetic Significance 1981 University of Toronto M.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO027 Casselman, A.E. A Petrological Study of the Type "Dungannonite" Corundum Locality, Egan Chute, York River Area, Bancroft 1988 Brock University B.Sc. Property Hardcopy
SO028 Cermignani, C. Metamorphic Reactions in the System Albite-Anorthite-Nepheline-Na2CO3-CaCO3-H2O with Applications to the Haliburton-Bancroft Alkaline Rocks 1979 University of Toronto Ph.D. Regional Hardcopy
SO029 Chappell, J.F. The Clare River Structure and its Tectonic Setting 1978 Carleton University Ph.D. Regional Hardcopy
SO030 Chayes, F. Geology of the Alkaline Intrusives in the Immediate Vicinity of Bancroft Hastings County, Ontario 1939 Columbia University M.A. Regional Hardcopy
SO031 Chesworth, W. The Origin of Certain Granitic Rocks Occurring in Glamorgan Township, Southeastern Ontario 1967 McMaster University Ph.D. Regional Hardcopy
SO032 Clark, S.J. Corundum in the Blue Mountain Nepheline Syenite Body 1982 Queen's University B.Sc. Property Hardcopy
SO033 Cochrane, D.R. A Copper Deposit near Denbigh, Ontario; a Study of the Petrology, Mineralogy, Structure, Hydrothermal Alteration, Geothermometry 1964 Queen's University M.Sc. Property Hardcopy
SO034 Connelly, J.N. The Emplacement History of the Elzevir Batholith Relative to the Regional Deformation of the Supracrustal Rocks in the Central Metasedimentary Belt, Grenville Province, Southeastern Ontario 1986 Queen's University M.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO035 Cooke, M.A. Petrography and Origin of Metasedimentary Clastic Rocks Overlying the Norway Lake Granite near Plevna, Ontario 1992 Queen's University B.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO036 Corriveau, L. Potassic Alkaline Plutonism in the SW Grenville Province 1989 McGill University Ph.D. Stratigraphic Hardcopy
SO037 Cosca, M.A. Cooling and Inferred Uplift/Erosion History of the Grenville Orogen, Ontario 1989 University of Michigan Ph.D. Stratigraphic Hardcopy
SO038 Crawley, W.D. Pleochroic Haloes, Their Genesis and Significances 1963 Carleton University Other Stratigraphic Not a Thesis Hardcopy
SO039 Creasy, D.E.J. Faults and Joint Sets in Prince Edward County: An Aerial Photograph Interpretation Approach 1976 Queen's University B.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO040 Crosby, C.A. Possible Stromatolites in the Grenville Province of Southeastern Ontario 1978 Carleton University B.Sc. Stratigraphic Hardcopy
SO041 Culshaw, N. Geology, Structure and Microfabric of Grenville Rocks in the Cardiff Area, Ontario 1983 University of Ottawa Ph.D. Stratigraphic Hardcopy
SO042 Cunningham-Dunlop, P.K. Geology of Economic Uraniferous Pegmatites in the Bancroft Area, Ontario 1967 Princeton University Ph.D. Stratigraphic Hardcopy
SO043 Currie, A.L. Analysis of Structure in a Part of the Clare River Synform, Ontario 1972 University of Toronto M.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO044 Dekemp, E.A. Geology of the Belmont Lake Meta-Carbonate Complex and the Development of the Thermal Aureole of the Cordova Metagabbro, NE Belmont Township 1984 Memorial University B.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO045 Dewitt, D.B. Applications of Sphalerite Barometry in Grenville Marbles 1976 University of Michigan M.Sc. Stratigraphic Hardcopy
SO046 Downey, M. Macro-structural Analysis of the Little Skootamatta Shear Zone, Mazinaw Domain, Composite Arc Belt, Southeastern Ontario 2002 University of Toronto B.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO047 Downing, B.W. Petrography, Deformation and Replacement of the Glanmorgan Gabbro Complex, Haliburton County, Ontario 1973 University of Toronto M.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO048 Duckworth, P.B. Paleocurrent Trends in the Latest Outwash at the Western End of the Oak Ridges Moraine, Ontario 1975 University of Toronto Ph.D. Stratigraphic Hardcopy
SO049 Dunn, S.R. Metamorphism and Stable Isotope Geochemistry of the Tudor Gabbro and Adjacent Marble, Ontario, Canada 1989 University of Wisconsin Ph.D. Regional Hardcopy
SO050 Easton, R.M. Theses on the Grenville Province in Ontario 1989 Ontario Geological Survey Other Stratigraphic A collection of many theses done on the Grenville province Hardcopy
SO051 Edward, B.G. A Treatise on the Graphite Project (Kirkham Graphite) 1953 Frobisher Limited Other Property Not A Thesis Hardcopy
SO052 Eichler, J. Geologie Und Entstehung Der Itabiritischen Reicherze Im "eisernen Viereck" Von Minas Gerais/brasilien 1968 Technische Universität Berlin Other Stratigraphic Hardcopy
SO053 Evans, N.J. Rare Earth Geochemistry of Lamprophyre Dykes from the Coldwell Alkaline Complex, NW Ontario 1984 Lakehead University B.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO054 Ewert, W.D. Metamorphism of Siliceous Carbonate Rocks in the Grenville Province of Southeastern Ontario (vol. Ii-maps) 1977 Carleton University Ph.D. Stratigraphic Hardcopy
SO055 Ferguson, D.W. The Port Cunnington Complex, Central Ontario 1979 University of Western Ontario B.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO056 Finn, G.C. Metamorphism and Petrology of the Pelitic Schist Member Within the Flinton Group in the Kaladar-ardoch Area of Ontario 1978 Queen's University B.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO057 Ford, K.L. Geology and Geophysics of Uraniferous Pegmatites, Black Creek Area, Palmerston Township, SE Ontario 1983 Carleton University M.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO058 Ford, K.L. Petrography, Geochemistry and Geophysics of a Uranium-Copper Occurrence, South March, Ontario 1975 Carleton University B.Sc. Property Hardcopy
SO059 Fowler, A.D. The Age, Origin and Rare-Earth Element Distributions of Grenville Province Uraniferous Granites and Pegmatites 1980 McGill University Ph.D. Stratigraphic Microfiche
SO060 Francoeur, D. Petrographic and Structural Evolution of Granites and Gneisses - Glamorgan and Monmouth Townships, Ontario 1975 University of Ottawa M.Sc. Regional Microfiche
SO061 Giblin, P.E. The Geology and Mineralogy of the Basin Property; Faraday Township 1955 University of Toronto M.Sc. Property Hardcopy
SO158 Giles, P.S. Stratigraphy, Petrology and Diagenesis of Beekmantown Carbonate Rocks in Eastern Ontario 1976 The University of Western Ontario Ph.D. Regional Hardcopy
SO062 Goodwin, J.R. Depositional and Diagenetic Aspects of Some Uraniferous Feldsarenites, Roberts Township, Ontario 1980 Laurentian University M.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO063 Gossiaux, B.M. The Structural Geology of Poly-deformed Low-Grade Metasediments in a Portion of Tudor Township, Southeastern Ontario 1986 University of Windsor M.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO064 Grabowski, G.P.B. The Geology and Geochemistry of the Atikokan Iron Mine 1975 Lakehead University B.Sc. Property Hardcopy
SO065 Graham, A.D. Mineralogy, Internal Structure and Genesis of Beryl Pegmatites, Renfrew, Ontario 1952 Queen's University M.A. Regional Hardcopy
SO066 Guillet, G.R. A Chemical and Inclusion Study of Nepheline Syenite For Petrogenetic Criteria (with Special Emphasis On the Blue Mountain Deposit 1962 University of Toronto M.A. Regional Hardcopy
SO067 Gunn, C.B. Provenance of Diamonds in the Glacial Drift of the Great Lakes Region, North America 1967 University of Western Ontario M.Sc. Stratigraphic Hardcopy
SO068 Hall, R.D. Metamorphism of Sulfide Schists, Limerick Township, Ontario (vol. One) 1980 University of Western Ontario Ph.D. Regional Hardcopy
SO069 Hanneson, J.E. The Horizontal Loop EM Response of a Thin Vertical Conductor in a Conductive Half-Space 1981 University of Manitoba Ph.D. Stratigraphic Hardcopy
SO070 Harnois, L. Geochemistry of the Ore Chimney Formation and Associated Metavolcanic Rocks and Gold Deposits in the Flinton-Harlowe Area, Grenville Province, Southeastern Ontario 1987 Carleton University Ph.D. Regional Hardcopy
SO071 Harris, M.J. A Study of the Mafic and Ultramafic Rocks in the Queensborough Area, Eastern Ontario 1994 University of Windsor M.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO159 Harris, M.J. Petrology, Geochemistry, and Field Studies on the Skootamatta Pluton in the Grenville Province, Eastern Ontario 1991 The University of Windsor B.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO072 Harrison, J.M. Certain Anorthosites in Southeastern Ontario and Their Geologic Relations 1943 Queen's University Ph.D. Stratigraphic Hardcopy
SO073 Heaman, L.M. A Geochemical and Isotopic Study of Plutonic and High Grade Metamorphic Rocks from the Chandos Township Area, Grenville Province, Ontario 1985 McMaster University Ph.D. Regional Hardcopy
SO074 Heidecker, E. The Tectonic Significance of Structures in Some Grenville Rocks 1963 Queen's University Ph.D. Stratigraphic Microfiche
SO075 Hon, Victor A Study of Some Post-Cambrian Dike Rocks in Southeastern Ontario 1970 Carleton University B.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO076 Hounslow, A.W. Chemical Petrology of Some Grenville Schists near Fenlight, Ontario 1965 University of Ottawa M.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO077 Hulme, N.J. Petrology of a Section of Subaerial Basalts, Southeast of Belmont Lake, Ontario 1982 Carleton University B.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO078 Hunter, D. The Structure and Petrography of a Grenvillian Ultramafic Body 1973 Carleton University B.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO079 Irwin, D.A. The Long Lake Zinc Mine and the Ore Chimney Gold Mine, SE Ontario: a Geophysical Exploration Guideline 1992 Carleton University M.Sc. Property Hardcopy
SO080 Javor, B.J. Ecology, Physiology and Carbonate Chemistry of Blue-Green Algal Mats, Laguna Guerrero Negro, Mexico 1979 University of Oregon Ph.D. Regional Hardcopy
SO081 Jwad, Nadum Evaluation of Amphibole Relationships in the Metagabbros of the Madoc-Bancroft Area, Southeastern Ontario 1992 University of Windsor M.Sc. Stratigraphic Hardcopy
SO082 Karboski, F.A. Structure and Stratigraphy of the Norcan Lake Area, Grenville Province, SE Ontario 1980 Carleton University M.Sc. Stratigraphic Hardcopy
SO083 Karvinen, W.O. Metamorphogenic Molybdenite Deposits in the Grenville Province 1973 Queen's University Ph.D. Stratigraphic Hardcopy
SO084 Keith, M.L. Petrology of the Alkaline Intrusive at Blue Mountain, Ontario 1939 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Ph.D. Regional Hardcopy
SO085 Kelly, T.M. Geology of Number 4 Ridge of the Blue Mountain Nepheline Syenite, Methuen Township 1981 Queen's University B.Sc. Property Hardcopy
SO086 Kerans, C. Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of the Dismal Lakes Group, Proterozoic, NWT 1982 Carleton University Ph.D. Regional Hardcopy
SO087 Kinsman, E.A. Geochronology of Detrital Zircons from Quartzites in the Elzevir and Frontenac Terranes, Central Metasedimentary Belt, Grenville Province 1990 Carleton University B.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO088 Koskitalo, L.D. Geochemical Orientation Survey and Soil Sampling, Long Lake Zinc Deposit Area 1975 Queen's University Other Property Not A Thesis Hardcopy
SO089 Kretschmar, U. Report On the Marmora Wollastonite Property 1986 Unknown Other Property Not A Thesis Hardcopy
SO090 Kuehnbaum R.M. Petrology of the Deloro Pluton and Association Country Rocks near Madoc, Ontario 1973 University of Toronto M.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO091 Kumarapeli, P.S., and Saull, V.A. The St. Lawrence Valley System: a North American Equivalent of the East African Rift Valley System 1966 McGill University Other Stratigraphic Not A Thesis Hardcopy
SO092 Lariviere, J. Hypogene Zinc Silicates, Oxides and Sulfides in Mesoproterozoic Grenville Supergroup Marbles of the Bryson-Renfrew Region (Quebec and Ontario): Distribution and Genetic Significance 2012 Université du Québec à Montréal Ph.D. Stratigraphic Hardcopy
SO093 Larocque, A.C.L. Trace Element Behaviour During Weathering of Till from Eastern Ontario, with Implications for Geochemical Exploration 1989 University of Western Ontario M.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO094 Leclair, A.D. Low- to Medium-Grade Metamorphism in the Central Part of the Hastings Basin, Southeastern Ontario: An Evolution of Metamorphic Conditions in Chloritoid and Staurolite Bearing Schists 1982 Queen's University M.Sc. Stratigraphic Hardcopy
SO095 Lentz, D.R. Petrogenesis of U-, Th-, Mo- and REE-bearing Pegmatites Skarns and Veins in the Central Metasedimentary Belt of the Grenville 1992 University of Ottawa Ph.D. Stratigraphic Hardcopy
SO096 Long, D.G.F. The Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Huronian (Lower Aphebian) Mississagi and Serpent Formations 1976 University of Western Ontario Ph.D. Stratigraphic Hardcopy
SO097 Lumbers, S.B. Stratigraphy, Plutonism and Metamorphism in the Ottawa River Remnant in the Bancroft-Madoc Area of the Grenville Province of Southeastern Ontario, Canada 1967 Princeton University Ph.D. Regional Hardcopy
SO098 Maitland, W.G. Complex Orthorhombic AB2O6 Type Nb-Ta-Ti Oxides from Lyndoch Township, Ontario 1985 Queen's University B.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO099 Marshall, H.I. The Geology of the Desert Lake Area 1946 Queen's University M.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO157 Mathur, S. The Geochemistry of the Marmoraton Fe Skarn and Associated Syenodiorite Intrusion, Grenville Province, Southern Ontario 2015 University of Toronto M.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO100 McGlynn, J. A Study of the Acidic Intrusives and Amphibolites of Darling Township, Lanark County, Ontario 1949 Queen's University M.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO101 McKinstry, B.W. A Petrographic Study of Metasedimentary Rocks in the Kennebec-Garrison Lake Area, Ontario 1971 Carleton University B.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO102 Mielke, R. Boulangerite and Associated Minerals of the Rogers Mine, Madoc, Ontario 1977 University of Waterloo B.Sc. Property Hardcopy
SO103 Millar, W.D. Metamorphic Petrography of Cordierite-Gedrite-Orthopyroxene Rocks and Their Associated Gneisses of the Papineau Lake Region 1983 Queen's University B.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO104 Miller, M. Small Scale Mining in the South Shield Region of Eastern Ontario 1976 Ministry of Natural Resources Other Stratigraphic Not A Thesis Hardcopy
SO105 Miller, R.R. Age and Petrological Relationships of Some Igneous Textured and Gneissic Alkaline Rocks in the Haliburton-Bancroft Area 1985 University of Toronto Ph.D. Stratigraphic Hardcopy
SO106 Mitchell, S.L. Structure and Petrology of the Bentley-Siddon Lakes Area, Bancroft, Ontario (with Special Reference to Rocks of Alkalic Affinity) 1976 University of Waterloo M.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO107 Moore, J.M. Jr., and Thompson, P.H. The Flinton Group: a Late Precambrian Metasedimentary Succession in the Grenville Province of Eastern Ontario 1900 Carleton University Other Stratigraphic Not A Thesis Hardcopy
SO108 Morris, H.R. Surface Geology of the Faraday Uranium Mine, Bancroft, Ontario 1956 University of Toronto M.Sc. Property Hardcopy
SO109 Murray, M.J. The Stratigraphy, Structure and Metamorphism of Precambrian Rocks in Belmont and South Methuen Townships, Southeastern Ontario 1982 Carleton University M.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO110 Nadeau, L. Deformation of Leucogabbro at Parry Sound, Ontario 1984 Carleton University M.Sc. Regional Microfiche
SO111 Nickel, E.H. The Geology of the Bessemer Magnetite Deposit 1951 McMaster University M.Sc. Property Hardcopy
SO112 Nikols, C.A. Geology of the Clyde Forks Mercury-Antimony-Copper Deposits and Surrounding Area, Lanark County, Ontario 1972 Queen's University M.Sc. Property Hardcopy
SO113 Noor, I. Lithostratigraphy, Environmental Interpretation, and Paleogeography of the Middle Ordovician Shadow Lake, Gull River and Bobcaygeon Formation in Southern Ontario 1989 University of Toronto Ph.D. Stratigraphic Hardcopy
SO114 Ongley, E.D. A Study of Caves in Southern Ontario 1965 University of Toronto B.A. Stratigraphic Hardcopy
SO115 Payne, J.G. Geology and Geochemistry of the Blue Mountain Nepheline Syenite Body 1966 McMaster University Ph.D. Regional Hardcopy
SO116 Phipps, C.V.G. The Petrology and Structure of the Alkaline Rocks of the Blue Mountain Area, Ontario 1955 University of Toronto Ph.D. Regional Hardcopy
SO117 Powell, R.D. Mining of Mather Ridge at the Blue Mountain Nepheline Syenite Complex, Methuen Township, Nephton, Ontario 1978 Queen's University B.Sc. Property Hardcopy
SO118 Powell, W.G. Geology of St. Charles Lake Ridge "Border Phase" of the Blue Mountain Nepheline Syenite, Methuen Township, Ontario 1974 Queen's University B.Sc. Property Hardcopy
SO119 Prabhu, M. Geology, Geochemistry and Genesis of Montauban Lead-Zinc Deposits, Quebec 1982 McGill University Ph.D. Regional Microfiche
SO120 Psutka, J.F. Provenance of the Plutonic Pebbles in the Kaladar Metaconglomerate and Geology of Associated Metasediments 1976 Carleton University B.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO121 Reeve, E.J. Geochemistry of the Golding-Keene Pegmatite and Adjacent Rocks 1972 University of Toronto Ph.D. Regional Hardcopy
SO122 Rivers, T. Structures and Textures of Metamorphic Rocks, Ompah Area, Grenville Province, Ontario 1976 University of Ottawa Ph.D. Regional Hardcopy
SO123 Rose, E.R. Iron Deposits of Eastern Ontario and Their Origin 1954 Queen's University Ph.D. Stratigraphic Hardcopy
SO124 Rushforth, P. A Petrological Study of Some Intrusive Carbonate Dikes, near Blackburn Hamlet 1985 University of Ottawa B.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO125 Saha, A.K. Mode of Emplacement of Some Granitic Plutons in Southeast Ontario 1957 University of Toronto Ph.D. Regional Hardcopy
SO126 Sampson, G.A. Petrology of Some Grenville Volcanic and Pelitic Rocks from near Madoc, Southeastern Ontario 1972 University of Toronto Ph.D. Stratigraphic Hardcopy
SO127 Sandomirsky, P. The Geology of the Henderson and Conley Talc Mines, Madoc, Ontario 1954 University of Western Ontario M.Sc. Property Hardcopy
SO128 Sangster, A.L. Metallogeny of Base Metal, Gold and Iron Deposits of Grenville Province of Southeast Ontario (vol. 1 and 2) 1970 Queen's University Ph.D. Stratigraphic Hardcopy
SO129 Sarfi, M. Petrography and Mineralogy of an Ultrabasic Dike at Varty Lake, Ontario 2001 Carleton University B.Sc. Property Hardcopy
SO130 Scott, J.D. A Comparative Study of the Associations of Meneghinite with Partial Reference to the O'Donnell Claim Group, Anglesea Township, Southeastern Ontario 1965 Unknown Other Property Not A Thesis Hardcopy
SO131 Sethuraman, K. Petrology of Grenville Metavolcanic Rocks in the Bishop Corners-Donaldson Area, Ontario 1970 Carleton University Ph.D. Regional Hardcopy
SO132 Shegelski, R.J. Stratigraphy and Geochemistry of Archean Iron Formation in the Sturgeon Lake-Savant Lake, Greenstone Terrain, NW Ontario 1978 University of Toronto Ph.D. Regional Hardcopy
SO133 Shelp, G.S. The Distribution and Dispersion of Gold in Glacial Till Associated with Gold Mineralization in the Canadian Shield 1985 Queen's University M.Sc. Stratigraphic Hardcopy
SO134 Simandl, G.J. Geology and Geochemistry of Talc Deposits in the Madoc Area, Ontario 1984 Carleton University M.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO135 Simony, P.S. Origin of the Apsley Paragneiss 1960 McMaster University M.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO136 Somers, G.H. Petrogenesis of the White Lake Pluton 1984 University of Western Ontario M.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO137 St. John, B.E. Sedimentation in the Holleford Meteorite Crater, Ontario 1967 Queen's University B.Sc. Property Hardcopy
SO138 Stanford, S.E. The Petrology and Geochemistry of the Minor Intrusions in the Central Metasedimentary Belt, Grenville Province, Southern Ontario, Canada 1990 University of Windsor M.Sc. Stratigraphic Hardcopy
SO139 Steele, K.G. Utilizing Glacial Geology in Uranium Exploration, Dismal Lakes, Northwest Territories 1985 University of Alberta M.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO140 Sylvester, G.C. Petrochemistry of the Davis Pegmatite and Adjacent Rocks, Dungannon Township, Ontario 1973 University of Toronto M.Sc. Property Hardcopy
SO141 Thomas, P.B. The Nature of Gold Deposits in Shear Zones in the Cordova Gabbro, Grenville Province, Ontario 1985 University of Ottawa M.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO142 Thompson, P.H. Stratigraphy, Structure and Metamorphism of the Flinton Group in the Bishop Madoc Area, Grenville Province, Eastern Ontario 1971 Carleton University Ph.D. Regional Hardcopy
SO143 Tilkov, M.D. A Petrological and Structural Analysis of the Queensborough Syncline near Madoc, Ontario 1975 University of Waterloo B.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO144 Tremblay, P. Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Radioactive Pegmatites of the Mont Laurier Area, Quebec 1974 Queen's University M.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO160 Tworo, A.G. The Nature and Origin of Lead-Zinc Mineralization, Middle Silurian Dolomites, Southern Ontario 1985 University of Waterloo M.Sc. Stratigraphic Hardcopy
SO145 Twyman, J.D. The Generation, Crystallization and Differentiation of Carbonatite Magmas: Evidence from the Argor and Cargill Complexes, Ontario 1983 University of Toronto Ph.D. Stratigraphic Hardcopy
SO146 Vagners, U.J. Geology of the Fort Ste. Marie I Area, Midland, Ontario 1967 University of Western Ontario Other Regional Not A Thesis Hardcopy
SO147 Van De Kamp, P.C. Geochemistry and Classification of Amphibolites and Related Rocks 1964 McMaster University M.Sc. Stratigraphic Hardcopy
SO148 Van Kranendon, M. Anorthositic Gneiss Units of the Muskoka Region, Grenville Structural Province, Ontario 1984 University of Toronto B.Sc. Stratigraphic Hardcopy
SO149 Walker, G.I. Geology of the Hazzard Lake Area, Madoc Township, Ontario 1900 Unknown Other Regional Not A Thesis Hardcopy
SO150 Walton, G.J. The Petrography of a Fluorite-Wollastonite Skarn in Regionally Metamorphosed Greenschist Rocks of the Garnet Zone Lake Township, Ontario 1978 Queen's University M.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO151 Wolf, R.R. An Inventory of Inactive Quarries in the Paleozoic Limestone and Dolostone Strata of Ontario 1989 Unknown Other Stratigraphic Not A Thesis Hardcopy
SO152 Wolfson, I.K. A Geological Study of the Olympus Vermiculite Pit near Stanleyville, Ontario 1980 Queen's University B.Sc. Property Hardcopy
SO153 Woolcott, G.R. Alteration of Allanite 1986 Queen's University B.Sc. Stratigraphic Hardcopy
SO154 Wu, T-W Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of Some Granitoids in the Grenville Province of Ontario and Their Tectonic Implications (vol. I and II) 1984 University of Western Ontario Ph.D. Stratigraphic Hardcopy
SO155 Yatabe, S.M. Report on the Fernleigh-Ardoch Pelitic Schist, Clarendon Township 1982 Queen's University B.Sc. Regional Hardcopy
SO156 Zayachkivsky, B. Granitoids and Rare-Element Pegmatites of the Georgia Lake Area, NW Ontario 1985 Lakehead University M.Sc. Regional Hardcopy

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