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Home » Geology » Errata and Amendments » Errata - Geophysical Data Sets
In Geophysical Data Sets 1001-1006, 1009-1028, and 1031-1034 (released June 9, 2003), the following errors were noted. In the survey reports and documentation (Microsoft Word 97 (.doc) and Adobe Acrobat (pdf formats), any and all mentions of, or references to, the digital data series identifier (i.e., Geophysical Data Set 10xx-Revised or Geophysical Data Set 10xx rev) should exclude the word "Revised" or abbreviation "rev".
Ontario Airborne Geophysical Surveys, Magnetic and Electromagnetic Data; Grid and Profile Data, ASCII and Geosoft® Formats, Matachewan Area
Original Release Date: June 8, 2003
Notification Date of Data Errata: June 2, 2008
An error in the co-ordinates for the EM anomaly database (both Geosoft® binary .gdb and ASCII .csv formats) has been identified. The error affects the NAD27 UTM co-ordinates, the NAD83 UTM co-ordinates and the NAD83 geographic (longitude and latitude) co-ordinates. The error can result in the EM anomalies being plotted near the equator. The NAD27 geographic co-ordinates in the database are unaffected by this error and are correct.
The EM anomaly database, in both binary and ASCII formats, has been updated and the erroneous co-ordinate values corrected.
Path | File Name | File Size | Date Stamp | Time Stamp |
EM_anomalies_binary\ | MAANOMLY.gdb | 4,806,656 | 16/04/2008 | 1:45p |
EM_anomalies_ASCII\ | | 82,969 | 16/04/2008 | 1:43p |
If you have purchased a copy of this data set where your files do not match the file attributes shown above, please return the original CD to Publication Sales, and a replacement copy will be sent to you free of charge.
Geophysical Data Set 1035
Single Master Gravity and Aeromagnetic Data for Ontario, ASCII, Excel® and Access® Formats
Geophysical Data Set 1036
Single Master Gravity and Aeromagnetic Data for Ontario, Geosoft® Format
Original Release Date: July 12, 1999
Notification Date of Data Errata: December 9, 2014
An error was discovered in the Lambert Conformal Conic co-ordinates of the magnetic and gravity databases. The X co-ordinate values should have had 1 000 000 added to them. The latitude and longitude values are unaffected. Also, in the database of digitized aeromagnetic values, “ONDTZMAG”, it was found that the parameter names “EDITMAG” and “LEVMAG” had been switched. Both of these errors are present in Geophysical Data Set 1035 (ASCII format) and in Geophysical Data Set 1036 (Geosoft® binary format).
These errors have been corrected and replacement versions of these Geophysical Data Sets are available. If you purchased this product on CD, please contact Publication Sales and a replacement CD will be sent to you free of charge. Alternatively, you may visit the GeologyOntario application to obtain the corrected versions of GDS 1035 and GDS 1036.
We regret any inconvenience these errors may have caused.
Discover Abitibi Kirkland Lake - Larder Lake Airborne Magnetic Survey
Original Release Date: November 15, 2004
Notification Date of Data Errata: November 25, 2004
A shift in the conventionally gridded magnetic data in the eastern part of the survey (Block 2) has resulted in the following errors in the digital products:
Geophysical Data Set 1053a ASCII grids klmagnad83.gxf, klmagnad27.gxf, kl2vdnad83.gxf and kl2vdnad27.gxf are displaced 222 metres south and 16 metres west in the eastern part of the grid. Clients are advised not to use these grids and use the gradient enhanced grids instead (i.e., klmaghgnad83.gxf, klmaghgnad27.gxf, kl2vdhgnad83.gxf and kl2vdhgnad27.gxf).
Geophysical Data Set 1053b Geosoft® format binary grids klmagnad83.grd, klmagnad27.grd, kl2vdnad83.grd and kl2vdnad27.grd are displaced 222 metres south and 16 metres west in the eastern part of the grid. Clients are advised not to use these grids and use the gradient enhanced grids in their place (i.e., klmaghgnad83.grd, klmaghgnad27.grd, kl2vdhgnad83.grd and kl2vdhgnad27.grd).
Ontario Airborne Geophysical Surveys, Magnetic and Electromagnetic Data, Grid and Profile Data (Geosoft® Format) and Vector Data, Kabinakagami Lake Area
Original Release Date: April 14, 2015
Notification Date of Data Errata: February 27, 2017
An error has been identified in the embedded zone for the UTM co-ordinates in the EM anomaly database (Geosoft® profile .gdb format), specifically in GDS 1079b volume 3. The UTM co-ordinates (x_nad83 and y_nad83) in profile database file KL2MAGEM.gdb are correct, but the embedded UTM zone was incorrectly assigned to Zone 16N instead of Zone 17N. The embedded zone information has been corrected.
File name | File size | Date stamp | Time stamp |
KL2MAGEM.gdb | 3,823,809 Kb | 01/09/2017 | 4:13 PM |
Please note, because of the large size of this data set, it is not available for download. If you purchased a copy of this data set where your file does not match the file attributes shown above, please return the original DVD of GDS 1079b volume 3 to Publication Sales, and a replacement copy will be sent to you free of charge.
Ontario Airborne Geophysical Surveys, Magnetic Gradiometer and Gamma-Ray Spectrometric Data, Grid and Profile Data (ASCII Format) and Vector Data, Smooth Rock Falls Area
Original Release Date: April 27, 2016
Notification Date of Data Errata: May 31, 2016
Errors in Geophysical Data Set 1082a, Ontario Airborne Geophysical Surveys, Magnetic Gradiometer and Gamma-Ray Spectrometric Data, Grid and Profile Data (ASCII Format) and Vector Data, Smooth Rock Falls Area (released April 27, 2016), were discovered in the data set and the digital report as outlined below.
File name | File size | Date stamp | Time stamp |
SRMAG.XYZ | 6,788,548,676 | 05/16/2016 | 4:13 PM |
SRSPEC.XYZ | 444,504,228 | 05/16/2016 | 4:17 PM |
SRSPEC256.XYZ | 18,986,040,708 | 05/17/2016 | 12:55 PM |
SRMAG.XYZ.ZIP | 1,533,610,407 | 05/18/2016 | 9:00 AM |
SRSPEC.XYZ.ZIP | 93,079,327 | 05/18/2016 | 9:06 AM |
SRSPEC256.XYZ.ZIP | 993,445,734 | 05/18/2016 | 8:46 AM |
These errors have been corrected and a replacement version of this Geophysical Data Set is available. If you have purchased a copy of this data set where your files do not match the file attributes shown above, please return the original DVD to Publication Sales, and a replacement copy will be sent to you free of charge. Alternatively, you may visit the GeologyOntario application to obtain the corrected version of Geophysical Data Set 1082a.
Ontario Airborne Geophysical Surveys, Magnetic Gradiometer and Gamma-Ray Spectrometric Data, Grid and Profile Data (Geosoft® Format) and Vector Data, Smooth Rock Falls Area
Original Release Date: April 27, 2016
Notification Date of Data Errata: May 31, 2016
Errors in Geophysical Data Set 1082b, Ontario Airborne Geophysical Surveys, Magnetic Gradiometer and Gamma-Ray Spectrometric Data, Grid and Profile Data (Geosoft® Format) and Vector Data, Smooth Rock Falls Area (released April 27, 2016), were discovered in the data set and the digital report as outlined below.
File name | File size | Date stamp | Time stamp |
---|---|---|---| | 14,336 | 05/16/2016 | 11:40 AM | | 13,824 | 05/16/2016 | 11:34 AM | | 13,824 | 05/16/2016 | 11:43 AM |
SRGMAGGSC83.grd.ZIP | 31,539,996 | 05/16/2016 | 11:52 AM |
SRG1VDMAGGSC83.grd.ZIP | 32,064,403 | 05/16/2016 | 11:54 AM |
SRG2VDMAGGSC83.grd.ZIP | 32,261,140 | 05/16/2016 | 11:51 AM |
SRMAG.GDB | 5,289,435,136 | 05/16/2016 | 1:41 PM |
SRSPEC.GDB | 718,077,952 | 05/16/2016 | 4:16 PM |
SRSPEC256.GDB | 2,601,336,832 | 05/16/2016 | 4:16 PM |
SRMAG.GDB.ZIP | 1,934,573,519 | 05/18/2016 | 9:14 AM |
SRSPEC.GDB.ZIP | 138,927,807 | 05/18/2016 | 9:14 AM |
SRSPEC256.GDB.ZIP | 1,288,341,233 | 05/18/2016 | 9:17 AM |
These errors have been corrected and a replacement version of this Geophysical Data Set is available. If you have purchased a copy of this data set where your files do not match the file attributes shown above, please return the original DVD to Publication Sales, and a replacement copy will be sent to you free of charge. Alternatively, you may visit the GeologyOntario application to obtain the corrected version of Geophysical Data Set 1082b.
Ontario airborne geophysical surveys, magnetic and electromagnetic data; grid and vector data, ASCII format, Cochrane area
Original Release Date: July 20, 2000
Notification Date of Data Errata: September 19, 2000
The following errors were found during the QA/QC process. All of these errors occurred when our subcontractor exported the data from their in-house database into the Geosoft Inc. OASIS montajTM format and subsequently into the ASCII format specified in the contract.
File Name | File Size | Date Stamp | Time Stamp |
thcoanomaly.csv | 4,882,223 | 08/30/2000 | 08:50a |
If you have purchased a copy of this data set where your file does not match the file attributes shown above, please return the original CD to Publication Sales, and a replacement copy will be sent to you free of charge.
Ontario airborne geophysical surveys, magnetic and electromagnetic data; grid and vector data, Geosoft® format, Cochrane area
Original Release Date: July 20, 2000
Notification Date of Data Errata: September 19, 2000
The following errors were found during the QA/QC process. All of these errors occurred when our subcontractor exported the data from their in-house database into the Geosoft Inc. OASIS montajTM format and subsequently into the ASCII format specified in the contract.
File Name | File Size | Date Stamp | Time Stamp |
thcoanomaly.gdb | 26,809,344 | 08/16/2000 | 01:41p |
If you have purchased a copy of this data set where your file does not match the file attributes shown above, please return the original CD to Publication Sales, and a replacement copy will be sent to you free of charge.
Ontario airborne geophysical surveys, magnetic and electromagnetic data; profile data, ASCII format, Cochrane area
Original Release Date: July 20, 2000
Notification Date of Data Errata: September 19, 2000
The following errors were found during the QA/QC process. All of these errors occurred when our subcontractor exported the data from their in-house database into the Geosoft Inc. OASIS montajTM format and subsequently into the ASCII format specified in the contract.
File Name | File Size | Date Stamp | Time Stamp |
thcoanomaly.csv | 4,882,223 | 08/30/2000 | 08:50a | | 196,853,606 | 08/30/2000 | 04:43p | | 167,860,894 | 08/31/2000 | 09:28a | | 113,401,028 | 08/31/2000 | 12:06p | | 118,513,585 | 08/31/2000 | 03:02p |
If you have purchased a copy of this data set where your files do not match the file attributes shown above, please return the original CD to Publication Sales, and a replacement copy will be sent to you free of charge.
Ontario airborne geophysical surveys, magnetic and electromagnetic data; profile data, Geosoft® format, Cochrane area
Original Release Date: July 20, 2000
Notification Date of Data Errata: September 19, 2000
The following errors were found during the QA/QC process. All of these errors occurred when our subcontractor exported the data from their in-house database into the Geosoft Inc. OASIS montajTM format and subsequently into the ASCII format specified in the contract.
File Name | File Size | Date Stamp | Time Stamp |
thcoanomaly.gdb | 26,809,344 | 08/16/2000 | 01:41p | | 525,932,945 | 08/16/2000 | 03:55p |
If you have purchased a copy of this data set where your files do not match the file attributes shown above, please return the original CD to Publication Sales, and a replacement copy will be sent to you free of charge.
Ontario airborne geophysical surveys, magnetic and electromagnetic data; grid and vector data, ASCII format, Temagami area
Original Release Date: July 27, 2000
Notification Date of Data Errata: September 19, 2000
The following errors were found during the QA/QC process. All of these errors occurred when our subcontractor exported the data from their in-house database into the Geosoft Inc. OASIS montajTM format and subsequently into the ASCII format specified in the contract.
File Name | File Size | Date Stamp | Time Stamp |
thteanomaly.csv | 974,505 | 09/01/2000 | 08:35a |
Notification Date of Data Errata: February 5, 2002
An error was found in this file. The Keating anomalies were plotted using the NAD83 coordinates instead of the NAD27 coordinates, so the circles plot approximately 200 m north of the actual location.
File Name | File Size | Date Stamp | Time Stamp |
thtekc27.dxf | 48,960,985 | 01/25/2002 | 11:15a |
If you have purchased a copy of this data set where your files do not match the file attributes shown above, please return the original CD to Publication Sales, and a replacement copy will be sent to you free of charge.
Ontario airborne geophysical surveys, magnetic and electromagnetic data; grid and vector data, Geosoft® format, Temagami area
Original Release Date: July 27, 2000
Notification Date of Data Errata: September 19, 2000
The following errors were found during the QA/QC process. All of these errors occurred when our subcontractor exported the data from their in-house database into the Geosoft Inc. OASIS montajTM format and subsequently into the ASCII format specified in the contract.
File Name | File Size | Date Stamp | Time Stamp |
thteanomaly.gdb | 10,521,600 | 08/16/2000 | 01:42p |
Notification Date of Data Errata: February 5, 2002
An error was found in this file. The Keating anomalies were plotted using the NAD83 coordinates instead of the NAD27 coordinates, so the circles plot approximately 200 m north of the actual location.
File Name | File Size | Date Stamp | Time Stamp |
thtekc27.dxf | 48,960,985 | 01/25/2002 | 11:15a |
If you have purchased a copy of this data set where your files do not match the file attributes shown above, please return the original CD to Publication Sales, and a replacement copy will be sent to you free of charge.
Ontario airborne geophysical surveys, magnetic and electromagnetic data; profile data, ASCII format, Temagami area
Original Release Date: July 27, 2000
Notification Date of Data Errata: September 19, 2000
The following errors were found during the QA/QC process. All of these errors occurred when our subcontractor exported the data from their in-house database into the Geosoft Inc. OASIS montajTM format and subsequently into the ASCII format specified in the contract.
File Name | File Size | Date Stamp | Time Stamp |
thteanomaly.csv | 974,505 | 09/01/2000 | 08:35a | | 295,383,447 | 09/01/2000 | 09:58a |
If you have purchased a copy of this data set where your files do not match the file attributes shown above, please return the original CD to Publication Sales, and a replacement copy will be sent to you free of charge.
Ontario airborne geophysical surveys, magnetic and electromagnetic data; profile data, Geosoft® format, Temagami area
Original Release Date: July 27, 2000
Notification Date of Data Errata: September 19, 2000
The following errors were found during the QA/QC process. All of these errors occurred when our subcontractor exported the data from their in-house database into the Geosoft Inc. OASIS montajTM format and subsequently into the ASCII format specified in the contract.
File Name | File Size | Date Stamp | Time Stamp |
thteanomaly.gdb | 10,521,600 | 08/16/2000 | 01:42p |
thtemagami.gdb | 399,549,440 | 08/16/2000 | 02:39p |
If you have purchased a copy of this data set where your files do not match the file attributes shown above, please return the original CD to Publication Sales, and a replacement copy will be sent to you free of charge.
Ontario airborne geophysical surveys, magnetic and electromagnetic data; profile data, Geosoft® format, Schreiber area
Original Release Date: August 3, 2000
Notification Date of Data Errata: January 23, 2001
An error was found when trying to uncompress THSCHREIBER1.ZIP (volume 1 of 2). This file contains the raw and filtered profile data for approximately one-half the area using Geosoft Inc. OASIS montajTM format, which was compressed using WinZip® 7.0.
The following error message was noted:
I/O error: unable to read from zip file
Error: invalid compressed data to inflate
File Name | File Size | Date Stamp | Time Stamp |
---|---|---|---| | 530,398,762 | 07/31/2000 | 12:27p |
If you have purchased a copy of this data set where your file does not match the file attributes shown above and the file does not uncompress properly, please return the original CD to Publication Sales, and a replacement copy will be sent to you free of charge.
Ontario airborne geophysical surveys, magnetic and electromagnetic data; grid and vector data, ASCII format, Garden-Obonga area
Original Release Date: August 31, 2000
Notification Date of Data Errata: September 29, 2000
A problem has been discovered with the NAD83 grids provided on these data sets. All 6 grid products were projected incorrectly into the NAD83 coordinate system. This affects both the binary and the ASCII grids. The proper shift between NAD27 (NTv2 datum) and NAD83 is approximately +2 m in the X direction and +220 m in the Y direction. The problem grids have a shift of +140 in the X and +500 in the Y. The original NAD27 grids are correct as are the databases.
File Name | File Size | Date Stamp | Time Stamp |
---|---|---|---| | 19,365,438 | 09/25/2000 | 03:30p | | 15,759,623 | 09/25/2000 | 03:31p | | 18,526,717 | 09/25/2000 | 03:31p | | 18,056,573 | 09/25/2000 | 03:31p | | 8,474,904 | 09/25/2000 | 03:29p | | 17,463,631 | 09/25/2000 | 03:30p |
Notification Date of Data Errata: September 29, 2000
An error was found when trying to uncompress and
These files are the flight path for the entire area and the total field magnetic contours for the southern half (in UTM NAD27 projection) in AutoCAD® v13 DXF format, compressed using WinZip® 7.0.
The following error message was noted:
I/O error - unable to read from zip file
Error: invalid compressed data to inflate
File Name | File Size | Date Stamp | Time Stamp |
---|---|---|---| | 69,203,013 | 08/25/2000 | 05:03p | | 46,254,893 | 08/25/2000 | 04:59p |
If you have purchased a copy of this data set where your files do not match the file attributes shown above, please return the original CD to Publication Sales, and a replacement copy will be sent to you free of charge.
Ontario airborne geophysical surveys, magnetic and electromagnetic data; grid and vector data, Geosoft® format, Garden-Obonga area
Original Release Date: August 31, 2000
Notification Date of Data Errata: September 29, 2000
A problem has been discovered with the NAD83 grids provided on these data sets. All 6 grid products were projected incorrectly into the NAD83 coordinate system. This affects both the binary and the ASCII grids. The proper shift between NAD27 (NTv2 datum) and NAD83 (North American datum) is approximately +2 m in the X direction and +220 m in the Y direction. The problem grids have a shift of +140 in the X and +500 in the Y. The original NAD27 grids are correct as are the databases.
File Name | File Size | Date Stamp | Time Stamp |
---|---|---|---| | 3,584 | 09/22/2000 | 02:14p | | 15,045,403 | 09/25/2000 | 10:57a | | 3,584 | 09/22/2000 | 02:12p | | 13,738,096 | 09/25/2000 | 10:57a | | 3,584 | 09/22/2000 | 02:11p | | 14,936,911 | 09/25/2000 | 10:58a | | 3,584 | 09/22/2000 | 02:08p | | 15,090,150 | 09/25/2000 | 10:58a | | 3,584 | 09/22/2000 | 02:02p | | 6,767,934 | 09/25/2000 | 10:58a | | 3,584 | 09/22/2000 | 01:16p | | 14,227,320 | 09/25/2000 | 10:59a |
If you have purchased a copy of this data set where your files do not match the file attributes shown above, please return the original CD to Publication Sales, and a replacement copy will be sent to you free of charge.
Ontario Airborne Geophysical Surveys, Magnetic and Electromagnetic Data; grid and vector data, ASCII and Geosoft® formats
Original Release Date: various (see table below)
Notification Date of Data Errata: August 12, 2002
The following error was recently discovered during a detailed examination of the Operation Treasure Hunt (OTH) purchased geophysical data sets (GDS 1200 series). The original NAD27 data was improperly reprojected to NAD83. The NAD83 EASTING co-ordinates are, on average, off by approximately 5 m and theNAD83 NORTHING co-ordinates are, on average, off by approximately 241 m.
The OTH purchased data sets affected and the approximate errors in the NAD83 co-ordinate values are listed below:
Survey Area | GDS Data Set | Release Date | NAD83 EASTING error (m) | NAD83 NORTHING error (m) |
Amyot-Browning | 1200revised | 1-Aug-01 | 10 | 243 |
Cobalt | 1201revised | 1-Aug-01 | 8 | 246 |
Cobalt | 1201-rev1 | 6-Dec-02 | 8 | 246 |
Gowan-Evelyn | 1202revised | 1-Aug-01 | 8 | 246 |
Gowan-Evelyn | 1202-rev1 | 6-Dec-02 | 8 | 246 |
Docker | 1203revised | 1-Aug-01 | -12 | 236 |
Temagami South | 1204revised | 1-Aug-01 | 8 | 245 |
Temagami South | 1204-rev1 | 6-Dec-02 | 8 | 245 |
Geco-Manitouwadge | 1205 | 1-Aug-01 | 1 | 241 |
Gitche Lake | 1206revised | 1-Aug-01 | -14 | 235 |
Hemlo | 1207 | 1-Aug-01 | 1 | 241 |
Kakagi Lake | 1208revised | 1-Aug-01 | -11 | 235 |
Albany River - James Bay | 1209 | 1-Aug-01 | 2 | 239 |
Temiskaming | 1210revised | 1-Aug-01 | 8 | 246 |
Coral Rapids | 1213 | 11-Dec-01 | 14 | 245 |
Kapiskau River East | 1214 | 11-Dec-01 | 17 | 236 |
Kesagami Lake | 1215 | 11-Dec-01 | 14 | 244 |
Melchett Lake | 1216 | 11-Dec-01 | -1 | 238 |
Natogami Lake | 1217 | 11-Dec-01 | 13 | 244 |
Pakwash Lake | 1218 | 11-Dec-01 | -13 | 236 |
River Valley West | 1220 | 11-Mar-02 | 16 | 240 |
Robb-Jamieson | 1221 | 11-Mar-02 | 8 | 245 |
Troutlake River | 1222 | 11-Dec-01 | -17 | 237 |
Turnbull-Godfrey | 1223 | 11-Mar-02 | 8 | 245 |
Turnbull-Godfrey | 1223-rev | 6-Dec-02 | 8 | 245 |
The files affected include all the NAD83 grids as well as the NAD83 co-ordinate channels in the profile, EM anomaly and Keating databases. Please note that all the NAD27 co-ordinate information is correct, including all the NAD27 grids as well as the NAD27 co-ordinate channels in the profile, EM anomaly and Keating databases.
Two possible interim solutions are available to our clients requiring the NAD83 data:
The above data sets will be corrected and re-released after all the magnetic data has been leveled to the Single Master Aeromagnetic Grid for Ontario, a project presently nearing completion. When these data sets are re-released, please return the original CD to Publication Sales, and a replacement copy will be sent to you free of charge.
An error was discovered in the apparent resistivity grids for the relevelled Operation Treasure Hunt (OTH) Natogami Lake geophysical data set (Geophysical Data Set 1217-Revised) released on December 6, 2002. The error affects only the grids listed in the following table. The remaining grids as well as the profile, EM anomaly and Keating databases are correct. The apparent resistivity grid units should be in ohm-m, as indicated in the report, but are actually in log10(x) ohm-m. The following correction was applied to the apparent resistivity grids in order for the values to be in ohm-m: new grid = exp10(old grid).
Survey Area: Natogami
GDS: 1217rev
Release Date: December 6, 2002
Grid File Name | Grid File Description |
thnareslow27.gxf | Resistivity, coaxial, low freq |
thnareslow83.gxf | Resistivity, coaxial, low freq |
thnaresmid27.gxf | Resistivity, coaxial, mid freq |
thnaresmid83.gxf | Resistivity, coaxial, mid freq |
thnareslow27.grd | Resistivity, coaxial, low freq | | Resistivity, coaxial, low freq, header |
thnareslow83.grd | Resistivity, coaxial, low freq | | Resistivity, coaxial, low freq, header |
thnaresmid27.grd | Resistivity, coaxial, mid freq | | Resistivity, coaxial, mid freq, header |
thnaresmid83.grd | Resistivity, coaxial, mid freq | | Resistivity, coaxial, mid freq, header |
A minor error was also discovered in the survey report for the relevelled OTH River Valley West geophysical data set (Geophysical Data Set 1220-Revised) released on December 6, 2002. On page 47 (Profile Data), the units of measure for the apparent resistivity channels (ares_900, ares_7200 and ares_56000) should read ohm-metres instead of log10 ohm-metres.
The grid and EM anomalies are approximately 240 m south of their proper positions.
The grid and EM anomalies are approximately 240 m south of their proper positions.
The apparent resistivity grid and contour units should be in ohm-m, as indicated in the map legend, but are actually in ln(x)*3474 ohm-m.
The above data sets and map tiles have been corrected and are now available at our Publication Sales office. If you purchased any of the above data sets or map tiles, please return thEM to Publication Sales, and a replacement copy will be sent to you free of charge.
Ontario Airborne Geophysical Surveys, Magnetic Gradiometer Data, Grid and Profile Data (ASCII and Geosoft® Formats) and Vector Data, Moosonee Area—Purchased Data
Original Release Date: June 7, 2016
Notification Date of Data Errata: July 4, 2016
Errors in Geophysical Data Set 1248, Ontario Airborne Geophysical Surveys, Magnetic Gradiometer Data, Grid and Profile Data (ASCII and Geosoft® Formats) and Vector Data, Moosonee Area—Purchased Data (released June 7, 2016), were discovered in the data set and in the digital report as outlined below.
Old File Name | Corrected File Name |
“GeoTIFF Images” | |
“GeoTIFF Images” | |
File name | File size | Date stamp | Time stamp |
MOOSONEE.XYZ.ZIP | 363,590,697 | 06/22/2016 | 02:33p |
MOOSONEE.GDB | 1,292,041,216 | 06/20/2016 | 01:41p |
MOG2VDMAGGSC83.gxf | 102,371,381 | 06/15/2016 | 05:01p |
MOGMAGGSC83.gxf | 84,566,534 | 06/15/2016 | 05:02p |
MOLAG83.gxf | 92,962,627 | 06/15/2016 | 05:04p |
MOLOG83.gxf | 93,105,398 | 06/15/2016 | 05:05p |
MOMAG83.gxf | 88,012,760 | 06/22/2016 | 11:33a |
MOG2VDMAGGSC83.grd | 45,801,692 | 06/20/2016 | 10:09a |
MOGMAGGSC83.grd | 45,801,692 | 06/22/2016 | 11:42a |
MOLAG83.grd | 45,989,492 | 06/20/2016 | 04:14p |
MOLOG83.grd | 45,989,492 | 06/20/2016 | 04:14p |
MOMAG83.grd | 47,413,416 | 06/22/2016 | 11:42a |
MOG2VDMAGGSC83.tif | 286,477,749 | 06/15/2016 | 04:57p |
MOGMAGGSC83.tif | 286,748,093 | 06/15/2016 | 04:58p |
MOKC.csv | 253,604 | 06/15/2016 | 05:05p |
MOKC.gdb | 292,864 | 06/20/2016 | 03:14p |
MOGMAGGSC83.dxf | 42,652,449 | 06/15/2016 | 01:10p |
MOKC83.dxf | 12,425,933 | 06/15/2016 | 01:10p |
These errors have been corrected and a replacement version of this Geophysical Data Set is available. If you have purchased a copy of this data set where your files do not match the file attributes shown above, please return the original DVD to Publication Sales, and a replacement copy will be sent to you free of charge. Alternatively, you may visit the GeologyOntario application to obtain the corrected version of Geophysical Data Set 1248.
We regret any inconvenience these errors may have caused.
We are committed to providing accessible customer service. If you need accessible formats or communications supports, please contact us.