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Errata and Amendments - Miscellaneous Release—Data

MRD 300

In Miscellaneous Release—Data 300, The Montclerg Gold Deposit, Abitibi Greenstone Belt, East Timmins Region, Ontario: Stratigraphy, Lithogeochemistry, Mineralization and Nature of Vein Fluids (released October 1, 2013), 2 errors have been noted. On page 104 of the report, The Montclerg gold deposit, Abitibi greenstone belt, east Timmins region, Ontario: Stratigraphy, lithogeochemistry, mineralization and nature of vein fluids—Discover Abitibi Initiative, in the last paragraph, the last 2 sentences starting with “In the Lightning Zone of the Holloway Mine, which...” are replaced with the 3 sentences shown below. The reference for Berger and Amelin (1999) has been added to “References”.

“...In the Lightning Zone of the Holloway Mine, much of the gold is hosted by a ferrodacitic unit (Ropchan et al. 2002; Barrett 2011a). However, this is less surprising an occurrence than rhyolite-hosted gold, as ferrodacite should chemically make a better host rock as a result of its notably higher Fe/Mg ratio. Although an age has not been determined for the ferrodacite unit, Berger and Amelin (1999) reported an age of 2716.3±1.5 Ma for a Kidd–Munro assemblage intermediate tuff-breccia located approximately 2 km northeast of the Holloway Mine.”

These errors have been corrected and a replacement CD is available for those clients who purchased the CD with the incorrect files. Please contact Publication Sales and the replacement CD will be sent to you free of charge. Alternatively, you may download the corrected files from our GeologyOntario website.

We regret any inconvenience these errors may have caused.


In Miscellaneous Release—Data 283 – Revision 2, Ambient Groundwater and Isotopic Data for Southern Ontario, 2007–2019 (released December 17, 2021), a few errors were noted in the reporting of units and data. The Microsoft® Excel® data file (MRD283-REV2_data.xlsx) and Support Document (MRD283-REV2_support_document.pdf) were affected as follows:



These errors have now been corrected (as of October 31, 2023). You may download the corrected version of MRD 283—Revision 2 from our GeologyOntario Web site. If you purchased physical media (DVD) of this release, please contact the Publication Sales office and a replacement copy will be sent to you free of charge.

We regret any inconvenience these errors may have caused.


In Miscellaneous Release—Data 283–Revised, Ambient Groundwater Geochemistry Data for Southern Ontario, 2007–2014 (released on January 13, 2015), the following errors have been noted in the Microsoft® Excel® 2010 file “MRD_283_data(revised_2014).xlsx”.

  • An erroneous concentration for bromide (Br) for sample 08-AG-178; the value 26.72 mg/L has been replaced with the correct value of 0.15 mg/L.
  • Incorrect sums of total dissolved solids (TDS) for 60 samples; sample numbers are listed below.
  • Degrees of Latitude and Longitude were reversed for 60 samples (the UTM co-ordinates were not affected); sample numbers are listed below.

The sample numbers (Sample) in file “MRD_283_data(revised_2014).xlsx”, corrected for Latitude, Longitude and TDS sum, are listed below.


In addition, the terminology of the following parameters was standardized (see column headings in file “MRD_283_data(revised_2014).xlsx”).

  • Well_head_security
  • Water_colour
  • Water_smell
  • H2S (note: the way in which non-detectable values, i.e., <0.01 mg/L H2S, are presented is standardized from year to year)

These errors have been corrected and a replacement CD is available for those clients who purchased Miscellaneous Release—Data 283–Revised with the incorrect data. Please contact Publication Sales and a replacement CD will be sent to you free of charge. Alternatively, you may download the corrected version of Miscellaneous Release—Data 283–Revised from our GeologyOntario Web site.

MRD 281

For Miscellaneous Release—Data 281, Northeastern Ontario Rhyolite Database, released June 7, 2011, an error was noted in the tables “MRD 281 ZONE 16 geochemical data.xls” and “MRD 281 ZONE17 geochemical data.xls”. The units of measure for the data in these tables had been inadvertently omitted. These errors have been corrected and a replacement CD is available for those clients who purchased the CD with the incorrect files. Please contact Publication Sales and the replacement CD will be sent to you free of charge. Alternatively, you may download the corrected files from our GeologyOntario website.

MRD 269

In Miscellaneous Release—Data 269, Abstracts, 11th International Platinum Symposium, 21–24 June 2010, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada (released August 4, 2010), there is an error in the symposium program file, 11 IPS Program.pdf, on the “11th IPS Local Organizing Committee” page (page 14). Under the “Surface Field Trip Leaders” section, “Attila Pentek (Xstrata Nickel Exploration)” should read “Attila Péntek (Wallbridge Mining Company Ltd.)”.

MRD 261

For Miscellaneous Release—Data 261, Geochemistry of Midcontinent Rift-Related Mafic Intrusions, Thunder Bay Area,released October 6, 2009, an error was noted in the table “Collated Geochemistry.xls”. Data had been mistakenly included for samples DB266 to DB284, which resulted in a shift of the data for these samples. For samples DB266 to DB284 the values in column IMC-100 La (Excel column CC) were incorrect; values in columns IMC-100 La to IMC-100 Zn (Excel columns CC to DC) had been inadvertently shifted one column to the right; and the actual values for column IMC-100 Zr (Excel column DD) had been omitted. These errors have been corrected and a replacement CD is available for those clients who purchased the CD with the incorrect file. Please contact Publication Sales and the replacement CD will be sent to you free of charge. Alternatively, you may download the corrected file from our GeologyOntario website.

MRD 207

Over the years, the Ontario Geological Survey (OGS) has included third-party applications in some of its data products. Because of the difficulty in maintaining these publications with every new update of these applications, the OGS has decided to remove such applications from its publications. Several digital data publications, released during the period between 2006 and 2016, contain files related to a viewer that requires the use of the Microsoft® Virtual Earth® application programming interface (API). The OGS has removed the viewer from these publications and updated other affected files. The following publication, with listed changes, has been updated.

  • Miscellaneous Release—Data (MRD) 207, Bedrock Topography and Overburden Thickness Mapping, Southern Ontario (released December 12, 2006)
    The movie (.avi) file, “viewer” folder and data files have been removed; and the readme and metadata (.pdf) documents modified to remove references to the viewer.

The updated version of this data publication is available. If you purchased this publication on a CD and wish to receive a replacement copy, please contact Publication Sales, and the updated version will be shipped to you free of charge. Alternatively, the updated version of Miscellaneous Release—Data 207 is available for free downloading on GeologyOntario.

Notification Date of Amendments: August 24, 2021.

MRD 204

In Miscellaneous Release—Data 204, An Updated Guide to the Subsurface Paleozoic Stratigraphy of Southern Ontario (released October 10, 2006), the copy of Open File Report 6191 in this data release contains errors in 4 file names and associated descriptions on pages 194 and 195, Table A5-2 of Appendix 5. Related to these errors, the "Picton" folder in the "Appendix 5 outcrop photos/Reference Outcrop Photos" folder contains 4 incorrect photos.

The corrected version of Miscellaneous Release—Data 204 is available from our GeologyOntario Web site.

Notification Date of Amendments: December 12, 2006.

MRD 190

In Miscellaneous Release—Data (MRD) 190, Stratigraphic, Geochemical and Isotopic Data from Lakehead University Researchers: Lake Nipigon Region Geoscience Initiative (released January 9, 2006), there were extensive typographical errors in the original data provided for Appendix 1. Also, other data (loss-on-ignition and totals) were omitted from Appendixes 1, 2 and 3.

In addition, in Appendix 1, for 2 samples, the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) northing co-ordinates are in error:

  • for sample LN-01, the proper UTM co-ordinates are 366728E, 5538006N;
  • for sample LN 211, the proper UTM co-ordinates are 413279E, 5548206N.

Corrections have been made to all files. If you would like to receive a corrected version of MRD 190, please return your CD to Publication Sales and a new copy of MRD 190 will be sent to you free of charge.

MRD 168

In the October 11, 2005, Publications Release Notice, the authorship of Miscellaneous Release—Data 168, Three Dimensional Geochemistry in the Abitibi: Development of Geochemical Exploration Methods, was incorrect. The authorship should have been: Geological Survey of Canada and Ontario Geological Survey.

MRD 163

In Miscellaneous Release—Data 163, Images and Processed Data for Two-Dimensional (2D) Reflection Seismic Surveying in the Timmins-Kirkland Lake Area, Northern Ontario; Acquisition, Processing, Interpretation: Discover Abitibi Initiative (released September 12, 2005), there are errors in the sequencing of station numbers, or shotpoints, for the following seismic lines:

  • South Timmins, Regional Line 8
  • South Porcupine (Shaw Dome section), Regional Line 101
  • Crawchest, Regional Line 7
  • Kettle Lakes, High Resolution Line 2
  • South Porcupine, High Resolution Line 101A

These errors are not a problem for the casual user, but may be for those wishing to import the .sgy files into advanced modelling software (e.g., GOCAD Software). The sequencing of the station numbers in these seismic lines have been corrected. If you have purchased MRD 163 and wish to receive a revised version of the files, please return your DVD to Publication Sales and a copy of the revised MRD 163 will be sent to you free of charge.

MRD 156

In Miscellaneous Release—Data 156, Petrographic Data from the West-Central Nipigon Embayment, Lake Nipigon Region Geoscience Initiative (released June 6, 2005), the labels MgO and CaO have been reversed for samples on pages 375 to 384 and pages 389 to 392. That is, the MgO values are labelled as CaO and vice versa. Samples in the table for which Cr2O3 were analyzed are correctly labelled. Only samples for which MnO were analyzed have the labels reversed. In most of these incorrectly labelled samples, CaO values are zero or near zero, whereas MgO values are much higher (10 to 25 weight %). If you wish to receive a revised version of MRD 156, please return your CD to Publication Sales, and a copy of the revised MRD 156 will be sent to you free of charge.

MRD 155

In Miscellaneous Release—Data 155, Digital Compilation of Maps and Data from the Greenstone Architecture Project: Discover Abitibi Initiative (released Julyl 11, 2006), geochemical results were inadvertently reported only as integer values. All files have now been corrected to show decimal values. If you wish to receive a revised version of MRD 155, please return your CD to Publication Sales, and a copy of the revised MRD 155 will be sent to you free of charge.

MRD 126 – Revision 1

In MRD 126 – Revision 1, 1:250 000 Scale Bedrock Geology of Ontario (released February 2011), an older and now incorrect geologic timescale was used in the legend. Legend and shape files affected by this error have been corrected. Please go to the following site to obtain free replacement files for this MRD: Miscellaneous Release—Data 126 – Revised

MRD 124

In Miscellaneous Release—Data (MRD) 124, Modern Alluvium Data Release, Cobalt-Elk Lake Area, Northeastern Ontario (released January 12, 2004, in conjunction with OFR 6119), in files "Appendix_A_locations_UTMs.xls" and "Appendix_A_locations_UTMs.txt", there are errors in the following sample numbers. These errors do not occur in other tables.

  • sample number "02-JR-MA-002" was repeated; the second instance should be "02-JR-MA-003". (.xls version, column A, row 5)
  • sample numbers in the series "02-JR-MA-020" to "02-JR-MA-029" were repeated; the second set should be sample numbers "02-JR-MA-030" to "02-JR-MA-039". (.xls version, column A, rows 32 to 41)
  • sample number "02-JR-SG-002" was repeated; the second instance should be "02-JR-SG-003". (.xls version, column E, row 80)

These errors have been corrected in both files. If you would like to receive a corrected version of MRD 124, please return your CD to Publication Sales and a new copy of MRD 124 will be sent to you free of charge.

MRD 121

In Miscellaneous Release—Data (MRD) 121, Modern Alluvium Data Release, Sault Ste. Marie-Espanola Area Corridor, Northeastern Ontario: Operation Treasure Hunt (released April 16, 2003, in conjunction with OFR 6117), in file "Appendix A - sample locations.xls", 3 sample numbers with accompanying location information were missing from Appendix A (page 63). All sample locations are provided in Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) co-ordinates using North American Datum 1983 (NAD83) calibrated to Zone 17 (i.e., some sample locations may be in Zone 16, but Zone 17 co-ordinates are provided).

  • "Sample Number" 01-SSM-0513, 425939E 5161918N
  • "Sample Number" 01-SSM-0517, 438944E 5171364N
  • "Sample Number" 01-SSM-0519, 438971E 5167184N

These errors have been corrected. If you would like to receive a corrected version of MRD 121, please return your CD to Publication Sales and a new copy of MRD 121 will be sent to you free of charge.

MRD 89

In Miscellaneous Release—Data 89, Lake Sediment Geochemical Data (including Au, Pt and Pd) from the Fort Hope Area, Northwestern Ontario (released December 6, 2001, in conjunction with OFR 6071), Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates for the sample locations listed in the tables were reported in an incorrect North American Datum (NAD) projection. The correct projection is NAD27. Corrections to these tables have been made. If you wish to receive a revised version of MRD 89, please return your CD to Publication Sales, and a copy of the revised MRD 89 will be sent to you free of charge.

MRD 83

In Miscellaneous Release—Data 83, Modern Alluvium Data Release, Foleyet Area, Northeastern Ontario: Operation Treasure Hunt (released September 10, 2001, in conjunction with OFR 6065), UTM coordinates for some of the samples listed in Appendix A were reported for an incorrect grid zone. Corrections to Appendix A have been made; additionally, UTMs for NAD27 projection and geographic coordinates have also been added. If you wish to receive a revised version of MRD 83, please return your diskette to Publication Sales, and a copy of the revised MRD 83 will be sent to you free of charge.

MRD 82

In Miscellaneous Release—Data 82, Results of Modern Alluvium Sampling, Chapleau Area, Northeastern Ontario: Operation Treasure Hunt-Kapuskasing Structural Zone (released Julyl 9, 2001, in conjunction with OFR 6063), UTM coordinates for some of the samples listed in Appendix A were reported for an incorrect grid zone. Corrections to Appendix A have been made; additionally, UTMs for NAD27 projection and geographic coordinates have also been added. If you wish to receive a revised version of MRD 82, please return your diskette to Publication Sales, and a copy of the revised MRD 82 will be sent to you free of charge.

MRD 55

Miscellaneous Release—Data 55 (MRD 55) Reid-Mahaffy Airborne Geophysical Test Site Survey (released Julyl 6, 2000)

Notification Date of Data Re-Release: October 19, 2000

Since the original release of MRD 55, several issues have been raised by MNDM clients and Operation Treasure Hunt vendors concerning the report, figures and data. Consequently, the product has been reissued. The issues, and solutions or corrections if applicable, are listed below.

  1. Issue: Microsoft ® Word crashes when printing thrm.doc, specifically Table 1 (p.9-10). The remainder of the document can be printed.
    Solution: Printing thrm.pdf works fine. Table 1 has been separated from the Microsoft ® Word version of the report and provided separately as table_1.doc. Table 1 remains inside the Adobe® PDF version of the report.
  2. Issue: No hard copy products, particularly maps, were prepared for this product (figures are available for printing).
    Solution: This product is intended for technical evaluation of airborne electromagnetic systems, not exploration (ground is tightly held). Value-added products, including maps, are expected to be available from third parties. MNDM has no plans to provide a hardcopy product.
  3. Issue: TIFF files cannot be viewed or printed using some TIFF readers.
    Solution: TIFF files were prepared in CorelDraw, and have been viewed and printed using several TIFF readers (e.g., Earth Resource Mapping's ER Viewer, Geosoft Inc.'s OASIS montajT, Adobe® Acrobat®). Others readers (e.g., Imaging for Windows®Eastman Kodak Software Inc.) show corrupt images. Users should use more sophisticated TIFF readers, such as those included in the first list.
  4. Issue: Some of the figures (e.g., drill hole cross-sections with geophysical profile data) are too large (poster size).
    Solution: The figures were prepared at this size for legibility.
  5. Issue: Section and line locations are swapped between Figures 7 and 10 (i.e., data are correct, labelling is incorrect).
    Solution: The two figures have been corrected.
  6. Issue: Geological code legend for Table 1 (p. 10) in the report gives code 9 as
    "CON Interpreted electromagnetic conductor".
    Solution: The legend has been corrected to code 9 "Overburden", and code 10
    "CON Interpreted electromagnetic conductor".
  7. Issue: The depth measurements used for Table 1 are not given. Are the measurements in metres, feet or a mixture of both?
    Solution: All measurements are in metres. The measurements have been added to Table 1.
  8. Issue: The "Core Interval" units in Table 2 are a mixture of feet and metres.
    Solution: This preserves the integrity of the original drill logs, for reference purposes. The metric equivalents have been added where required.
  9. Issue: The drill hole cross-sections in the geological sections (Figures 6 to 10) are not identified.
    Solution: The cross-sections have been annotated with the drill hole numbers.
  10. Issue: The section at ~460395E, south end of the area (second from the west) shows no conductors in the three drill holes. Why was it picked?
    Solution: A re-evaluation of the drill hole lOGS revealed two thin conductors in drill hole RE43-04. There may be other conductors in the area that were not intersected by drill holes.
  11. Issue: Linear plot scales make visualization of TDEM late-time or TDEM low frequency channels difficult to discern (i.e., emphasizes shallow responses).
    Solution: The issue is noted in the report. Users are referred to the profile databases for alternative forms of display.
  12. Issue: In Table 2, conductors MF-13-01-141 and NM-73-2A-361 each have a second, deeper conductor described which should be broken out as separate conductors.
    Solution: Table 2 has been modified and an explanation added that very thin conductors are not displayed separately in the geological sections.
  13. Issue: Figure 5 (section plan map) shows four geophysical sections (green lines), but five geological sections (red lines).
    Solution: The green line for survey line 50 covers two geophysical sections (i.e., line 50 corresponds to two geological sections). Figure 5 has been modified to reflect this.
  14. Issue: There is no published reference provided for the Keating kimberlite coefficients.
    Solution: Reference has been added to the report.
  15. Issue: No description of the geophysical system parameters or data processing/filtering is provided (users are referred to the survey reports from subsequent OTH geophysical data releases).
    Solution: The survey reports pertaining to the seven OTH surveys released in 2000 (Vickers, Garden-Obonga, Cochrane, Temagami, Kirkland Lake, Schreiber and Matheson) are provided on the re-released product. They provide the required information.
  16. Issue: Spellings of certain units are incorrect.
    Solution: "nanoTeslas" changed to "nanoteslas", "picoTeslas" changed to "picoteslas", "femtoTeslas" changed to "femtoteslas", "nanoTeslas per square-meter" changed to "nanoteslas per metre-squared", "meters" changed to "metres".
  17. Issue: The highest altitude profile from line 40 was missing from the High-Sense database.
    Solution: The missing data have been incorporated in the profile database.
  18. Issue: The values in the "line" channel of the Geotem 30 Hz and 90 Hz EM anomaly databases were truncated to three digits (e.g., 5001 became 1), and in the "no_chan" were truncated to one digit (e.g., 10 became 0).
    Solution: The correct values were inserted.
  19. Issue: The values in certain channels of the "em_bz_drift_off" (15 channel array) from the Geotem 30 Hz and 90 Hz profile databases, were incorrect.
    Solution: The correct values were inserted.
  20. Other improvements have been made as follows:
    1. instructions for flying the test survey in future have been modified (i.e., altitude test will be flown in both directions);
    2. figure numbers have been added directly to the figures;
    3. figure numbers corresponding to the conductors have been added to Table 2;
    4. code 9 indicating overburden has been added to the geological cross-sections (Figures 6 to 10);
    5. on the section index map (Figure 5), corresponding figure numbers 6 to 10 have been added; and added four conductors (RE43-04-142, RE43-04-178, RR-RM3-396, RE54-02) to Table 2 and the corresponding figures, added the first three of these to Table 1 (the fourth is an off-hole borehole EM conductor), and revised the corresponding text (with input from Falconbridge Limited, Exploration Group, Timmins, Ontario).

Corrected Files

File NameFile SizeDate StampTime Stamp

If you have purchased a copy of this MRD where the above files do not match, please return the original CD to Publication Sales and a replacement copy will be sent to you free of charge.

MRD 53

Miscellaneous Release—Data 53 was released with an incorrect title.

The correct title is "Till, B-Horizon Soils and Humus Compositional Database, River Valley Area, Northeastern Ontario".

MRD 19

Please note the following correction for Miscellaneous Release—Data 19, entitled Analytical Data for Nipissing Intrusions (by P.C. Lightfoot and A.J. Naldrett, 1996), which contains Table 4 data to accompany Study 58: the precious metal data (Au, Pt and Pd) for all intrusions is in parts per billion NOT parts per million as cited in the MRD. (March 11, 1996.)

MRD 9-Revised

In Miscellaneous Release—Data 9-Revised, Lake Sediment Geochemical Survey of the Cow River Area, Batchewana Greenstone Belt (released March 5, 2007), the location co-ordinates for the samples listed in file “COWRIVER.xls” were converted to latitude and longitude from NAD27 UTM co-ordinates in an incorrect grid zone resulting in an error of 6° longitude. Additionally, there was a typographic error in the UTM location of sample A5-126: the correct location is 297075E 5239225N.

The corrected version of Miscellaneous Release—Data 9-Revised is available from our GeologyOntario Web site.