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Ministry of Mines » Geology » Errata and Amendments » Open File Reports

Errata - Open File Reports

OFR 6403

In Open File Report 6403Report of Activities 2022, Resident Geologist Program, Kirkland Lake Regional Resident Geologist Report: Kirkland Lake and Sudbury Districts (released July 18, 2023), the authorship on the title page was incorrectly stated. The “by” line should read: “P.J. Chadwick, A.S. Péloquin, J. Suma-Momoh, R.M. Easton, P. Bousquet, P.S. LeBaron, C.M. Daniels, S.L.K. Hinz, R.M. Todd, B.B. McKinnon, G. Dorland and N. Sabiri”. The authorship in the example references on the title page and on page iii were similarly incorrect.

The corrected version of Open File Report 6403 is available.

Notification Date of Errata: January 22, 2024.

OFR 6402

In Open File Report 6402, Report of Activities 2022, Resident Geologist Program, Timmins Regional Resident Geologist Report: Timmins and Sault Ste. Marie Districts (released July 18, 2023), please note the following 2 errors in Table 1 of the Timmins District report on page 6:

These errors have been corrected (as of April 30, 2024). You may download the corrected version of Open File Report 6402 from our GeologyOntario Web site.

We regret any inconvenience these errors may have caused.

Notification Date of Errata: June 11, 2024.

OFR 6390

In Open File Report 6390, Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 2022 (released December 15, 2022), in Article 9, Highlights of Bedrock Geology Mapping in the Quetico Subprovince, North of Thunder Bay, Northwestern Ontario, emendations were made to Figure 9.1 and its caption (page 9-2) to clarify the identification of mineral occurrences by removing discretionary lithium occurrences. The accompanying caption was emended to remove mentions of lithium.

The corrected version of Open File Report 6390 is available.

Notification Date of Errata: March 28, 2023.

In Open File Report 6390, Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 2022 (released December 15, 2022), in Article 33, Geology, Geochemistry and Mineralogy of the Enid Creek Cobalt-Copper-Nickel-Palladium-Platinum Prospect, Loveland Township, Northwest of Timmins, Ontario, several errors were noted. The following critical corrections (shown in bold) were made to this article: each mention of drill-hole L 13 was corrected to drill-hole EC-16, and the UTM co-ordinates were corrected to 454130E 5389330N (using North American Datum 1983 in Zone 17). Extensive modifications were made to the descriptions of the examinations of the drill core and to the references. The caption for Photo 33.1 was corrected to “polished thin section EC16-321S”. A “Post-Publication Addendum and Errata” with a detailed explanation has been added to the article. Note, the analytical data reported in the publication have not been affected.

The corrected version of Open File Report 6390 is available.

Notification Date of Errata: February 17, 2023.

OFR 6385

In Open File Report 6385, Report of Activities 2021, Resident Geologist Program, Kirkland Lake Regional Resident Geologist Report: Kirkland Lake and Sudbury Districts (released June 1, 2022), an error in reporting the units for cobalt was noted in the “Kirkland Lake Regional Resident Geologist (Sudbury District)—2021” report. Please note the following changes.
The units for the base metal by-product annual production of cobalt are incorrect in Table 5 (p.6, see “Vale Sudbury Metal Production”). Bold text below indicates the corrections. The units for the value of cobalt annual production should be in tonnes (t), not kilotonnes (kt).

Table 5. Base metal by-product annual production comparisons for Vale world-wide 2020–2021 (Vale 2022).




Change %

Cobalt (t)




Platinum (koz)




Palladium (koz)




Gold (koz)




1Production from all base-metal sources (includes Sudbury)
t = tonnes; koz = kilo-ounce troy

This error has been corrected (as of November 22, 2022). You may download the corrected version of OFR6385 from our GeologyOntario Web site.

We regret any inconvenience this error may have caused.

OFR 6367

In Open File Report 6367, Report of Activities 2019, Resident Geologist Program, Kirkland Lake Regional Resident Geologist Report: Kirkland Lake and Sudbury Districts (released April 28, 2020), a few errors and inconsistencies were noted in both reports and have been addressed. Please note the following changes.

Kirkland Lake District Report

The cumulative gold production value in the Kirkland Lake District report is corrected in the text and in Table 1 (bold text below indicates the corrections).

Mine Township Tons Milled Production (ounces Au) Grade (ounces/ton) Years of Production
Kirkland Lake Gold* - (Macassa) Teck 4 431 000 2 010 395 0.454 2002-present
Mine Township Tons Milled Production (ounces Au) Grade (ounces/ton) Years of Production
Total including tailings 186 689 347 46 841 762 0.251
Total excluding tailings 182 396 713 46 639 363 0.256

Sudbury District Report

An inconsistency in the use of “sample” number or numbers was noted in the Sudbury District report and is replaced by the word “station” in 3 specific sentences (bold text below indicates the corrections).

We regret any inconvenience these errors may have caused.

OFR 6354

In Open File Report 6354, Report of Activities 2019, Resident Geologist Program, Timmins Regional Resident Geologist Report: Timmins and Sault Ste. Marie Districts (released April 2, 2019), several errors were noted. Changes were made to “References” (p.107-110) and minor changes to “Contents” (p.x-xiv). In the “Timmins Regional Resident Geologist (Timmins District)—2021” report, extensive and substantive modifications were made to the descriptions of the geology and to the resultant interpretations (p.54-59). The following critical corrections (shown in bold) were made this report: each mention of drill-hole L 13 was corrected to drill-hole EC-16, and the UTM co-ordinates were corrected to 454130E 5389330N (using North American Datum 1983 in Zone 17). A “Post-Publication Addendum and Errata” with a detailed explanation has been added to the publication. Note, the analytical data reported in the publication have not been affected.

The corrected version of Open File Report 6354 is available.

Notification Date of Errata: February 17, 2023.

OFR 6345

In the online version of Open File Report 6345, Geological Compilation of the Bartlett and Halliday Domes Area, Abitibi Greenstone Belt: Marginal Notes to Accompany OGS Preliminary Map P.3822 (released April 2, 2019), Map P.3830 was inadvertently added to the back of the report. The correct map should have been Map P.3822, Geological Compilation of the Bartlett and Halliday Domes Area, Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Northeastern Ontario. This error has been corrected. You may download the corrected version of Open File Report 6345 from our GeologyOntario Web site.

We regret any inconvenience this error may have caused.

OFR 6323

In Open File Report 6323, Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 2016 (released December 20, 2016), in Article 18, Metasomatism, Syenite Magmatism and Rare Earth Element and Related Metallic Mineralization in Bancroft and Frontenac Terranes: A Preliminary Deposit Model, there are errors in the locations for the outcrops shown in 3 photographs. The specific captions, with corrected UTM co-ordinates shown in bold, are as follows.

These errors have been corrected. You may download the corrected version of Open File Report 6323 from our GeologyOntario Web site.

We regret any inconvenience these errors may have caused.

OFR 6298

In Open File Report 6298, The Rex–Werner–Separation Lakes Area High-Density Lake Sediment and Water Geochemical Survey, Northwestern Ontario (released April 8, 2014), an error in a location has been noted. On page 40, for Anomalous Area 14, site 10-RDD-1487, the UTM co-ordinates are incorrect. The correct UTM co-ordinates are 389503 mE, 5545420 mN.

This error has been corrected. You may download the corrected version of Open File Report 6298 from our GeologyOntario Web site.

OFR 6297

In Open File Report 6297, Results of Regional Till Sampling in the Detour Lake and Burntbush Area, Northern Ontario (released April 14, 2015), the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) co-ordinates displayed on Figure 2 (in the back pocket) have incorrect “N” (northing) and “E” (easting) labels. In the top right corner of the figure, the co-ordinates should be indicated as 612185 mE and 5570955 mN; in the bottom left, 510615 mE and 5410990 mN.

These errors have been fixed and a replacement report is now available. You may download the corrected version of Open File Report 6297 from our GeologyOntario Web site.

OFR 6280

In Open File Report 6280, Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 2012 (released November 6, 2012), in Article 2, Earth Resources and Geoscience Mapping Section: Program and Project Overview, a portion of Table 2.1, following page 2-5, was omitted. The new pages have been added and the pages following them are re-numbered.

This error has been corrected. You may download the corrected version of Open File Report 6280 from our GeologyOntario Web site.

OFR 6273

In Open File Report 6273, Report of Activities 2011, Resident Geologist Program, Thunder Bay South Regional Resident Geologist Report: Thunder Bay South District (released April 3, 2012), an error was noted regarding the years of production. In Table 1 (page 2), the column heading “Production to End of 2010” should read “Production to End of 2011”.

This error has been corrected. You may download the corrected version of Open File Report 6273 from our GeologyOntario Web site.

OFR 6271

In Open File Report 6271, Report of Activities 2011, Resident Geologist Program, Red Lake Regional Resident Geologist Report: Red Lake and Kenora Districts (released April 3, 2012), omissions and errors were noted in Figure 13 and Table 13 (page 33) of the "Red Lake Regional Resident Geologist (Red Lake District)—2011" report. In Figure 13, the channel sample location labels were omitted, and incorrect channel sample symbols had been added. In Table 13, the assay values for sample 2010SM-27 were omitted, and the lengths of the channel samples were not provided.

These omissions and errors have been corrected, and a replacement page is available. Please contact Publication Sales and the replacement page will be sent to you free of charge. Alternatively, you may download the corrected version of Open File Report 6271 from our GeologyOntario Web site. (notice issued: August 2, 2016)

OFR 6260

In Open File Report 6260, Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 2010 (released December 7, 2010), in Article 9, "Geology and Mineral Potential of the Hungry Lake Area, Mazinaw and Sharbot Lake Domains, Grenville Province", several errors were noted in the locations of mineral occurrences in Figure 9.2 (page 9-3).

These errors have been corrected. You may download the corrected version of Open File Report 6260 from our GeologyOntario Web site.

OFR 6252, OFR 6253, OFR 6254 and OFR 6255

In 4 guidebooks that were released as Open File Reports (August 4, 2010) following the 11th International Platinum Symposium at Laurentian University in June of 2010, there is an error on the “11th IPS Local Organizing Committee” page of the preliminary pages. In OFR 6252 page xiii, OFR 6253 page xix, OFR 6254 page xi and OFR 6255 page xvii: under the “Surface Field Trip Leaders” section, “Attila Pentek (Xstrata Nickel Exploration)” should read “Attila Péntek (Wallbridge Mining Company Ltd.)”.  These errors have been corrected.

OFR 6226

In Open File Report 6226, Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 2008 (released December 8, 2008), the following errors were noted in Article 15, Characterization of Plutonic Suites in Cavendish Township, Grenville Province, by In-Situ Geophysical Measurements and Geochemistry in Table 15.1. Some of the values for 2 intrusive unit sampling sites—numbers 3 and 4, Galloway pluton and Junction pluton, respectively—were reversed. The values for the specific gravity; the magnetic susceptibility; and the average and median weight % K, ppm U and ppm Th were reversed. The sampling site number, unit name and UTM location, rock type and age for each of site 3 (Galloway pluton) and site 4 (Junction pluton) are correct and remain unchanged.

OFR 6206

In Open File Report 6206, Report of Activities 2006, Resident Geologist Program, Southern Ontario Regional Resident Geologist Report: Southeastern Ontario and Southwestern Ontario Districts, Mines and Minerals Information Centre, and Petroleum Resources Centre (released April 17, 2007), errors were noted in the locations of exploration activity in Figure 2 (page 20).

This error has been corrected. You may download the corrected version of Open File Report 6206 from our GeologyOntario Web site.

OFR 6202

In Open File Report 6202, Report of Activities 2006, Resident Geologist Program, Thunder Bay South Regional Resident Geologist Report: Thunder Bay South District (released April 3, 2007), errors were noted regarding the years of production and reporting in 4 paragraphs of text on page 2 under the section "Gold". Specifically, a) production figures for the David Bell Mine and the Williams Mine are for the year 2006 (not 2005); and b) proven and probable reserve figures are as of January 1, 2007 (not January 1, 2006). Changes are indicated below as underlined text.


Production from the David Bell Mine (Teck Cominco Limited (50%) - Barrick Gold Corporation (50%)) in 2006 consisted of 95 670 ounces of gold from 335 327 t milled, at a feed grade of 9.42 g/t gold (J. Mustafa, Teck-Corona Operating Corporation, personal communication, 2007).

As of January 1, 2007, proven and probable reserves from the 'A', 'C' and 'D' zones totalled 713 236 t at a grade of 11.55 g/t Au (J. Mustafa, Teck-Corona Operating Corporation, personal communication, 2007).


Production from the Williams Mine (Teck Cominco Limited (50%) - Barrick Gold Corporation (50%)) in 2006 totalled 3 019 310 t milled at an average grade of 3.44 g/t Au (314 028 contained ounces of gold) (J. Mustafa, Williams Operating Corporation, personal communication, 2007).

As of January 1, 2007, proven and probable reserves totalled 15 700 118 t at a grade of 2.32 g/t Au (J. Mustafa, Williams Operating Corporation, personal communication, 2007). The Williams Mine is actively exploring to delineate the total resource on the mine property.

This error has been corrected. You may download the corrected version of Open File Report 6202 from our GeologyOntario Web site.

OFR 6191

In Open File Report 6191, An Updated Guide to the Subsurface Paleozoic Stratigraphy of Southern Ontario (released October 10, 2006), there are errors in 4 file names and associated descriptions on pages 194 and 195, Table A5-2 of Appendix 5.

The corrected version of Open File Report 6191 is available from our GeologyOntario Web site. (notice issued: December 12, 2006)

OFR 6183

InOpen File Report 6183, Report of Activities 2005, Resident Geologist Program, Timmins Regional Resident Geologist Report: Timmins and Sault Ste. Marie Districts (released April 11, 2006), there is an error in the value reported for platinum in the "Platinum Group Metals Ltd. - Lakemount Property" section on page 29 of the Timmins District report. The value should read 0.13 g/t platinum, not 0.13% platinum.

OFR 6175

In Open File Report 6175, Geochemistry and Radiogenic Isotope Characteristics of the Sills of the Nipigon Embayment: Lake Nipigon Region Geoscience Initiative (released December 13, 2005), there are errors in Table 2 and Appendix 1.

In the headings of Table 2, there are 2 errors:

In Appendix 1

These errors have been corrected and replacement pages are available. If you would like a copy of these pages, please contact Publication Sales and they will be sent to you free of charge. Please note that these revised data are available in digital format as part of Miscellaneous Release-Data 190 by Fralick, Hollings, Kissin et al. (released January 9, 2006).

OFR 6173

In Open File Report 6173, Central Swayze Area High-Density Regional Lake Sediment and Water Geochemical Survey, Northeastern Ontario (released December 13, 2005), there are errors in 2 plots accompanying the report, one of which necessitates a correction to the text.

These errors have been corrected and replacement pages are available. If you would like a copy of these pages, please contact Publication Sales and they will be sent to you free of charge. Please note the data on accompanying Miscellaneous Release-Data 188 (released December 13, 2005) are correct.

OFR 6171

In Open File Report 6171, Paleomagnetism, Geochronology and Geochemistry of Several Proterozoic Mafic Dike Swarms in Northwestern Ontario (released October 11, 2005), there is an error in the Abstract (page xi), 5th paragraph, 1st line. "N polarity" should be "R polarity". The first line should read: "A new age of 2459 5 Ma for a Matachewan dike of R polarity in English River Subprovince, north of the".

OFR 6145

Incorrect numbers were cited in two references in Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 2004, Open File Report 6145, article 7 (M.G. Houlé and C. Guilmette). The references should read as follows:

OFR 6135

In Open File Report 6135, Geological Guidebook to the Paleoproterozoic East Bull Lake Intrusive Suite Plutons at East Bull Lake, Agnew Lake and River Valley, Ontario (released April 14, 2004), an error was noted in the pagination for Day 1. Page 30 was inadvertently printed out of order, and can be found following page 41.

OFR 6127

In Open File Report 6127, Report of Activities 2003, Resident Geologist Program, Red Lake Regional Resident Geologist Report: Red Lake and Kenora Districts (released April 7, 2004), 3 errors were noted in Table 6 (page 20) of the "Red Lake Regional Resident Geologist (Red Lake District)-2003" report. The gold production for the Campbell Mine and for the Red Lake Mine are in error. The corrections are highlighted in bold in the excerpt from Table 6 below.

Mine Mineralization Gold Produced
Troy Ounces Ounces per Ton
Campbell Disseminated sulphide zones and structurally controlled siliceous replacement zones in Fe-carb veined and altered basalt 10 725 512 0.571
Red Lake Disseminated sulphide zones and structurally controlled siliceous replacement zones in Fe-carb veined and altered basalt 4 794 662 0.527

If you have purchased this report and would like a replacement page for Table 6, please contact Publication Sales, and it will be sent to you free of charge.

OFR 6120

In Open File Report 6120, Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 2003 (released December 9, 2003), the following errors were noted in Article 15, Regional Geology of the Lac des Iles Area.

  1. In the section "Tib Lake Intrusion", the beginning of the second sentence in the last paragraph (page 15-9) should read "Houston Lake Mining Inc.
    intersected 22 m grading 1.456 g/t (Pt+Pd+Au), . . .".
  2. In "References" (pages 15-17 and 15-18), several map references were missing the map scale information.

The corrected version of Open File Report 6120 is available from our GeologyOntario Web site.

OFR 6119

In Open File Report 6119, Regional Modern Alluvium Sampling Survey of the Cobalt-Elk Lake Area (released January 12, 2004, in conjunction with MRD 124), there are errors in several sample numbers in Appendix A (note, row numbers exclude heading rows). These errors do not occur in other tables.

The corrected version of Open File Report 6119 is available from our GeologyOntario Web site.

OFR 6117

In Open File Report 6117, Regional Modern Alluvium Sampling Survey of the Sault Ste. Marie-Espanola Corridor, Northeastern Ontario: Operation Treasure Hunt (released April 16, 2003, in conjunction with MRD 121), 3 sample numbers with accompanying location information were missing from Appendix A (page 63). All sample locations are provided in Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) co-ordinates using North American Datum 1983 (NAD83) calibrated to Zone 17 (i.e., some sample locations may be in Zone 16, but Zone 17 co-ordinates are provided).

The corrected version of Open File Report 6117 is available from our GeologyOntario Web site.

OFR 6095

In Open File Report 6095, Precambrian Geology of Kitto, Eva, Summers, Dorothea and Sandra Townships, Northwestern Ontario: Phoenix Bedrock Mapping Project (released October 7, 2002), the following errors were noted.

The corrected version of Open File Report 6095 is available from our GeologyOntario Web site.

OFR 6093

In Open File Report 6093, Precambrian Geology of Denton and Carscallen Townships, Timmins West Area (released August 12, 2002), UTM coordinates for samples listed in Appendix 1 are incorrect. Corrections to Appendix 1 have been made. If you would like to receive a revised version of this appendix, please contact Publication Sales, and replacement pages will be sent to you free of charge. Please note that this revised data will also become available in digital format as part of a Miscellaneous Release-Data by Vaillancourt and Hall in the spring of 2003.

OFR 6071

In Open File Report 6071, Fort Hope Area High Density Regional Lake Sediment Geochemical Survey, Northwestern Ontario (released December 6, 2001), the following errors have been noted:

  1. In Figures 2, 3, 4 and 5, in the text, the grids on these figures were labelled incorrectly.
  2. On Figure 6, in the back pocket, the grids on these figures were labelled incorrectly and the UTM coordinates grid was incorrect.
  3. In Appendix E, the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates are in North American Datum 1927 (NAD27) Zone 16, not NAD83 as listed in column 2 on pages 130-197.

The corrected version of Open File Report 6071 is available from our GeologyOntario Web site.

OFR 6068

In Figure 2 of Open File Report 6068, the area identified as the "1996 Study area", just east of Wawa, should have an associated Open File Report number of OFR 5956, not OFR 5986.

OFR 6065

In Open File Report 6065, Results of Modern Alluvium Sampling, Foleyet Area, Northeastern Ontario: Operation Treasure Hunt—Kapuskasing Structural Zone (released September 10, 2001), UTM coordinates for some of the samples listed in Appendix A were reported for an incorrect grid zone. Corrections to Appendix A have been made. If you wish to receive a revised version of Appendix A, please contact Publication Sales, and replacement pages will be sent to you free of charge.

In Figure 2 of Open File Report 6065, the area identified as the "1996 Study area", just east of Wawa, should have an associated Open File Report number of OFR 5956, not OFR 5986.

OFR 6063

in Open File Report 6063, Results of Modern Alluvium Sampling, Chapleau Area, Northeastern Ontario: Operation Treasure Hunt—Kapuskasing Structural Zone (released July 9, 2001), UTM coordinates for some of the samples listed in Appendix A were reported for an incorrect grid zone. Corrections to Appendix A have been made. If you wish to receive a revised version of Appendix A, please contact Publication Sales, and replacement pages will be sent to you free of charge.

In Figure 2 of Open File Report 6063, the area identified as the "1996 Study area", just east of Wawa, should have an associated Open File Report number of OFR 5956, not OFR 5986.

OFR 6058

Open File Report 6058, A Regional Evaluation of the Shale Resource Potential of Upper Ordovician Queenston Formation, Southern Ontario, was released with the following errors:

  1. On the legend of Figure 1, which is in the back pocket of the report, the "Whitby Formation" should read the "Blue Mountain Formation",
  2. In Appendix 3, p.109 to 110, lithologic unit numbers were inadvertently omitted from drill hole OGS-00-C1 sample listings,
  3. In Appendix 7, p.134, the reference citation should read "(data from Rutka and Vos (1993) and from unpublished notes)",
  4. In Apendix 8, Table 1, p. 138, occurences of "argillaceous siltstone" should read "shale", and "fine grained sandstone" should read "siltstone".

The corrected version of Open File Report 6058 is available from our GeologyOntario Web site.

In addition, Open File Report 6058, A Regional Evaluation of the Shale Resource Potential of Upper Ordovician Queenston Formation, Southern Ontario, was released with the following errors:

  1. On page 3 and in "Explanatory Notes" on Figure 1, occurrences of "unpublished data related to map by Feenstra 1972" should be replaced by "Feenstra (1982)".
  2. On page 66 of the reference list, the Feenstra (1972) reference should be replaced with "Feenstra, B.H. 1982. Drift thickness of the Niagara and Niagara-on-the-Lake area; Ontario Geological Survey, Preliminary Map P.537 Revised, scale 1:50 000."

OFR 6044

In Open File Report 6044, Results of Modern Alluvium Sampling, Kapuskasing–Fraserdale Area, Northeastern Ontario: Operation Treasure Hunt—Kapuskasing Structural Zone, released April 18, 2001, errors have been noted in two of the figures. In Figure 10, on page 18, the legend for the triangular symbols should read "Lamproitic/Kimberlitic Chromite" rather than "Lamprophyre/Kimberlitic Chromite". In Figure 13, on page 22, the bottom axis for graph B should be "Mg/Fe+Mg" rather than "Mg/FeMg". These errors have been corrected and replacement pages are available. If you would like a copy of these pages, please contact Publication Sales, and they will be sent to you free of charge.

In Figure 2 of Open File Report 6044, the area identified as the "1996 Study area", just east of Wawa, should have an associated Open File Report number of OFR 5956, not OFR 5986.

OFR 6036

Open File Report 6036, Schreiber–Hemlo Area Lake Sediment Survey: Gold and PGE Data—Operation Treasure Hunt, released December 11, 2000, has an error in it. On page 9, the first sentence under the subheading "Results" should read: "Proportional dot maps for Au, Pt, Pd and LOI are plotted on generalized bedrock geology maps of the study areas and are presented in Appendices A and B." This sentence currently reads: "Proportional dot maps for Au, Pt, Pd, pH, conductivity, depth and LOI are plotted on generalized bedrock geology maps of the study areas and are presented in Appendices A and B."

The corrected version of Open File Report 6036 is available from our GeologyOntario Web site.

OFR 6032

In Article 14 of Open File Report 6032, Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 2000, two text labels in the top left part of Figure 14.1 were inadvertently switched. The upper text label should read "On Strike with Pikwitonei Domain (Manitoba)", and the lower one, "Older Crustal Component on Strike with Gods Lake Domain (Manitoba)".

OFR 6018

In Open File Report 6018, Kimberlites of the Lake Timiskaming Structural Zone: Supplement, by R.P. Sage, released May 8, 2000, the frontispiece photo (page xiii) should have been reproduced in colour. This omission has been corrected.

The corrected version of Open File Report 6018 is available from our GeologyOntario Web site.

OFR 6003

In Open File Report 6003, Report of Activities 1999, Resident Geologist Program, Red Lake Regional Resident Geologist Report: Red Lake and Kenora Districts, released April 12, 2000, the following two paragraphs of text were inadvertently omitted from page 3 of the Kenora District report, "Advanced Exploration and Development" section.

In July, Avalon Ventures announced the completion of a positive pre-feasibility study on the Big Whopper petalite deposit. An independent engineering consultant, Micon International Ltd., conducted the study. Micon concluded, "the project is economically viable and that the Company should proceed to a full feasibility study." (press release, Avalon Ventures Ltd., July 5, 1999). The pre-feasibility study included the following components: 1) reserve audit and block model development; 2) pit design and mine planning; 3) metallurgical flowsheet development and plant design; 4) detailed mineralogical studies; 5) market studies and initial sales volumes estimates; 6) capital and operating costs estimates; 7) environmental studies; and 8) financial evaluation. The Company reports an estimated petalite resource of 11.6 million tonnes grading 1.34% Li2O (lithium oxide). The July press release provides details on the various aspects of the study.

Canmine Resources completed the acquisition of a hydrometallurgical cobalt extraction plant and refinery in October. The plant, formerly owned by Cobatec Inc., is located in Cobalt, Ontario. The plant will allow Canmine to upgrade cobalt concentrates from the Werner Lake Cobalt project into cobalt carbonate, which is a widely used end product (press releases, Canmine Resources Corp., July 28, 1999 and October 12, 1999).

The corrected version of Open File Report 6003 is available from our GeologyOntario Web site.

In addition, in Open File Report 6003, Report of Activities 1999, Resident Geologist Program, Red Lake Regional Resident Geologist Report: Red Lake and Kenora Districts, released April 12, 2000, the authors were inadvertently listed in the wrong order. The authorship should have been: C.C. Storey, P. Hinz, S.DM. Gosselin, C.C. Blackburn and L. Kosloski.

OFRs 5990 & 5991

The authorships of OFRs 5990 and 5991 were incorrectly stated in the March 15, 1999, Publications Release Notice. They should have read as follows:

Open File Report 5990
Report of Activities 1998, Resident Geologist Program, Timmins Regional Resident Geologist Report: Timmins and Sault Ste. Marie Districts; by B.T. Atkinson, M.H. Hailstone, R. Pressacco, A.C. Wilson, D.M. Draper, P. Hope, P.M. Morra and D.C. Egerland.

Open File Report 5991
Report of Activities 1998, Resident Geologist Program, Kirkland Lake Regional Resident Geologist Report: Kirkland Lake and Sudbury Districts; by G. Meyer, M. Cosec, G.P.B. Grabowski, D.L. Guindon and S.D.M. Gosselin.

OFR 5983

In Open File Report 5983, Precambrian Geology of the Colpitts-Bury Lakes Area (Eastern Melchett Lake Greenstone Belt), released March 1999, an error occurs in the second row of the first page of Table 1a (page 21). In this row, which provides rock descriptions for the sample numbers listed in the row above, a gap occurs under the sample number 93JRD-0007. This gap should have been placed under sample number 93JRD-0037D, a duplicate. The rock descriptions to the right of 93JRD-0007 and up to and including that under 93JRD-0037D should be shifted one column to the left.

The corrected version of Open File Report 5983 is available from our GeologyOntario Web site.

OFR 5978

Open File Report 5978, Operation Ignace–Armstrong, Obonga Lake–Lac Des Iles Area, Geology of Area II; Part 2 - Granites; Granite–Supracrustal Relationships, released September 14, 1998, has an error in the caption for Figure 2-11-2. The caption for this figure should read "AFM Plot for the Garden Lake Greenstone Belt (after Irvine and Baragar, 1971)".

Please note the following correction for OFR 5978, entitled Operation Ignace-Armstrong, Obonga Lake-Lac Des Iles Area, Geology of Area II: Part 1 - Supracrustal Rocks. The list of figures in the table of contents (page xxv) is incomplete. The following figure titles and page numbers should have been included at the end of the existing list:

OFR 5972

Open File Report 5972 (OFR 5972), entitled Report of Activities 1997, Resident Geologists Program, Timmins Regional Resident Geologist's Report: Timmins–Sault Ste. Marie Districts, contains the following errors in article 1, Part A: Timmins Area:

Table 1. Summary of claims recorded and assessment work credit in the Timmins District in 1997
Year Claims Units
Claims Units
Claims Units
Drilling $
Work $
Work $
Total $




N/A* N/A* N/A* N/A*

An insert describing these corrections, entitled Errata 2, Open File Report 5972, is included with currently shipping copies of OFR 5972 but is missing from some earlier versions.

The corrected version of Open File Report 5972 is available from our GeologyOntario Web site.

OFR 5958

Please note the following two changes for OFR 5958, entitled Report of Activities, 1996, Resident Geologists (March 10/97):

In Article No. 2, Kenora Resident Geologist's District, the caption for figure 3, on page 2-19, should read as follows: "Geology of the northwest part of the Raleigh Lake greenstone belt, and location of the Stares prospect. 1, mafic volcanic flow rocks; 2, felsic to intermediate pyroclastic rocks; 3, granitic rocks. Abbreviations: GB, greenstone belt rocks not mapped in the area bounded by the dashed line; Au, gold; Peg, rare-metal pegmatite. Hachured areas represent shear zones. Geology compiled from Satterly (1960); Blackburn, Beard and Rivett (1981); Parker (1989) and Stone and Halle (1996)."

In Article No. 10, Sault Ste. Marie Resident Geologist's District, production figures for 1995 in Table 2 on page 10-2 are incorrect for Eagle River Mine (River Gold Mines Ltd.); they should read 28,571 tonnes @10.56 g Au/t for a production of 9,700 ounces.

OFR 5955

The last sentence on page 11 of OFR 5955, titled The "Nicholson" Ultramafic Dike, Wawa, Ontario: A Preliminary Investigation, by R.P. Sage, should read as follows: "While a large number of the ilmenites from the "Nicholson" ultramafic dike display greater than 0.09 % Cr2O3, their oxidized nature implies poor conditions for diamond preservation."

The last paragraph on page 8 of OFR 5955 (March 10/97), entitled The "Nicholson" Ultramafic Dike, Wawa, Ontario: A Preliminary Investigation, by R. P. Sage, should read as follows: "Subsequent to the discovery of the "Nicholson" ultramafic dike, diamonds were found north of Wawa by Sandor Surmacz, prospector, and Marcelle Hauseux, geologist, in a rock that appears to be older than and unlike, the "Nicholson" occurrence. This discovery was reported by KWG Resources Incorporated (press releases dated June 25, 1996; September 23, 1996). Prospecting for diamond in the region is in its infancy."

OFR 5950

Two lines are missing from the bottom of page xi in OFR 5950 (Sept. 9/96), entitled Precambrian Geology of Garson and Blezard Townships. The last paragraph on this page should read: "Economic ore deposits within the map area are restricted to the sublayer of the Sudbury Igneous Complex which is found along the contact between norite and the Elsie Mountain Formation. Postdepositional faulting has affected the ore within the Garson Mine."

OFR 5949

The title of OFR 5949 (listed in the September 9, 1996, Publications Release Notice as Dimension Stone in Northwestern Ontario) has been changed to Potential Dimension Stone Quarry Sites in the Kenora, Ignace and Rainy River Areas of Northwestern Ontario.

OFR 5947

The authorship on the title page of OFR 5947, entitled Multi-media Geochemical Baseline Study in the Vicinity of the Cal Graphite Deposit, Butt Township, was incorrectly stated. The "by" line should read: R.D. Dyer, A.F. Bajc and R.G. Jackson.(Sept. 9/96.)

OFR 5942

Problems were encountered with the reproduction of many of the figures in Open File Report 5942, entitled New Exploration Targets in the Peterlong Lake-Radisson Lake Area, Southern Abitibi Subprovince; Till, Lake Sediment and Lake Water Sampling Progams.

The corrected version of Open File Report 5942 is available from our GeologyOntario Web site. (March 11/96.)

OFR 5933

In the 1995 Summary of Publications, an incorrect price was listed for OFR 5933, entitled A Prospector's Guide for Drift Prospecting for Diamonds, Northern Ontario. The price should have been $17.00, not $11.00.

OFR 5927

Preliminary interpretations presented in OFR 5927, entitled Application of Water and Soil Geochemistry to Detect Blind Mineralization in Areas of Thick Overburden, have been revised.

The corrected version of Open File Report 5927 is available from our GeologyOntario Web site. (Aug. 31/95.)

OFR 5926

Some copies of OFR 5926, entitled Mineral Occurrence and Prospects in the Fort Hope-Winisk Area, are missing pages 141 to 150 inclusive.

The corrected version of Open File Report 5926 is available from our GeologyOntario Web site. (Aug. 31/95)

OFR 5921

Report of Activities 1994, Resident Geologists, OFR 5921, was released missing pages 39b and 154b.

The corrected version of Open File Report 5921 is available from our GeologyOntario Web site. (March 6/95.)

OFR 5920

Open File Report 5920, entitled Dimension Stone: A Guide to Prospecting and Developing, was released missing page 40.

The corrected version of Open File Report 5920 is available from our GeologyOntario Web site. (March 6/95.)

OFR 5918

The title for Open File Report 5918 should read as follows: Geometry and Kaolin Potential of Anastomosed Stream Deposits in Late Albian strata of the Mattagami Formation, Pike Creek, Kipling Township, Moose River Basin.

The corrected version of Open File Report 5918 is available from our GeologyOntario Web site. (March 6/95.)

OFR 5910

A misnumbering of pages occurred during the production of some of the copies of OFR 5910, entitled A Library of Digital Bedrock Mapping Symbols. Part 2: Appendix B (Listing and Explanation of Symbol Acronyms). If your copy of this report is missing page 10--page numbering was skipped, no information is missing--then please also note that pages 70 and 71 should follow page 115, and pages 79 to 86 (inclusive) should be inserted between pages 69 and 72. (Dec. 5/94.)

OFR 5909

The diskette accompanying Open File Report 5909, entitled A Library of Digital Bedrock Mapping Symbols: Part 1, Digital Files, Figures and Descriptions, may have been released with a self-extracting file (sym_dxf.exe) that does not extract properly. If your diskette has a version of this file dated 11/07/94 and with a size of 589,774Kb and it will not extract, please return the diskette to Publication Sales along with your return address and a new one will be sent to you free of charge. (Dec. 5/94.)

The corrected version of Open File Report 5909 is available from our GeologyOntario Web site. The digital data is available from Miscellaneous Release Data 252.

OFR 5774

OFR 5774, entitled Geology, Structure and Economic Geology of the Mishibishu Lake Area, was released without a "Reference" section.

The corrected version of Open File Report 5774 is available from our GeologyOntario Web site. (Dec. 10/91)

OFR 5554

Open File Report 5554, Geology and Mineral Potential of the Eastern Tomiko Terrane, Grenville Province (on June 5 release notice; released on June 13, 2006), was accompanied by Preliminary Maps P.2846 and P.2847. Errors in latitudinal and/or longitudinal measurements on these accompanying maps have been noted and corrected (see below).

The corrected version of Open File Report 5554 is available from our GeologyOntario Web site.