Ontario Mineral Inventory

Ontario Geological Survey
Permanent Link to this Record: MDI000000000351

Record: MDI000000000351


Mineral Record Identification
Record Name(s) Falconbridge DH SHER52-01 - 2002
Related Record Type Simple
Related Record(s)
Record Status Occurrence
Date Created 2007-Jul-31
Date Last Modified 2022-Dec-06
Created By
Revised By


Primary Commodities: Copper, Cobalt

Secondary Commodities: Gold


Township or Area: Sheraton

Latitude: 48° 25' 42.27"    Longitude: -80° 46' 33.29"

UTM Zone: 17    Easting: 516576.999   Northing: 5363941.996    UTM Datum: NAD83

Resident Geologist District: Timmins

NTS Grid: 42A07NW

Point Location Description: Precise: collar of drillhole SHER52-01

Location Method: Based on Assessment

Access Description: The grid is located in northwestern Sheraton Township, approximately 42 kilometres east southeast of the city of Timmins. The southern edge of the grid is accessed from a bush road which runs east from the Gibson Lake Road.

Exploration History

1971-1972, Cominco Ltd: Airborne geophysics (T-650) 1973-1974, Cominco Ltd.: On claim north of occurrence claim-ground geophysics and two holes drilled to test EM anomalies (T-650) 1997, Golden Knight Resources Inc. / Cross Lake J.V.: 1 drillhole (SK97-11) in SE corner of occurrence claim (T-3576) 1997 - 1998, Golden Knight Resources Inc.: Ground geophysics (T-4159; T-4179) 1998, Golden Knight Resources Inc.: Downhole geophysics (T-4209) 2002, Falconbridge Limited: Ground geophysics, drilling, assays (T-4870) 2003, Falconbridge Limited: 1 Drillhole, assays (T-4989) See also history summary in T-4870

Assessment Work on File

Assessment Work on File
Office File Number Online Assessment File Identifier Online Assessment File Directory
T-0650 / 2.962 42A07NW0115 42A07NW0115
T-0650 / 2.961 42A07NW0116 42A07NW0116
T-0650 / 2.1718 42A07NW0113 42A07NW0113
T-3576 / 2.17959 42A07NE2001 42A07NE2001
T-4159 / 2.19367 42A07NE2007 42A07NE2007
T-4179 / 2.19364 42A07NW2011 42A07NW2011
T-4209 / 2.19379 42A07NE2012 42A07NE2012
T-4870 / 2.25953 42A07NW2017 42A07NW2017
T-4989 / 2.27710 42A07NW2018 42A07NW2018


Province: Superior

Subprovince: Abitibi

Terrane: Wawa-Abitibi

Belt: Abitibi

Geological Age: Archean  

Geology Comments

Jul 31, 2007 (D Draper) - The occurrence is within Falconbridge's FL-A grid which is located within a band of felsic volcanics which trend north-south through the western half of Sheraton Township. Holes drilled by Cominco during the 1970's in the northeastern part of the grid area intersected felsic and graphitic tuffs. All of the rocks are cut by north-south and east northeast striking diabase dikes. (T-4870)


Lithology Data
Rock Type Rank Composition Texture Relationship
Felsic lava flow-unsubdivided 1 Quartz-Feldspar Rhyolite Fragmental Contains
Siltstone 2 Graphitic Argillite Contains


Mineralization and Alteration
Rank Mineral Name Class Economic Mineral Type Alteration Mineral Type Alteration Ranking Alteration Intensity Alteration Style

Mineralization Comments

Jul 31, 2007 (D Draper) - Drillhole SHER52-01 significant assays: --Average of 0.34% (3400 g/t) Cu over 11.57m. This section was divided between: a sedimentary unit of very fine grained massive black graphitic argillite with frequent large to small clasts of semi-massive pyrite and lesser fracture controlled chalcopyrite from 117.83m to 120.4m; and a felsic volcanic unit of a fine grained massive dark grey pyrite-chalcopyrite-bearing to rich quartz-feldspar rhyolite fragmental from 120.4m to 129.4m. --The sedimentary unit also included a return of 293ppm Co over 1.36m at 117.83m. As well, an assay of 382ppm Co was obtained from a 1.5m sample at 135.50m from the felsic volcanic unit. --0.814% (8140 g/t) Cu over 1.50m @162.5m. This assay is from a section of the hole from 156.58m to 212.72m that is not described in detail in the submitted log. --322ppb Au over 1.5m @ 69.5m from a unit of dense, weakly chloritic and fuchsitic tourmaline-sulphide-bearing quartz vein swarm hosted within a strongly siliceous and sericitic moderately fractured quartz-feldspar-phyric intermediate lapilli tuff (T-4870) Hole SHER52-03 was collared 120m east of SHER52-01. Significant assays: --Average of 0.56% (5605 g/t) Cu over 2m @ 232.8m in felsic volcanics with cpy associated with calcite veinlets --377ppb Au over 1.6m @ 84m in intermediate metavolcanics with disseminated py (T-4989)

Mineral Record Details


Map - Precambrian Geology, Sheraton Township

Publication Number: P3387 Scale: 1:20,000    Date: 1999

Author: Vaillancourt C.

Publisher Name: Ontario Geological Survey


Mono - Precambrian Geology of the Watabeag Lake Area

Publication Number: OFR6042 Date: 2001

Author: Vaillancourt C.

Publisher Name: Ontario Geological Survey


Map - Precambrian Geology, Watabeag Lake Area

Publication Number: P3421 Scale: 1:50,000    Date: 2000

Author: Vaillancourt C.

Publisher Name: Ontario Geological Survey


Map - Geophysical/geochemical series, Matheson-Black River area, Sheraton Township, airborne electromagnetic survey, total intensity magnetic survey, District of Cochrane

Publication Number: M80602 Scale: 1:20,000    Date: 1984

Author: Questor Surveys Ltd.

Publisher Name: Ontario Geological Survey


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Ministry Contact Information

For detailed information regarding this mineral record please contact the Timmins Resident Geologist District Office