Ontario Mineral Inventory

Ontario Geological Survey
Permanent Link to this Record: MDI000000001039

Record: MDI000000001039


Mineral Record Identification
Record Name(s) T-8 Zones - 2005
Related Record Type
Related Record(s)
Record Status Occurrence
Date Created 2011-Mar-04
Date Last Modified 2023-Apr-18
Created By
Revised By


Primary Commodities: Copper

Secondary Commodities: Gold, Silver, Cobalt


Township or Area: Watten

Latitude: 48° 40' 47.79"    Longitude: -93° 4' 28.01"

UTM Zone: 15    Easting: 494519.998   Northing: 5391879.996    UTM Datum: NAD83

Resident Geologist District: Kenora

NTS Grid: 52C11NE

Point Location Description: Taken from geology map with occurrences AFRO 2.32111

Location Method: Data Compilation

Access Description: The property is accessed from Highway 11 east of Fort Frances. There is a series of logging roads which provide access to the internal parts of the Grassy Portage intrusive rocks.

Exploration History

There is a long history of base metals exploration within the North Rock area, with the earliest recorded work occurring in 1918, with possible, unrecorded work as early as 1902. Research suggests that there has been little exploration for the platinum group elements (PGE's) and only minor interest in Au. Most of the exploration activity occurred between 1958 and 1978 and was sporadic before or since.2001, 2003 to 2006 as presented in MetalCORP, Kenora assessment file 52C11NE BBB-8 AFRO 2.37249 Two prospecting programs were completed during 2003 and 2004. The property was optioned to MetalCORP Ltd (MTC) during October 2004. During 2005 and 2006 MTC completed an AeroTEM IT helicopter-borne survey, Phase 1 and II diamond drill programs, linecutting, detailed prospecting, and geological mapping.

Geology Comments

Mar 04, 2011 (C Ravnaas) - The North Rock Property is primarily underlain by the differentiated Grassy Portage Intrusion (GPI) with lesser amounts of the Grassy Portage ultramafic pyroclastic sequence (GUP); clastic metasedimentary rocks of the Couchiching Metasediments; granitoid rocks of the Bear Passage and Blind Bay plutons; sections of2 formational, composite, chemical/clastic metasedimtmtary sequences; two narrow mafic metavolcanic units; and a few, possibly subvolcanic gabbro sills. All observed rocks-types comprise the southern limb of a large-scale open, antiformal fold cored by the Rice Bay Dome located approximately 1.50 km north of the property (Figure 3). Most rock-types have been regionally metamorphosed to lower amphibolite-grade. The southwestern two-thirds of the Grassy Portage Intrusion underlies the core of the property (~75%). This large, sill-like, mafic complex intrudes all observed supracrustal rock-types, and is composed ofa well-differentiated, locally layered, cumulate sequence of medium- to coarse-grained, melagabbro, gabbro and leucogabbro; coarsely plagiophyric to glomero-plagiophyric gabbro to leucogabbro; localized intervals ofmedium- to coarse-grained anOlthosite; and a discontinuous, noncumulate, ophitic-textured, melagabbroic border phase that is present along both the upper and lower contacts ofthe complex. The intrusion is structurally overturned and stratigraphically south-facing. Cha1copyrite-dominated mineralization concentrates along both upper and lower contacts with the greatest sulphide abundances observed near the basal or northern contact. Reference MetalCORP, Kenora assessment file 52C11NE BBB-8 AFRO 2.37249


Lithology Data
Rock Type Rank Composition Texture Relationship
Gabbro 1

Lithology Comments

Mar 04, 2011 (C Ravnaas) - Most of the presently defined, surface mineralized zones are aligned roughly subparallel to the basal contact of the Grassy Portage Intrusion, are elongate in outline with diffuse margins, and contain highly variable amounts of sulphides with highly variable, but internally consistent, base and precious metals grades associated with a confined range of rock-types. The 2005 prospecting program discovered at least 28 new occurrences and diffuse zones and numerous low-grade showings (not described) from the 489 grab samples Reference MetalCORP, Kenora assessment file 52C11NE BBB-3 AFRO 2.32111


Mineralization and Alteration
Rank Mineral Name Class Economic Mineral Type Alteration Mineral Type Alteration Ranking Alteration Intensity Alteration Style

Mineralization Comments

Mar 04, 2011 (C Ravnaas) - The isolated T-8 Occurrence is located within fine- to medium-grained gabbro oftening 2% disseminated chalcopyrite and some pyrrhotite. The single 2005 prospecting sample taken contained 1.41% Cu, 193 ppm Co, 6.1 ppm Ag, 134ppb Au, and 194ppm As. The T-8 North Occurrence is located 160 m north-northwest of the T-8 Occurrence and consists of rusty, fine- to medium-grained, greyish gabbro with 1 to 2% disseminated to blebby chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite. Several grab samples all contained strongly anomalous to low-grade Cu values with the highest-grade sample containing 3160ppm Cu. Reference MetalCORP, Kenora assessment file 52C11NE BBB-3 AFRO 2.32111

Mineral Record Details

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Ministry Contact Information

For detailed information regarding this mineral record please contact the Kenora Resident Geologist District Office