Ontario Mineral Inventory

Ontario Geological Survey
Permanent Link to this Record: MDI000000001360

Record: MDI000000001360


Mineral Record Identification
Record Name(s) Sidace Lake Main Zone - 2010
Related Record Type
Related Record(s)
Record Status Developed Prospect With Reported Reserves or Resources
Date Created 2012-Feb-13
Date Last Modified 2022-Oct-25
Created By
Revised By


Primary Commodities: Gold


Township or Area: Coli Lake Area

Latitude: 51° 17' 1.6"    Longitude: -93° 32' 13.68"

UTM Zone: 15    Easting: 462540   Northing: 5681520.01    UTM Datum: NAD83

Resident Geologist District: Red Lake

NTS Grid: 52N05SE

Point Location Description: precise

Location Method: Data Compilation

Access Description: 25 km NE of Balmertown via Nungesser Road

Exploration History

1965-1970: Cochenour-Willians Gold Mines and Selco Exploration completed airborne mag and EM surveys. 1978-1979: Dome Exploration Ltd. Completed base metal exploration program, airborne mag and EM survey, as well as ground geophysics and diamond drilling 17 DDH totalling 6499 ft. 1996-98: Corsair Exploration Inc conducted prospecting and sampling program, overburden drilling, 27 reverse circulation drill holes total of 662.1m. 1998: Planet Exploration completed ground mag survey and phase 1 diamond drilling 6 DDH @ 828 m. 1999: Planet Exploration completed VLF-EM survey, phase 2 and 3 drill program, 5 DDH totalling 1143 m and 6 DDH totalling 1195 m. 2002: Planet Exploration and Madalena Ventures Ltd completed 12 DDH @ 2251 m. 2003: they also drilled 10 DDH @ 2251 m. 2003: Planet Exploration Inc. and Goldcorp Inc. agreed to joint venture and completed LP survey, ground mag, airborne mag surveys, and 5 DDH @ 4647 m. 2004: 10 DDH @12,452 m, 2005: 43 DDH @ 12,452 m, 2006: 24 DDH @ 6574 m and 6 DDH @ 5968.3 m. 2007/2008: 40 DDH @ 16,186.9 m, and 32 DDH @ 13809.7. 2009: drill program conducted on the Main Zone, Upper Duck Zone and Anderson Lake Zone, 9 DDH total 4483.55 m. 2020: Pacton Gold acquired 39.5% of the property in a joint venture with Evolution Mining. 2020-21: Pacton drilled 18 DDH totalling 11,575 m and increased their interest in the project to 46.7%.

Assessment Work on File

Assessment Work on File
Office File Number Online Assessment File Identifier Online Assessment File Directory
RL 3427, 2.48359 20000006918 20000006918
RL 3314, 2.43714 20000004491 20000004491
RL 3270, 2.42260 20000004329 20000004329
2.37273 20000003190 20000003190
2.20037 52N05SE2005 52N05SE2005
2.29255 20000000258 20000000258
2.18112 52N05SE2001 52N05SE2001
2.24383 52N05SE2010 52N05SE2010
2.33820 20000002041 20000002041
2.25177 52N05SE2013 52N05SE2013


Province: Superior

Subprovince: Uchi

Terrane: North Caribou

Domain: Uchi

Belt: Red Lake

Geological Age: Archean  


Lithology Data
Rock Type Rank Composition Texture Relationship
Mafic lava flow-unsubdivided 1 Tholeiitic Host
Granite 1 dyke Intrudes
Felsic lava flow-unsubdivided 1 Host


Mineralization and Alteration
Rank Mineral Name Class Economic Mineral Type Alteration Mineral Type Alteration Ranking Alteration Intensity Alteration Style

Mineralization Comments

Feb 13, 2012 (A McKee) - 2007/08: best assays returned 58.25 g/t Au over 1m. 2009: 5 DDH in the area, grades: RL-09-196: 5.59 g/t Au over 1 m. RL-09-197: 1.4 g/t over 1 m. RL-09-198: 3.15 g/t over 1 m. RL-09-199: 1.5 g/t over 1 m. RL-09-200: 1.93 g/t over 1 m. 2010: Indicated Resource of 1.6 million tonnes at a grade of 2.41 gm Au/t at a cut off grade of 0.50 gm Au/t.

Apr 28, 2016 (Therese Pettigrew) - There are four styles of gold mineralization noted on the property. They are as follows: 1) quartz veining associated with an intense potassic alteration zone. Gold is associated with minor pyrite, pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite, stibnite, molybdenum and rarely realgar and orpiment. This mineral assemblage occurs within quartz-sericite-schist ("QSS") and the footwall microcline alteration unit, both being host to the quartz veining, e.g. the MDZ; 2) silicification associated with arsenopyrite within grunerite-magnetite Iron Formation, e.g. the UDZ; 3) arsenopyrite, pyrite, pyrrhotite associated with quartz-diopside-veining and observed in all of the major lithologies on the Property, excepting the granites, e.g. the Skarn Zone; and 4) shearing of ultramafic lithologies, particularly along the contacts with other supracrustals. The Main Discovery Zone ("MDZ") is a large "Z-shaped" mineralized body. The north limb of the zone has a trend of 050 degrees and a dip of 65 degrees NW. The east limit of this section is acute to the north limit of the middle limb. This section has a strike length of 200-300 m and has an arcuate form without any definite break in trend between the middle and south limbs of the fold. The fold and gold values are confined to a north-striking limb of approximately 200 m strike near surface, which increases as tightness of the fold eases in depth to closer to 350 m at about 400 m vertically below surface datum. The fold plunges at about 80 degrees to the northwest, between 340-350 degrees. The quartz-sericite schist unit is capped by a thick horizon of massive quartz that is interpreted to be a meta-chert. The footwall lithologies exhibit a strong potassic alteration (microcline, sericite and biotite). The mineralized zone and the surrounding envelop are within felsic and mafic metavolcanics that exhibit aluminous alteration. Andalusite, Staurolite and garnet (almandine) occur throughout the lithologies. Gold is associated with a network of deformed quartz veinlets. The veinlets usually range between 1–20 mm in thickness and commonly carry sulphides, including realgar and orpiment. The sulphides can range up to 10% in abundance with pyrite, pyrrhotite and arsenopyrite being the most common, and stibnite, sphalerite and molybdenite less common. The sulphides commonly occur within the quartz-sericite schist and generally are absent within the altered potassic (microcline) sections. Gold occurs in a free state or with pyrite, pyrrhotite and arsenopyrite and in lesser amounts with magnetite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena and sulpharsenides in quartz-ankerite and/or 'cherty' quartz veins, stockworks, lenses, stringers and silicified zones. In a few instances, scheelite has been reported. Usually the gold mineralization is associated with the quartz veining with minor amounts (1 to 3%) of disseminated sulphides. Dark grey quartz veinlets occur throughout the QSS and microcline alteration unit. The main section of gold mineralization extends from the massive quartz unit, down through the QSS and into the interfingered section of microcline and QSS. The QSS, microcline and quartz veins are all host to the sulphides which include pyrite, pyrrhotite, stibnite, molybdenum, arsenopyrite, realgar and orpiment. Gold values extend down into the footwall lithologies for well over 100 m, but for the most part, these appear to lack continuity. The hangingwall to the mineralization is a massive quartz unit with disseminated (3-5%) to stringer pyrite-pyrrhotite. There are several bands of semi-massive, banded sulphides that would indicate that this unit was likely of exhalite origin. A band of QSS lies below the massive silica unit, varying from 5 to 40 metres in thickness. A section of intense microcline alteration lies below and is complexly interfingered along the contact with the QSS (Power-Fardy and Breede, 2009).

Oct 25, 2022 (Paul Malegus) - SDC-20-003 intersected 9.0 g/t Au over 2.3 m, extending the main zone by 200 m at depth. SDC-20-005 intersected 1.3 g/t Au over 75.2 m including 4.5 g/t Au over 5.2 m approximately 200 m below surface and 1.3 g/t Au over 30.9 m approximately 150 m below surface (Pacton Gold news release Sept. 16, 2021).

Alteration Comments

Apr 28, 2016 (Therese Pettigrew) - Silicification and carbonatization, together with anomalous potassium-enrichment and sodium and calcium (minor magnesium) depletion, occurs in the alteration aureoles surrounding mineralized zones. One important aspect, particularly with respect to exploration, is the presence of geochemically elevated levels of gold and arsenic in the alteration aureoles (Power-Fardy and Breede, 2009).

Mineral Record Details

1 Lode (Gold)
Rank Characteristic            
1 Sheared
1 Vein

Mineral Zones - Size and Shape

Zone Name: Detour Lake - Rank 1
Shape Length Thickness Depth Strike Dip Plunge Trend Age Reference
Irregular 300 65 50
Reserves or Resources Data
Zone Year Category Tonnes Reference Comments Commodities
Main Discovery Zone 2009 Indicated Mineral Resource 1119500 Planet Exploration NI 43-101 Report, april 14 2009, Technical Review of the Sidace Lake Gold Property 3.00 g/t Au, 107900 oz Au Gold 3.0 g/t
Main Discovery Zone 2009 Inferred Mineral Resource 1677200 Planet Exploration NI 43-101 Report, april 14 2009, Technical Review of the Sidace Lake Gold Property 3.01 g/t Au, 162500 oz Au Gold 3.01 g/t


Map - Precambrian geology, Nungesser River

Publication Number: P3175 Scale: 1:50,000    Date: 1990

Author: Stone D., Good D.J.

Publisher Name: Ontario Geological Survey


Publication - Technical Review of the Sidace Lake Gold Property, Including Mineral Resource Estimates for the Main Discovery and Upper Duck Zones

Publication Number: 2009 NI 43-101 Date: 2009

Author: Power-Fardy, D., Breede, K.

Publisher Name: Watts, Griffis and McOuat for Planet Exploration Inc.

Location: SEDAR

Mono - Report of Activities 2005, Resident Geologist Program, Red Lake Regional Resident Geologist Report: Red Lake and Kenora Districts

Publication Number: OFR6180 Date: 2006

Author: Lichtblau A.F., Ravnaas C., Storey C.C., Raoul A., Gula R., Saunders D.

Publisher Name: Ontario Geological Survey


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