Ontario Mineral Inventory

Ontario Geological Survey
Permanent Link to this Record: MDI000000002491

Record: MDI000000002491


Mineral Record Identification
Record Name(s) Summers Pipeline - 1996, Mathe Occurrence - 1925
Related Record Type
Record Status Occurrence
Date Created 2021-Feb-23
Date Last Modified 2022-Jan-05
Created By Therese Pettigrew
Revised By Therese Pettigrew


Primary Commodities: Gold


Township or Area: Summers

Latitude: 49° 35' 4.84"    Longitude: -87° 58' 35.98"

UTM Zone: 16    Easting: 429405   Northing: 5492913    UTM Datum: NAD83

Resident Geologist District: Thunder Bay North

NTS Grid: 42E12SW

Point Location Description: OFR6095 Table 3

Location Method: Data Compilation

Exploration History

1925: F. Mathe staked the property. 1931: 25% interest was transferred each to S. Dillabough and D. Walker. Surface exploration was carried out. 1932: 200 days work was filed. 1934: D. Walker and F. Mathe transferred their interest in the property to S. Dillabough. 1936: a survey was filed. 1958: the claim was cancelled. 1960: A. Oja staked the property, who transferred it to R.V. Oja in 1962. 1 DDH totaling 48.8 m was drilled and sampled. 1972: J. Petrick staked the property and 2 DDH totaling 79.9 m were drilled. 1978: property was staked by J. Nelson. 1980: Hanna Mining Company optioned the property and carried out a geological survey and soil sampling. 1981: the property was transferred to Pancontinental Mining Canada Ltd., who flew airborne EM, magnetics and resistivity surveys. 1984: Pancontinental carried out stripping and trenching. 1988: Pancontinental transferred 45% interest to Norben Gold Resources Inc. 1990: A. Lafontaine carried out stripping and sampling. 1996: L. Holt carried out prospecting, drilling, blasting, and sampling. 1997: Goldbrook Explorations Inc. drilled 5 DDH totaling 310 m. 2003: A. Lafontaine carried out prospecting and sampling.

Assessment Work on File

Assessment Work on File
Office File Number Online Assessment File Identifier Online Assessment File Directory
2.17330 42E13SW0106 42E13SW0106
27 42E12SW0077 42E12SW0077
2.27272 42E12SW2005 42E12SW2005
2.18719 42E12SW2003 42E12SW2003
63.5888 42E12SW0038 42E12SW0038


Province: Superior

Subprovince: Wabigoon

Belt: Beardmore-Geraldton

Geological Age: Archean  


Lithology Data
Rock Type Rank Composition Texture Relationship
Mafic lava flow-unsubdivided 1
Ironstone-unsubdivided 2 Host
Vein 3 Quartz Host

Lithology Comments

Feb 23, 2021 (Therese Pettigrew) - "Outcrop is located on the southern portion of the claim, south of the CNR. Fine grained medium to dark tuff, exhibiting poor to moderate schistosity has iron carbonate, and calcium-magnesium carbonate associated with it. Outcrops of tuffaceous material with an extremely well-developed cleavage, as well as minor outcrops of diabase west of the volcanics are also found on the property. The contact between the metavolcanics and metasediments is found on the northernmost outcrop. The sedimentary rocks contain chert and iron carbonate." (McBride 1982). A 1978 report by Albert Hopkins (Beardmore-Geraldton Resident Geologist's Files) states that a grab sample taken by Ewald Rentz was well mineralized by pyrite, and contained sparse chalcopyrite. The geochemical sampling conducted by Hanna Mines (Higgins 1980) showed anomalous gold and arsenic values near the outcrop on TB 465854. Higgins reported the arsenic anomaly "occurs adjacent to known iron formation and arsenic bearing quartz veins." The anomalous gold values may be derived from hydrothermal fluids from within the fault contact. Diamond drill hole logs on the property report quartz and carbonate veins with arsenopyrite, pyrite, graphite and chalcopyrite (Grant and Oja 1962), as well as narrow quartz stringers and minor quartz veins with minor sulphides (Petrick 1974).


Mineralization and Alteration
Rank Mineral Name Class Economic Mineral Type Alteration Mineral Type Alteration Ranking Alteration Intensity Alteration Style

Mineralization Comments

Feb 23, 2021 (Therese Pettigrew) - Nelson (1979) reported the following: "Gold is confirmed to be present in the sand and gravel of the river bottom and banks. The sulphide is usually present in minor amounts in practically all cases. Very little free gold was found. However where it is present it gave a good concentrate. The gold present is known to come from tailings of the Northern Empire Mine. It also is probably present in the sand as a placer. Further work is now being performed to check this. In nearly all concentrates fine sulphides were found with no visible free gold. These concentrates assayed about 0. 05 oz/ton Au. Locations were found with free gold present, they ran up to 11.2 oz/ton Au. Unconcentrated sand ran as high as 0.06 oz/ton Au." Samples collected by J. Petrick in 1962 returned 0.12 and 0.40 oz/t Au (4.11 and 13.71 g/t Au) (Speed and Craig, 1992). In 1996, work consisted of prospecting, drilling, blasting and sampling. Prospecting was conducted to resample the Mathe showing and during this period, a new zone, the Summers Pipeline showing, was discovered. It consists of mineralized banded iron formation that is 11 to 12 feet wide where it is most strongly mineralized and contains a 1-foot wide quartz vein with arsenopyrite in the fractures. Grab samples from the old showing assayed 2.057, 2.949 and 4.046 g/t Au from sugary quartz with sulphide seams, banded iron formation with 5% sulphide minerals, and quartz with 50% sulphide minerals, respectively. Grab samples from the new showing assayed 88.115, 17.417, 1.920 and 3.343 g/t Au from samples containing 90% arsenopyrite with quartz and pyrite, iron formation with 25% fine disseminated sulphide minerals, sugary iron formation with 10% disseminated sulphide minerals, and quartz with arsenopyrite, pyrite and pyrrhotite, respectively. A single 80 m deep diamond drill hole intersected carbonatized massive mafic flows and interflow chert-magnetite iron formation (Thorsteinson 1984). The best assay was 0.69 g/t Au over 0.3 m in a quartz vein hosted by iron formation (Hart et al., 2002). DDH PL97-1 returned up to 3.67 g/t Au from a quartz vein with large pyrrhotite blebs and 3.70 g/t Au from a heavily pyrrhotite seamed zone mixed with 3-5% arsenopyrite and possibly some sphalerite (Assessment report 42E12SW2003).

Mineral Record Details


MonoMap - Precambrian Geology of Kitto, Eva, Summers, Dorothea and Sandra Townships, Northwestern Ontario: Phoenix Bedrock Mapping Project

Publication Number: OFR6095 Scale:     Date: 2002

Author: Hart T.R., ter Meer M., Jolette C.

Publisher Name: Ontario Geological Survey

Mono - Beardmore-Geraldton historical research project

Publication Number: OFR5823 Scale:     Date: 1992

Author: Speed A.A., Craig S.

Publisher Name: Ontario Geological Survey

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Ministry Contact Information

For detailed information regarding this mineral record please contact the Thunder Bay North Resident Geologist District Office