Ontario Mineral Inventory

Ontario Geological Survey
Permanent Link to this Record: MDI31E07NE00006

Record: MDI31E07NE00006


Mineral Record Identification
Record Name(s) J.G. McLennan Property - 1956
Related Record Type Simple
Related Record(s)
Record Status Discretionary Occurrence
Date Created 1981-Aug-26
Date Last Modified 2023-Jun-13
Created By
Revised By


Primary Commodities: Niobium

Secondary Commodities: Rare Earth Elements, Uranium


Township or Area: Peck

Latitude: 45° 28' 4.92"    Longitude: -78° 44' 49.46"

UTM Zone: 17    Easting: 676112.999   Northing: 5037413.997    UTM Datum: NAD83

Resident Geologist District: Southern Ontario

NTS Grid: 31E07NE

Point Location Description: approximate

Location Method: Data Compilation

Access Description: SE corner of lot 6 conc 4 of Peck Township.

Exploration History

1956: J.G. McLennan - stripping, sampling


Province: Grenville

Subprovince: Central Gneiss Belt

Geological Age: Mesoproterozoic  


Lithology Data
Rock Type Rank Composition Texture Relationship
Pegmatite 1 Host
Gneiss-Unsubdivided 2 Diorite To Quartz Diorite Contains

Lithology Comments

Jan 12, 2012 (A Wilson) - The country rock is hybrid granite gneiss striking N20E and dipping 30E. It is cut by a vertical pegmatite dike which strikes north. It is exposed for a length of 35 feet and is 3 to 5 feet wide.


Mineralization and Alteration
Rank Mineral Name Class Economic Mineral Type Alteration Mineral Type Alteration Ranking Alteration Intensity Alteration Style

Mineralization Comments

Jan 12, 2012 (A Wilson) - A mineralogical assessment of the pyroclore assayed 0.4843 (Nb?). A chip sample across the pegmatite assayed 0.004% U3O8. A grab sample from the pegmatite assayed 0.006% U3O8. All analyses were radiometric.

Mineral Record Details

1 Pegmatite
Rank Characteristic            
1 Intrusive


Mono - Pegmatite mineral resources of Ontario

Publication Number: IMR021 Page: 65  Date: 1997

Author: Hewitt D.F.

Publisher Name: Ontario Dept. of Mines


MonoMap - Columbium (niobium) deposits of Ontario

Publication Number: MDC014 Page: 50  Date: 1971

Author: Ferguson S.A.

Publisher Name: Ontario Dept. of Mines and Northern Affairs


Mono - Some radioactive mineral occurrences in the counties or districts of Frontenac, Haliburton, Hastings, Manitoulin, Nipissing, Parry Sound, Peterborough, and Renfrew

Publication Number: OFR5057 Page: 46-47  Date: 1997

Author: Satterly J.

Publisher Name: Ontario Dept. of Mines and Northern Affairs


Mono - Uranium and thorium deposits of southern Ontario

Publication Number: OFR5311 Page: 392  Date: 1981

Author: Gordon J.B., Rybak U.C., Robertson J.A.

Publisher Name: Ontario Geological Survey


Map - Precambrian Geology, Kawagama Lake Area

Publication Number: P3525 Scale: 1:50,000    Date: 2003

Author: Lumbers S.B., Vertolli V.M.

Publisher Name: Ontario Geological Survey


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Ministry Contact Information

For detailed information regarding this mineral record please contact the Southern Ontario Resident Geologist District Office