Ontario Mineral Inventory

Ontario Geological Survey
Permanent Link to this Record: MDI41N15NE00025

Record: MDI41N15NE00025


Mineral Record Identification
Record Name(s) Jubilee Mine - 1899, Wawa Gold Project - 2014
Related Record Type Compound
Related Record(s)
Record Status Past Producing Mine With Reserves or Resources
Date Created 1991-Jan-08
Date Last Modified 2024-Aug-29
Created By
Revised By


Primary Commodities: Gold


Township or Area: McMurray

Latitude: 47° 58' 46.04"    Longitude: -84° 44' 56.8"

UTM Zone: 16    Easting: 667968.32   Northing: 5316468.59    UTM Datum: NAD83

Resident Geologist District: Sault Ste. Marie

NTS Grid: 41N15NE

Point Location Description: Inclined shaft on SSM 5662 (patent)

Location Method: Field Visit with GPS

Access Description: Drive south from highway 101 along the Surluga Road for approximately 2 km. The old concrete footing on the west side of the road marks the footings of the old head frame. The shaft has been filled in and lies in the centre of the mine waste on the east side of the road.

Exploration History

1897-1898: Great Northern Mining Exploration and Development Company Ltd. sunk a 103-foot inclined shaft, second shaft sunk at south end of Jubilee Lake. 1923-1930: Cooper Gold Mines Ltd. / Pioneer Mining Corporation Ltd. completed 30 diamond drill holes, deepening of the shaft to 550 feet with levels at 180, 290, 411 and 535 feet. 1929-1930: mine in production. 1930: production ceased and mine was allowed to flood. 1930-39: Minto Gold Mines Ltd. ore was trucked from the Jubilee and milled at the Minto following the closure of the Minto Gold Mine. 1942- 1944: mill salvage. 1970-1979: compilation and interpretation. 1989-91: Citadel Gold Mines Ltd. completed shaft dewatering, underground sampling. 2014-2015: Red Pine Exploration Inc. completed 6 diamond drill holes totaling 1,573 m, assays and analyses, geochemical analyses, and ground geophysics. 2015-2017: Red Pine Exploration Inc. completed 13 diamond drill holes totaling 1,571 m, rock sampling, assays and analyses. 2016-2017: Red Pine Exploration Inc. completed bedrock trenching, channel sampling, assaying and analyses.

Assessment Work on File

Assessment Work on File
Office File Number Online Assessment File Identifier Online Assessment File Directory
McMurray-0062 41N15NE0036 41N15NE0036
WP McMurray-107 / 2.55850 20000014784 20000014784
WP McMurray-113 / 2.57956 20000013579 20000013579
WP McMurray-115 / 2.58422 20000015590 20000015590
WP McMurray 56 / 63.6152 42C02SE0500 42C02SE0500


Province: Superior

Subprovince: Wawa

Terrane: Wawa-Abitibi

Belt: Michipicoten

Tectonic Assemblage: Wawa

Geological Age: Neoarchean   Geochronological Age: 2750 MA   Geochron. Age Ref.: OFR 5888

Metamorphism Type: Regional

Metamorphism Grade: Greenschist

Geology Comments

Jan 29, 2021 (A Wilson) - The Jubilee Shear Zone shows a close coincidence with the eastern contact between the Jubilee Lake Stock and a distinct intrusive granodiorite breccia. Large scale structures, dikes etc., are truncated by the Jubilee Shear. North of highway 101, the Jubilee Shear parallels the western margin of the Jubilee stock, but in the vicinity of the Jubilee and Surluga Mines, it lies completely within the dioritic stock. It is characterized by an abrupt transition from relatively massive to highly schistose rocks with numerous generations of quartz and carbonate veins. The Jubilee shear appears to be the principle structure in the fracture system involved in the introduction of gold to the system.


Lithology Data
Rock Type Rank Composition Texture Relationship
Schist-Unsubdivided 1 Host
Diorite 2 Diorite To Granodiorite Adjacent
Breccia-unsubdivided 3 Diorite To Granodiorite Adjacent

Lithology Comments

Jan 29, 2021 (A Wilson) - The ore body consists of a series of anastomosing quartz veins and stringers within a 15-20 m wide shear zone. The host rock is a hybrid breccia which has been extensively sheared and mylonitized. The auriferous veins are a pre-shearing set of an older generation of coarse, glassy-quartz veins. Mylonitized sericite schist within the shear zone also carries gold. A second generation of quartz-tourmaline or pinto quartz veins is practically barren of gold.


Mineralization and Alteration
Rank Mineral Name Class Economic Mineral Type Alteration Mineral Type Alteration Ranking Alteration Intensity Alteration Style

Mineralization Comments

Jan 29, 2021 (Sheree Hinz) - The ore body is described as a coarse, glassy quartz lens varying from 10 to 40 feet in width and over 600 feet in length (ARV44-08). The quartz lens increases in width to an inclined depth of 640 feet; however, gold values decrease with depth. Gledhill (1935, p.77) reported that the quartz contains large aggregates of tourmaline, ankerite and minor quantities of pyrite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite. He reported rare native gold. The shear zone contains abundant inclusions of country rock which along with the quartz is traversed by an intricate network of red quartz-carbonate veins which locally impart a red colour to the rock.

Mineral Record Details

Rank Characteristic            
2 Breccia
1 Sheared
3 Vein

Mineral Zones - Size and Shape

Rank: 1       Structure Type: Shear

Zone Name: Detour Lake - Rank 1
Shape Length Thickness Depth Strike Dip Plunge Trend Age Reference
Irregular 183 12 20 35 17
Reserves or Resources Data
Zone Year Category Tonnes Reference Comments Commodities
Jubilee Open Pit 2024 Inferred Mineral Resource 14718000 Red Pine Exploration press release August 28, 2024 665,000 oz contained Au Gold 1.4 g/t
Jubilee/Minto Underground 2024 Indicated Mineral Resource 299000 Red Pine Exploration press release August 28, 2024 48,000 oz contained Au Gold 4.99 g/t
Jubilee/Minto 2024 Inferred Mineral Resource 1465000 Red Pine Exploration press release August 28, 2024 179,000 oz contained Au Gold 3.8 g/t
Jubilee Open Pit 2024 Indicated Mineral Resource 14354000 Red Pine Exploration press release August 28, 2024 794,000 oz contained Au Gold 1.72 g/t
Production Data
Year Tonnes Commodities Reference Comment
1944 1 Gold 441 Grams
WP McMurray 56 / 42C02SE0500 pg.170 Mill salvage resulted in 13.74 oz of recovered Au with no tonnes reported
1942 1 Gold 2132 Grams
WP McMurray 56 / 42C02SE0500 pg.170 Mill salvage resulted in 66.42 oz of recovered Au with no tonnes reported
1939 12947 Gold 50252 Grams
WP McMurray 56 / 42C02SE0500 pg.170
1938 3236 Gold 15678 Grams
WP McMurray 56 / 42C02SE0500 pg.170
1937 17135 Gold 32411 Grams
WP McMurray 56 / 42C02SE0500 pg.170
1936 43323 Gold 137930 Grams
WP McMurray 56 / 42C02SE0500 pg.170
1935 38379 Gold 178816 Grams
WP McMurray 56 / 42C02SE0500 pg.170
1934 13140 Gold 47569 Grams
WP McMurray 56 / 42C02SE0500 pg.170
1930 2708 Gold 13514 Grams
WP McMurray 56 / 42C02SE0500 pg.170 1929 and 1930 production combined


Book - McMurray Township - unpublished GDIF

Publication Number: GDIF Date: 1985

Author: Resident Geologist Staff

Publisher Name:

Location: Timmins RGP

Map - Michipicoten area, compilation sheet, District of Algoma

Publication Number: P0184 Scale: 1:126,720    Date: 1997

Author: Goodwin A.M.

Publisher Name: Ontario Dept. of Mines


Map - Geological compilation series, Wawa sheet, districts of Algoma and Sudbury

Publication Number: P0640 Scale: 1:126,720    Date: 1997

Author: Leahy E.J., Rupert R.J., Giblin P.E., Giguere J.F.

Publisher Name: Ontario Dept. of Mines and Northern Affairs


Part - Michipicoton Mining Division

Publication Number: ARV08-01.005 Page: 100-105  Date: 1998

Author: Boyd D.G.

Publisher Name: Ontario Bureau of Mines


Map - Geological series, McMurray Township and parts of surrounding townships, formerly Township 29, Range 23, District of Algoma

Publication Number: P0828 Scale: 1:15,840    Date: 1973

Author: Rupert R.J.

Publisher Name: Ontario Division of Mines


Part - Michipicoten gold area, District of Algoma

Publication Number: ARV36-02.001 Page: 34-39  Date: 1998

Author: Gledhill T.L.

Publisher Name: Ontario Dept. of Mines


Map - Geological series, Precambrian geology of McMurray Township, Wawa area, Algoma District

Publication Number: P2441 Scale: 1:15,840    Date: 1982

Author: Sage R.P., Sawitzky E., Turner J., Leeselleur P., Sagle E.

Publisher Name: Ontario Geological Survey


Part - Goudreau and Michipicoten gold areas, District of Algoma

Publication Number: ARV40-04.001 Page: 38-39  Date: 1998

Author: Moore E.S.

Publisher Name: Ontario Dept. of Mines


Map - Michipicoten area, District of Algoma, Ontario

Publication Number: ARM36A Scale: 1:47,520    Date: 1998

Author: Gledhill T.L.

Publisher Name: Ontario Dept. of Mines


Part - The ore deposits of the Michipicoten area

Publication Number: ARV44-08.003 Page: 39, 51, 55-56, 77  Date: 1997

Author: Frohberg M.H.

Publisher Name: Ontario Dept. of Mines


Map - Precambrian Geology, Michipicoten Greenstone Belt, Central Portion

Publication Number: P3303 Scale: 1:50,000    Date: 1994

Author: Sage R.P.

Publisher Name: Ontario Geological Survey


MonoMap - Geology of McMurray Township and parts of surrounding townships, District of Algoma

Publication Number: OFR5283 Page: 89-93  Date: 1979

Author: Rupert R.J.

Publisher Name: Ontario Geological Survey


Mono - Wawa mineral deposits data base

Publication Number: OFR5775 Page: 269  Date: 1991

Author: Frey E.D., Stewart R.C.

Publisher Name: Ontario Geological Survey


MonoMap - Geology of Chabanel, Esquega, Lastheels and McMurray Townships, District of Algoma

Publication Number: OFR5586 Page: 430-432  Date: 1993

Author: Sage R.P.

Publisher Name: Ontario Geological Survey


Part - Michipicoton Mining Division

Publication Number: ARV09.005 Page: 114  Date: 1998

Author: Boyd D.G.

Publisher Name: Ontario Bureau of Mines


Publication - Michipicoten Iron Ranges; Geological Survey of Canada, Memoir 147

Publication Number: GSC Memoir 147 Page: 129  Date: 1926

Author: Collins, W H; Quirke, T T; Thomson, E

Publisher Name: Geological Survey of Canada

Location: https://doi.org/10.4095/100849

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