Ontario Mineral Inventory

Ontario Geological Survey
Permanent Link to this Record: MDI42E12NE00025

Record: MDI42E12NE00025


Mineral Record Identification
Record Name(s) B.I. Nelson - 1979, Humphries - 1928, Collins, Webster, and Holmes - 1928
Related Record Type Simple
Related Record(s)
Record Status Occurrence
Date Created 1984-Jan-31
Date Last Modified 2022-May-09
Created By
Revised By


Primary Commodities: Gold

Secondary Commodities: Silver


Township or Area: Vincent

Latitude: 49° 38' 31.98"    Longitude: -87° 44' 33.98"

UTM Zone: 16    Easting: 446374   Northing: 5499117    UTM Datum: NAD83

Resident Geologist District: Thunder Bay North

NTS Grid: 42E12NE, 42E12NW

Point Location Description: Trench on OGS map P2854

Location Method: Data Compilation

Exploration History

1928: prospectors Collins, Webster, and Holmes, and McPhee-Dwyer carried out surface exploration including pitting and sampling. 1974: Tombill Mines Ltd. carried out geological, soil, and VLF-EM surveys, and sampling. 1979: B.I. Nelson conducted a magnetometer survey. 1980: B.I. Nelson conducted a VLF-EM survey. 1982: B.I. Nelson conducted an SP survey. Craski Mines optioned the property. 1983: Craskie Mines conducted magnetic and EM surveys. 1984: Craskie Mines Ltd. drilled 2 DDH.

Assessment Work on File

Assessment Work on File
Office File Number Online Assessment File Identifier Online Assessment File Directory
2.5127 42E12NE0207 42E12NE0207
63.4468 42E12NE0190 42E12NE0190
63.3170 42E12NE0222 42E12NE0222
2.3093 42E12NE0216 42E12NE0216
2.3621 42E12NE0212 42E12NE0212


Province: Superior

Subprovince: Wabigoon

Belt: Beardmore-Geraldton

Geological Age: Archean  


Lithology Data
Rock Type Rank Composition Texture Relationship
Mafic lava flow-unsubdivided 1
Ironstone-unsubdivided 2 Host
Vein 3 Quartz Host


Mineralization and Alteration
Rank Mineral Name Class Economic Mineral Type Alteration Mineral Type Alteration Ranking Alteration Intensity Alteration Style

Mineralization Comments

Jun 08, 2021 (Therese Pettigrew) - Langford (1929) described the showing as follows: “On the McPhee-Dwyer claims, which are the easternmost of the 3 groups, a band of iron formation, striking N 75-85 E., has been traced by means of pits, at 300-foot intervals, for a distance of 2,000 feet. It ranges in width from 4 to 12 feet and is intruded by many quartz lenses, which in some places are 3 feet wide, although usually only a few inches wide. The vein quartz and the iron formation are both mineralized with varying amounts of arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, and gold. The following assays from 1 1/2-inch channel samples across the unweathered rock in the pits were supplied by Ed. Dwyer. $3.20 across 4 feet. $2.40 across 3 feet. $2.00 across 4 feet. $1.60 across 3 feet. $5.60 across 3 feet. $4.40 across 2 feet. $5.60 across 4 feet. $2.40 across 5 feet in footwall. $9.60 across 5 feet in hanging wall. This same band has been traced for 700 feet across the southeast corner of the Humphries claims, where it is much the same as described above, except that it is narrower. About 10 chains north of, and parallel to, the above, Humphries has uncovered another similar intruded iron formation. It has been traced for 700 feet, and although the iron formation is as much as 30 feet wide, the sulphide mineralization (chiefly chalcopyrite) and gold seem to be confined to a zone about 6 feet wide, centred on the intrusions of vein quartz. The best reported assay from this band is $3.20 in gold across 5 feet. This iron band has been traced by trenching to the west, across the Collins, Webster, and Holmes claims for a distance of 30 chains. Here the iron formation averages about 10 feet wide, is intruded by vein quartz, and is mineralized with arsenopyrite, pyrite, and chalcopyrite over a width of 5 feet. Gold is also reported from this mineralized zone. A considerable quantity of well-crystallized magnetite and fibrous horneblende is present in the banded iron formation on these claims.” The Nelson Occurrence in northwestern Vincent township is underlain by mafic metavolcanics, primarily massive basalts that are locally amygdaloidal. The main showing is a sulphide ironstone comprising saccharoidal quartz interbanded with arsenopyrite and pyrite hosted by quartz-feldspar porphyry. The ironstone is a minimum of 3 m in width, and has an unknown strike length, striking 85 degrees, dipping 78 N. The ironstone can be identified on part of a 400 m long electromagnetic conductor. Selected grab samples from the main showing gave the following assays: 0.01 and 0.08 ounce of gold per ton, 0.15 and 0.36 ounce of silver per ton (McIlwaine et al., 1982).

Mineral Record Details


Compend - Annual report of the Regional and Resident Geologists, 1981

Publication Number: MP101 Page: 62  Date: 1982

Author: Kustra C.R.

Publisher Name: Ontario Geological Survey


Part - Geology of the Beardmore-Nezah gold area, District of Thunder Bay

Publication Number: ARV37-04.003 Page: 107  Date: 1998

Author: Langford G.B.

Publisher Name: Ontario Dept. of Mines


File - Resident Geologist Mineral Deposit Files

Publication Number: Min Dep Date: 1996


Publisher Name:

Location: Thunder Bay RGP

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Ministry Contact Information

For detailed information regarding this mineral record please contact the Thunder Bay North Resident Geologist District Office