Ontario Mineral Inventory

Ontario Geological Survey
Permanent Link to this Record: MDI52E10SW00007

Record: MDI52E10SW00007


Mineral Record Identification
Record Name(s) Olympia - 1899
Related Record Type
Related Record(s)
Record Status Occurrence
Date Created 1980-Jun-30
Date Last Modified 2023-Mar-13
Created By
Revised By


Primary Commodities: Gold

Secondary Commodities: Silver


Township or Area: Glass, Shoal Lake Area

Latitude: 49° 34' 33.55"    Longitude: -94° 57' 23.29"

UTM Zone: 15    Easting: 358560.57   Northing: 5493327.27    UTM Datum: NAD83

Resident Geologist District: Kenora

NTS Grid: 52E10SW

Point Location Description: Precise

Location Method: Conversion from MDI

Access Description: The mine site is on mining location M11, near the western shore of the northwestern arm of Helldiver Bay, 1.6 km southeast of the southern tip of Cedar Island. The site may be reached by boat from Clytie Bay Landing on Shoal Lake, or from Kenora via Ash Rapids.

Exploration History

1899: S. Griffis discovered mineralization and commenced work including trenching and sinking 2 shafts. 1902: Olympia Mining Company extended the No. 2 Shaft to a depth of 95 feet. 1903: operations suspended. 1905-06: Olympia mining built a 10-stamp mill and mining operations resumed. 1907-15: Olympia Mining developed 5 prospect shafts of 110, 75, 70, 32 and 25 ft levels. Further development included 3 tunnels: one 125 ft long connected with the 70 foot shaft, the second 40 feet long, and the third 460 feet long, stoping to surface in several places. Mill ran in 1912 and 1915. 1936: I.G. Machin deepened one of the old shafts to 125 feet with 287 feet of crosscutting and 50 feet of drifting on the 109 foot level. 1944: Sylvanite Gold Mines Ltd. sampled the tunnels and dump piles. 1950: B. Machin drilled 3 DDH totalling 49.7 m. 1982: B. Machin drilled 2 DDDH totalling 48.8 m. 1964: Olympia Mines carried out sampling and drilled 17 DDH. 1985: Comet Explorations Inc. optioned the property and carried out prospecting, linecutting, EM and magnetometer surveys, geological mapping, and drilled 5 DDH totalling 335.3 m. 1988: St. Joe Canada Inc. carried out a ground magnetic survey. 1991: Bond Gold Canada Inc. (formerly St. Joe Canada) drilled 2 DDH totalling 198.14 m.

Assessment Work on File

Assessment Work on File
Office File Number Online Assessment File Identifier Online Assessment File Directory
44 52E10SW8509 52E10SW8509
10 52E10SW8541 52E10SW8541
63.4769 52E10SW8550 52E10SW8550
2.10911 52E10SW8579 52E10SW8579


Province: Superior

Subprovince: Wabigoon

Geological Age: Archean  


Lithology Data
Rock Type Rank Composition Texture Relationship
Mafic lava flow-unsubdivided 1 Basalt Adjacent
Mylonite/Fault Gouge/Pseudotachylite 2 Shear Zone Contains
Vein 3 Contains

Lithology Comments

Jan 14, 2020 (Therese Pettigrew) - The property is underlain principally by dark, fine- to medium-grained metabasalt which may in part be intrusive. Narrow felsic porphyry dikes and peridotite cut the metabasalt. The main workings occur within the upper, ophitic, quartz-bearing portion of a 1400 foot (425 m) thick flew or sill. Felsic metavolcanic rocks are interpreted to underlie part of the northeast-trending part of Helldiver Bay and to be stratigraphically equivalent to the felsic rocks on the west side of Yum Yum Bay (Davies, 1978).


Mineralization and Alteration
Rank Mineral Name Class Economic Mineral Type Alteration Mineral Type Alteration Ranking Alteration Intensity Alteration Style

Mineralization Comments

Jan 14, 2020 (Therese Pettigrew) - Gold-bearing quartz veins, alone which development has taken place, occur in narrow shear zones. The No. 1 vein is variable in width, strikes east and dips about 60 degrees north, The No. 1 shaft has been sunk on this vein to a depth of about 125 feet (39 m) with 287 (88 m) of crosscutting and 50 feet {15 m) of drifting done on the 109 foot (33 m) level in 1936. A 125 foot (33 m) tunnel driven west along the vein from a point near the shaft was sampled at 10 feet (3 m) intervals by Sylvanite Gold Mines Ltd. in 1944; the average gold content of the vein was about 0.107 ounces (3.7 gms) per ton. The average width of the sampled vein was 44 inches (1.1 m) with the south or footwall part of the vein being richer in gold than the north part. The steeply-dipping No. 2 vein lies to the north of the No. 1 vein and trends about N.30W. It is mainly quartz, but contains considerable quartz, minor pyrite and traces of visible gold in places. A tunnel has been driven 460 feet (140 m) along the vein and stoping to the surface was carried cut over about half this length. Average widths and grade would be difficult to establish because the higher-grade sections have been removed. but it would appear that the vein is less than 3 feet (0.9 m) wide over most of its length. One of the holes drilled in 1964 intersected 1.6 feet (0.5 m) averaging 0.95 ounces (32.6 gms) of gold per ton, about 320 feet (98 m) vertically below the Ne. 2 vein. A shear or fault zone trending about N.35W, and containing quartz and carbonate with a little gold, was intersected during the 1964 drilling. Five samples from the No. 2 shaft dump were assayed for gold by Sylvanite Gold dines Limited in 1944, but the best contained only 0.04 ounces (1.4 gms) per ton (Davies, 1978). A sample collected in 1985 from the portal of the No. 2 vein tunnel composed of vein quartz and massive pyrite assayed 0.66 oz/t Au and 0.15 oz/t Ag. DDH C2 encountered a 0.25 inch wide vein of quartz, well mineralized with pyrite and cutting gabbroic basalt that assayed 0.18 oz/t Au over 0.5 feet. DDH C3 returned up to 0.193 oz/t Au over 0.9 feet (Assessment report 52E10SW8550).

Mineral Record Details

1 Vein
Rank Characteristic            
1 Vein
Production Data
Year Tonnes Commodities Reference Comment
1915 1450 Silver 58 Ounces
Gold 332 Ounces
MDC016 p. 31 1598 tons produced 332 oz Au and 58 oz Ag


Mono - The geological setting of gold occurrences in the Lake of the Woods area

Publication Number: OFR5695 Page: 246-250  Date: 1988

Author: Davies J.C., Smith P.M.

Publisher Name: Ontario Geological Survey


MonoMap - Geology of the Shoal Lake-Western Peninsula area, District of Kenora

Publication Number: OFR5242 Page: 64-65, 106-108  Date: 1978

Author: Davies J.C.

Publisher Name: Ontario Geological Survey


Mono - Gold deposits of the Kenora-Fort Frances area, districts of Kenora and Rainy River

Publication Number: MDC016 Page: 31  Date: 1976

Author: Beard R.C., Garratt G.L.

Publisher Name: Ontario Division of Mines


Mono - Gold deposits of Ontario, part 1, districts of Algoma, Cochrane, Kenora, Rainy River, and Thunder Bay

Publication Number: MDC013 Page: 148-149  Date: 1971

Author: Ferguson S.A., Groen H.A., Haynes R.

Publisher Name: Ontario Dept. of Mines and Northern Affairs


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For detailed information regarding this mineral record please contact the Kenora Resident Geologist District Office