Ontario Mineral Inventory

Ontario Geological Survey
Permanent Link to this Record: MDI52F03SW00004

Record: MDI52F03SW00004


Mineral Record Identification
Record Name(s) Sucan Lake - 1991
Related Record Type Simple
Related Record(s)
Record Status Occurrence
Date Created 1991-Jan-23
Date Last Modified 2022-Sep-27
Created By
Revised By


Primary Commodities: Soapstone, Talc


Township or Area: Kaiarskons Lake Area

Latitude: 49° 6' 40.79"    Longitude: -93° 25' 57.55"

UTM Zone: 15    Easting: 468425.294   Northing: 5439922.098    UTM Datum: NAD83

Resident Geologist District: Kenora

NTS Grid: 52F03SW

Point Location Description: Occurrence

Location Method: Conversion from MDI

Access Description: The occurrence lies along the western shore of the southern bay of Sucan Lake, 55 km north of the town of Fort Frances. The occurrence is accessible from Sucan Lake. Sucan Lake may be reached from Straw Lake, which is reached by portage from Thompson Bay of Pipestone Lake. Pipestone Lake is accessible by boat via Burditt lake from the north end of Highway 615, 45 km northwest of Fort Frances.

Exploration History

There is no record of exploratory work for soapstone at this location. Diamond drilling was carried out in the vicinity of the occurrence in 1969 by the Canadian Nickel Company Limited during copper exploration. (Resident Geologist's Files, MNDM, Kenora).


Province: Superior

Subprovince: Wabigoon

Geological Age: Archean  

Geology Comments

Dec 07, 2005 (R Degagne) - The area was mapped by Thomson (1934) and Edwards (1983b). The occurrence was described by Storey (in press). Edwards notes that the area south of Sucan Lake is underlain by a roughly crescent-shaped stock-like composite mafic to ultramafic body which intrudes mafic flows and felsic tuff and lapilli tuff. The occurrence consists of altered (talcose, serpentinized) peridotite within this body.


Lithology Data
Rock Type Rank Composition Texture Relationship
Peridotite 1 Tc-Srp Peridotite Host
Mafic lava flow-unsubdivided 2 Near
Felsic Tuff 3 Felsic / Lapilli Tuff Near
Ultramafic Schist 4 Soapstone;Tc,Chl,Dol,Mag, Ank Fine Grained Contains

Lithology Comments

Dec 07, 2005 (R Degagne) - The area was mapped by Thomson (1934) and Edwards (1983b). The occurrence was described by Storey (in press). Edwards notes that the area south of Sucan Lake is underlain by a roughly crescent-shaped stock-like composite mafic to ultramafic body which intrudes mafic flows and felsic tuff and lapilli tuff. The occurrence consists of altered (talcose, serpentinized) peridotite within this body.


Mineralization and Alteration
Rank Mineral Name Class Economic Mineral Type Alteration Mineral Type Alteration Ranking Alteration Intensity Alteration Style

Mineralization Comments

Dec 07, 2005 (R Degagne) - STONE DESCRIPTION: Storey (in press) notes that the talcose rock is blue-grey in colour, soft and fine grained with no obvious foliation. The rock varies in hardness. It contains ankerite which results in a rusty weathered surface. X-ray diffraction mineral analysis, reported by Storey, indicates that the rock consists primarily of talc with chlorite and dolomite and minor magnetite and amphibole.

Alteration Comments

Dec 07, 2005 (R Degagne) - Storey (in press) notes that the talcose rock is blue-grey in colour, soft and fine grained with no obvious foliation. The rock varies in hardness. It contains ankerite which results in a rusty weathered surface. X-ray diffraction mineral analysis, reported by Storey, indicates that the rock consists primarily of talc with chlorite and dolomite and minor magnetite and amphibole.

Mineral Record Details

Mineral Zones - Size and Shape

Zone Name: Detour Lake - Rank 1
Shape Length Thickness Depth Strike Dip Plunge Trend Age Reference

Site Visit Information

Date: Feb 27, 1997

Geologist: R Degagne

Notes: N/A


Part - Geology of the Manitou-Stormy lakes area

Publication Number: ARV42-04.001 Date: 1998

Author: Thomson J.E.

Publisher Name: Ontario Dept. of Mines


Mono - An evaluation of the industrial mineral potential of parts of the districts of Kenora and Rainy River

Publication Number: OFR5718 Page: 191-193  Date: 1990

Author: Storey C.C.

Publisher Name: Ontario Geological Survey


Mono - Soapstone in Ontario

Publication Number: OFR5764 Page: 73-75  Date: 1991

Author: Gerow M.C., Sherlock E.J., Bellinger J.A.

Publisher Name: Ontario Geological Survey


File - Resident Geologist files

Publication Number: Date: 1997


Publisher Name:

Location: Kenora RGP

Mono - An evaluation of the industrial mineral potential of parts of the districts of Kenora and Rainy River

Publication Number: OFR5718 Date: 1990

Author: Storey C.C.

Publisher Name: Ontario Geological Survey


MonoMap - Geology of the Straw Lake area, districts of Kenora and Rainy River

Publication Number: R222 Date: 1984

Author: Edwards G.R.

Publisher Name: Ontario Geological Survey


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Ministry Contact Information

For detailed information regarding this mineral record please contact the Kenora Resident Geologist District Office