Ontario Mineral Inventory

Ontario Geological Survey
Permanent Link to this Record: MDI52F10NW00023

Record: MDI52F10NW00023


Mineral Record Identification
Record Name(s) Good Luck - 1911
Related Record Type Simple
Related Record(s)
Record Status Occurrence
Date Created 1986-Aug-12
Date Last Modified 2023-Aug-16
Created By
Revised By


Primary Commodities: Gold


Township or Area: Van Horne

Latitude: 49° 43' 18.81"    Longitude: -92° 53' 23.01"

UTM Zone: 15    Easting: 507948.524   Northing: 5507715.82    UTM Datum: NAD83

Resident Geologist District: Kenora

NTS Grid: 52F10NW

Point Location Description: Conc. 1, Lot 8, Van Horne Twp., east side of claim K.533394 / 1221026

Location Method: Conversion from MDI

Access Description: The property is accessible by a very overgrown bush road and is 125 m east of the Drake Prospect. In later years, by Wabigoon Lake and bush trails.

Exploration History

1911: Test pit sunk on a quartz vein containing visible gold. 1912: Shaft sunk to 45 ft. 1916: No further work was done on the property since 1913, but tests were made for the Dominion Reduction Company during the summer of 1916. 1977: Hudson's Bay Oil and Gas covered the Good Luck Prospect while flying an airborne EM survey. 1980: Acquired by H. Hodge who transferred 50% interest to Moss Resources Ltd. 1981: Good Luck and rest of claims were roughly geologically mapped and covered by a mag. VLF survey. 1983: Moss Resources transferred 50% of their interest to Van Horne Gold Exploration Incorporated in April and area was geologically mapped in the summer. Earlier geophysical results now “explained in terms of topographic effects and overburden conductivity.” Visible gold reported at the Good Luck dump and three samples from the Good luck. 1987: Van Horne Gold Exploration Incorporated diamond drilled one 306 feet hole beneath the shaft. (OFR 5723 - 1989 - pg.210 & Kenora Property Visit File 52F/10NW Report for July 23, 1985 ) 2003: B. Sovereign had ownership of the unpatented claims that covered the Good Luck occurrence. Prospecting concentrated on extending the length of the shear or fracture zone and quartz veins. Numerous pits were excavated to expose the vein system, tracing 130m east of the Good Luck shaft to the edge of a swamp. Two parallel quartz veins within the fracture or shear zone were also located. (OFR 6127 - 2003 - pg.22)

Assessment Work on File

Assessment Work on File
Office File Number Online Assessment File Identifier Online Assessment File Directory
52F10NW NN-2 Van Horne Gold / 2.6680 52F10SW0014 52F10SW0014
52F10NW S-3, Sovereign, W. Twingrass Lake Prop. 52F10NW2004 52F10NW2004


Province: Superior

Geological Age: Precambrian  

Geology Comments

Jun 24, 2010 (J Bongfelt) - The area is underlain by rocks of the Lower Wabigoon Assemblage of the Eagle-Wabigoon-Manitou lakes greenstone belt. Intercalated intermediate and mafic metavolcanic flows and pyroclastic rocks host the gold occurrences in the area. Parker (1989, p.210) describes the rocks associated with the occurrences as follows: “The metavolcanics are foliated 092°/090° and host a narrow, linear, shear/fracture zone trending 090/095° for approximately 800 m. The shear zone controls a <0.3 m wide quartz-iron carbonate-tourmaline vein containing 1% disseminated, fine-grained pyrite and clots and stringers of dark green chlorite.” (OFR 6127, pg.22)

Lithology Comments

Jun 24, 2010 (J Bongfelt) - The Good Luck Prospect consists of a very deep shaft on the south side of an extensive, steep outcrop. It is underlain by fine-grained, dark green-gray, chloritic, mafic to intermediate tuff, lapilli-tuff, and tuff-breccia intercalated with intermediate to felsic flows and intruded by felsic dikes. The metavolcanics are foliated 092º/90º and host a narrow, linear, shear/fracture zone trending 090º-095º for approximately 800 m. The shear zone controls a <0.3 m wide, quartz-iron carbonate-tourmaline vein containing <1% disseminated, fine-grained, pyrite and clots and stringers of dark green chlorite. The vein is trenched for its entire strike length. The wall rock is slightly pyritic, chloritized, sericitic, and carbonatized (calcite) with minor iron carbonate. The vein and shear zone extend west to the Drake Prospect. (OFR 5723 - 1989 - pg.210)


Mineralization and Alteration
Rank Mineral Name Class Economic Mineral Type Alteration Mineral Type Alteration Ranking Alteration Intensity Alteration Style

Mineralization Comments

Jun 24, 2010 (J Bongfelt) - The Good Luck early reports give no assays, but mention veins showing "considerable free gold" and "visible gold". In the 1980's, Van Horne Gold assayed a grab sample from the shaft dump at 0.12 oz/t and a sample from the north vein, approximately 14m from the shaft, at 0.29 oz/t across one foot. In 1987 Van Horne Gold describes a drill hole (VHG 87-8) placed beneath the shaft, obtaining an assay of 0.02 oz/t. However, Norontex Explorations which took over the property from them disagree with the placement, showing in their report the drill hole being drilled under a pit nearly 60m north and 35m east of the shaft and in a direction away from the shaft. Norontex placed two drill holes on the property. No. 88-4, south of the east-west trending south (or shaft) vein, drilled in a southerly direction failed to find additional veins beneath overburden. Unfortunately, No. 88-5 placed beneath the shaft fails to include assay results with the logged strata. This omission (or loss) is a mystery since other drill holes in the report are well documented. Gold assays on the Good Luck were taken along the virtually east-west running main vein starting at the western claim boundary approx. 75 m north of No.3 post. Assays valued anywhere between 0.531 to 106.096 g/t (ppm) Au (Kenora AF 52F/10NW, S-3, Sovereign, W. - Twingrass Lake Property, pg.2 & 4 - 2003 & OFR 6127, pg.22 - 2003)

Mineral Record Details


Mono - Geology, gold mineralization and property visits in the area investigated by the Dryden-Ignace economic geologist, 1984-1987

Publication Number: OFR5723 Page: 210  Date: 1989

Author: Parker J.R.

Publisher Name: Ontario Geological Survey


Part - Gold fields of Lake of the Woods, Manitou and Dryden

Publication Number: ARV20-01.006 Page: 192  Date: 1998

Author: Parsons A.L.

Publisher Name: Ontario Bureau of Mines


Part - Dryden gold area

Publication Number: ARV26.005 Page: 182-183  Date: 1998

Author: Thomson E.

Publisher Name: Ontario Bureau of Mines


Compend - Report of activities, 1985, Regional and Resident Geologists

Publication Number: MP128 Page: 35, 38  Date: 1986

Author: Kustra C.R.

Publisher Name: Ontario Geological Survey


Mono - Report of Activities 2003, Resident Geologist Program, Red Lake Regional Resident Geologist Report: Red Lake and Kenora Districts

Publication Number: OFR6127 Page: 22-23  Date: 2004

Author: Lichtblau A.F., Hinz P., Ravnaas C., Storey C.C., Kosloski L., Raoul A.

Publisher Name: Ontario Geological Survey


Journal - Kenora Property Visit File 52F/10NW00023, Good luck - July 23, 1985

Publication Number: Date: 2010


Publisher Name:

Location: Kenora RGP office

Journal - Kenora Historical File 52F/10NW00023, Good Luck

Publication Number: Date: 2010


Publisher Name:

Location: Kenora Geology Office Only

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