Ontario Mineral Inventory

Ontario Geological Survey
Permanent Link to this Record: MDI52H09SE00002

Record: MDI52H09SE00002


Mineral Record Identification
Record Name(s) Buffalo Beardmore - 1936, Broadview - 1949, A. Rentz - 1969, No. 4 Zone - 1936, Hill Zone - 1936, Long Beard Showing - 1994
Related Record Type Partial
Related Record(s)
Record Status Occurrence
Date Created 1982-Jun-15
Date Last Modified 2022-May-09
Created By
Revised By


Primary Commodities: Gold


Township or Area: Summers

Latitude: 49° 34' 54.3"    Longitude: -88° 0' 12.19"

UTM Zone: 16    Easting: 427469   Northing: 5492613    UTM Datum: NAD83

Resident Geologist District: Thunder Bay North

NTS Grid: 42E12SW, 52H09SE

Point Location Description: Map in assessment report 42E12SW2004, AMIS shaft location

Location Method: Data Compilation

Exploration History

1925: G. Graft and G. Vallier staked the property and carried out stripping and trenching. 1936: Buffalo Beardmore Gold Mines Ltd. was incorporated and carried out 450 m of stripping. 1937: Buffalo Beardmore sunk a 24.4 m (80 foot) shaft. 1938: Buffalo Beardmore completed over 3048 m of drilling. 1939-43: Buffalo Beardmore carried out limited surface and diamond drill work on a scheelite find on the property. 1946: a geophysical survey was carried out. 1948: claims came open and were restaked by L.E. Morrison. 1949: the claims were transferred to Broadview Gold Mines Ltd., who conducted a magnetic survey of the property. 1953: the claims were cancelled. 1983: F. Houghton staked the property. 1984: F. Houghton carried out power stripping, then transferred the claims to D. Thorsteinson. 1985: a magnetometer survey and geological work was carried out. Claims were cancelled. N. Hibbart restaked the property and transferred all interest to Legion Resources Ltd. 1986: Legion Resources commissioned an airborne magnetometer and VLF-EM survey. 1987: Legion Resources carried out line cutting, HLEM, EFL-EM, and magnetometer surveys and a 281 hole overburden drill program. 1993: A. Lafontaine acquired the property and conducted prospecting, trenching, and sampling. 1994: A. Lafontaine carried out stripping. 1996-97: The property was optioned to Explorations Minière du Nord Ltée, who carried out stripping, sampling, and drilled 17 DDH totalling 1,969 m, of which 3 DDH totalling 306 m were on the Buffalo Beardmore showing. 2007: Roxmark Mines Ltd. optioned the property and carried out prospecting and sampling. 2008: Ownership held by Goldstone Resources. 2011: In August, Premier Gold acquired Goldstone.

Assessment Work on File

Assessment Work on File
Office File Number Online Assessment File Identifier Online Assessment File Directory
63.208 42E12SW0095 42E12SW0095
2.18486 42E12SW2004 42E12SW2004
OP93-643 42K02SE0001 42K02SE0001
2.38393 20000003404 20000003404
2.15507 42E12SW0003 42E12SW0003
W9540-00182 42E12SW0043 42E12SW0043
OPAP93-026 42E12SW0051 42E12SW0051
2.10093 42E12SW0065 42E12SW0065


Province: Superior

Subprovince: Wabigoon

Belt: Beardmore-Geraldton

Geological Age: Archean  


Lithology Data
Rock Type Rank Composition Texture Relationship
Ironstone-unsubdivided 1 Host
Vein 2 Quartz Host
Diabase 3 Diabase Sill Near

Lithology Comments

Feb 23, 2021 (Therese Pettigrew) - The property is located within the Beardmore-Geraldton Belt of the Wabigoon Subprovince. The property is underlain by a north-northeast trending band of mafic to intermediate metavolcanics. This belt is bordered to the north and south by metasedimentary belts. The metavolcanics are mainly undifferentiated. However, in rare outcrops, amygdaloidal and pillow lavas are seen (Speed and Craig, 1992).


Mineralization and Alteration
Rank Mineral Name Class Economic Mineral Type Alteration Mineral Type Alteration Ranking Alteration Intensity Alteration Style

Mineralization Comments

Feb 23, 2021 (G White) - Langford (1929) described the original "Fox" showing as follows: "A shear zone has been traced by trenches for a distance of 30 chains in a N 80 degrees E direction from claim TB 5098 across TB 5056. The schist varies in width from 10 feet to more than a chain, being little broken up where it is wide; in places it is very rusty owing to the breaking-down of the ferrous iron in the carbonate rock. Quartz occurs as small scattered lenses, as much as 2 feet wide, throughout the length of the fractured rock. The quartz is white or bluish-white in colour, and in places is fairly well mineralized with arsenopyrite and pyrite. The west end of this vein is beside a band of iron formation which, in addition to magnetite, carries disseminated pyrrhotite and pyrite." A prospectus report written by Beaton in 1936 for Buffalo-Beardmore Gold Mines Limited reported the following: "The property is situated on the axis of a steeply dipping anticlinal fold in the Keewatin lavas. These lavas are composed for the most part of rocks of an intermediate basicity, andesites, diorites, and basalts that have been intensely sheared and altered. Interbedded in the lavas are a number of relatively fresh diorite dykes." "Seven wide mineralized zones have been uncovered, composed of alternating beds of quartzite, chlorite schist, chert and minor bands of siliceous magnetite. The bands are heavily mineralized with pyrite and arsenopyrite, with some chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite. Vein quartz has been injected along the bedding planes and crosses these planes. In places it has replaced the original formation." As noted earlier, the main development work was on Zone No. 4. Beaton (1936) reported: "This zone is composed of alternate bands of chert and re-silicified chloritized rocks which are heavily mineralized with pyrrhotite and arsenopyrite; the southern wall is heavily pyritized with some magnetite, and actinolite is in evidence. Numerous quartz veins cross the formation and small veins of calcite that follow the bedding has been disclosed. This zone has been intensely folded and contorted. Due to these contortions, the true width of the band is not discernable in many places." The following is from the engineer's report (C. N. Thompson) submitted to Broadview Gold Mines Limited in November of 1949: "One particularly interesting vein occurrence is seen striking north-east over claims TB 37379-80 and measures 2550 feet, end to end, only two short stretches aggregating 500 feet in low swampy ground being hidden from view. A number of other mineralized zones can be followed for lengths of four hundred to fourteen hundred feet. The mineralized zones all have a resemblance, being composed of alternate beds of quartzite, chlorite schist and minor bands of siliceous magnetite. They are heavily mineralized with pyrite, some chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite an pyrrhotite. Fine gold is also visible. Vein quartz has been injected along the bedding planes and in places has replaced the original formation. This latter quartz is responsible for the gold content. The Iron Formation is prominently disclosed throughout the entire vein showings and numerous drag folds, small to very large, are visible. " During the property visits by OGS staff, 2 shafts, both filled with water, were located. Numerous easterly trending trenches were located also (Speed and Craig, 1992).

Feb 23, 2021 (Therese Pettigrew) - Gold occurrences on the property are associated with bands of magnetic iron formation which have been fractured, mineralized by sulphides including pyrrhotite, and injected with quartz (Assessment report 42E12SW0095). The Buffalo Beardmore showing consists of a series banded iron formation (BIF) hosted in a basalt. The BIF and associated cross-cutting quartz veins host disseminated, irregular concentrations of arsenopyrite, pyrite and pyrrhotite mineralization. Results from the 1938 drill program were reported in the August 18, 1938 issue of the Northern Miner as follows: Hole 1: 0.13 oz/t Au over 2.59 ft; Hole 2: 0.19 oz/t Au over 3.61 ft; Hole 3: 1.45 oz/t Au over 1.06 feet, 0.48 oz/t Au over 0.48 ft, 0.13 oz/t Au over 15.13 ft; Hole 4: 1.95 oz/t Au over 2.62 ft, 1.76 oz/t Au over 1.34 ft. W. W. Beaton, consultant engineer for Buffalo Beardmore Gold Mines, summarizes the season's work as appeared in The Northern Miner on October 20th, 1938: “Averages of $6.41 (0.18oz.) over 7.2 feet and $37.38 (1.07 oz.) over 7 feet have been obtained from drilling on the "Hill" vein at a depth of 100 feet. These holes appear to bear out surface showings previously obtained on this vein of an average of $14.69 (0.42 oz.) over 8.69 feet." Values of up to 0.42 oz/t Au (14.4 g/t Au) over 2.64 metres were reported from this showing (Resident Geologist files, Beardmore-Geraldton District, Thunder Bay. One grab sample taken from the muck pile during the program graded 1.06 oz/t Au (36.54 g/t Au). The iron formations are up to 80 m in length and up to 10 m in width. There appear to be at least four bands of iron formations present along with numerous lenses DDH LA96-06 returned 1.07 g/t Au over 0.27 m from an arsenopyrite-rich horizon with quartz veinlets, arsenopyrite (20%), pyrite (5%), and chalcopyrite (1%) (Assessment report 42E12SW2004). Samples taken in 2007 returned 1.09, 2.4, and 2.08 g/t Au (Assessment report 20000003404).

Mineral Record Details


Mono - Beardmore-Geraldton historical research project

Publication Number: OFR5823 Page: 152-158  Date: 1992

Author: Speed A.A., Craig S.

Publisher Name: Ontario Geological Survey


Mono - Report of Activities 1993, Resident Geologists

Publication Number: OFR5892 Page: 15-16  Date: 1994

Author: Baker C.L., Dressler B.O., Mason J.K., Newsome J.W.

Publisher Name: Ontario Geological Survey


Part - Mines of Ontario in 1935

Publication Number: ARV45-01.003 Page: 52, 61  Date: 1997

Author: Sinclair D.G., Keeley E.C., Cooper D.F., Weir E.B., Webster A.R.

Publisher Name: Ontario Dept. of Mines


File - Resident Geologist Mineral Deposit Files

Publication Number: Min Dep Date: 1996


Publisher Name:

Location: Thunder Bay RGP

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For detailed information regarding this mineral record please contact the Thunder Bay North Resident Geologist District Office