Ontario Mineral Inventory

Ontario Geological Survey
Permanent Link to this Record: MDI52M01SE00051

Record: MDI52M01SE00051


Mineral Record Identification
Record Name(s) West Rowan Lake Vein #2 - 1937, McKenzie Option #2 Vein - 1941, Mount Jamie Mines West Red Lake - 1981
Related Record Type Simple
Related Record(s)
Record Status Occurrence
Date Created 1991-Mar-12
Date Last Modified 2022-Jun-28
Created By
Revised By


Primary Commodities: Gold


Township or Area: Todd

Latitude: 51° 4' 12.71"    Longitude: -94° 8' 3.63"

UTM Zone: 15    Easting: 420525   Northing: 5658243    UTM Datum: NAD83

Resident Geologist District: Red Lake

NTS Grid: 52M01SE

Point Location Description: AMIS location

Location Method: Data Compilation

Exploration History

1937: West Red Lake Gold Mines Limited. 1941: McKenzie Red Lake Gold Mines Limited optioned the property and carried out trenching and sampling. 1976-77: O'Brien Rivard drilled one diamond drill hole totalling 55 m. 1978: One diamond drill hole totalling 62 m. 1981: Mount Jamie MInes (Quebec) Limited. 1995: Placer Dome Canada Ltd. conducted an IP survey. 1996: Placer dome conducted ground magnetic and VLF surveys.

Assessment Work on File

Assessment Work on File
Office File Number Online Assessment File Identifier Online Assessment File Directory
22 52M01SE0029 52M01SE0029
2.16338 52M01SE0006 52M01SE0006
2.17338 52M01SE0079 52M01SE0079


Province: Superior

Subprovince: Uchi

Terrane: North Caribou

Domain: Uchi

Belt: Red Lake

Geological Age: Archean  

Metamorphism Type: Regional

Metamorphism Grade: Amphibolite

Geology Comments

Dec 07, 2005 (K R Kettles) - GEOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION: This 'vein' is an auriferous zone that appears to lie within and along rhyolite flows mapped by Riley (1978). The rhyolite strikes roughly N80 deg. W as does the 'vein', and the rhyolite occurs within an area of intermediate pyroclastic rocks. The zone was sampled by T. McVeigh (H.G. Young, 1941) and was apparently traced 450 m, from the northeast corner of the claim KRL 468157 northwestward into the southwest part of KRL 468158. This ' No. 2 vein' was noted by Flaherty (1944), who described it as 'a wide carbonate zone in porphyry (rhyolite)'. The porphyry is highly fractured and brecciated '(flow breccia?)' and the rock is largely replaced by silica and carbonate. All of the above are cross cut by late irregular veinlets of quartz, with patches of green mica (mariposite) in places. Sulphide mineralization amounts to 3% to 10% and the rock weathers to a rusty surface. DEPOSIT DESCRIPTION: A zone 450 m long and at least 50 cm wide, in altered felsic (flow ?) breccia carries gold values. GEOCHEMICAL DATA: This breccia is enriched in chromium (fuchsite).


Lithology Data
Rock Type Rank Composition Texture Relationship
Vein 1 Quartz/Carbonate Host
Intermediate Pyroclastic Breccia 2 Intermediate Pyroclastics Adjacent
Felsic lava flow-unsubdivided 3 Rhyolite Flows Adjacent
Porphyry-unsubdivided 4 Rhyolite Flow Breccia, Porphyritic Adjacent

Lithology Comments

Dec 07, 2005 (K R Kettles) - This 'vein' is an auriferous zone that appears to lie within and along rhyolite flows mapped by Riley (1978). The rhyolite strikes roughly N80 deg. W as does the 'vein', and the rhyolite occurs within an area of intermediate pyroclastic rocks. The zone was sampled by T. McVeigh (H.G. Young, 1941) and was apparently traced 450 m, from the northeast corner of the claim KRL 468157 northwestward into the southwest part of KRL 468158. This ' No. 2 vein' was noted by Flaherty (1944), who described it as 'a wide carbonate zone in porphyry (rhyolite)'. The porphyry is highly fractured and brecciated '(flow breccia?)' and the rock is largely replaced by silica and carbonate. All of the above are cross cut by late irregular veinlets of quartz, with patches of green mica (mariposite) in places. Sulphide mineralization amounts to 3% to 10% and the rock weathers to a rusty surface.


Mineralization and Alteration
Rank Mineral Name Class Economic Mineral Type Alteration Mineral Type Alteration Ranking Alteration Intensity Alteration Style

Mineralization Comments

Dec 07, 2005 (K R Kettles) - MDI1 DATA: GRADE 1941 TRENCH SAMPLING: RANGES FROM 0.01 OPT/124 CM TO 2.43 OPT /96.5 CM Sampling by T. McVeigh (H. C. Young, 1941): 0.01 oz/ton Au, 0.343 g/tonne Au, 124 Width (cm); 0.50 oz/ton Au, 17.143 g/tonne Au, 50.8 Width (cm); 0.05 oz/ton Au, 1.714 g/tonne Au, 48.3 Width (cm); 0.36 oz/ton Au, 12.343 g/tonne Au, 50.1 Width (cm); 0.04 oz/ton Au, 1.371 g/tonne Au, 50.1 Width (cm); 2.43 oz/ton Au, 83.313 g/tonne Au, 96.5 Width (cm); 1.36 oz/ton Au, 46.628 g/tonne Au, 60.1 Width (cm); 0.45 oz/ton Au, 15.429 g/tonne Au, 60.1 Width (cm)

Alteration Comments

Dec 07, 2005 (K R Kettles) - The felsic breccia is altered to silica, carbonate and mariposite (fushsite) and is rich in sulphide minerals.

Mineral Record Details


File - Resident Geologist files AF RL 1940 Todd #5

Publication Number: AF RL 1940 Date: 1940


Publisher Name:

Location: Red Lake RGP

Map - Todd Township, Kenora District

Publication Number: M2406 Scale: 1:12,000    Date: 1978

Author: Riley R.A.

Publisher Name: Ontario Geological Survey


Mono - Gold occurrences, prospects, and deposits of the Red Lake area, volumes 1 and 2

Publication Number: OFR5558 Page: 642-643  Date: 1987

Author: Durocher M.E., Burchell P.S., Andrews A.J.

Publisher Name: Ontario Geological Survey


File - Resident Geologist's Files, Red Lake

Publication Number: RGF 1944 Date: 1944

Author: Flaherty, G.F.

Publisher Name:

Location: Red Lake RGP

File - Resident Geologist's Files, Red Lake

Publication Number: RGF 1941 Date: 1941

Author: Yound, H.G.

Publisher Name:

Location: Red Lake RGP

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Ministry Contact Information

For detailed information regarding this mineral record please contact the Red Lake Resident Geologist District Office