Ontario Mineral Inventory

Ontario Geological Survey
Permanent Link to this Record: MDI52N08NW00004

Record: MDI52N08NW00004


Mineral Record Identification
Record Name(s) McIntyre - 1928, Cooper Shaft - 1933
Related Record Type Simple
Related Record(s)
Record Status Developed Prospect Without Reported Reserves or Resources
Date Created 1979-Aug-15
Date Last Modified 2022-Mar-02
Created By
Revised By


Primary Commodities: Gold


Township or Area: Casummit Lake Area

Latitude: 51° 27' 28.12"    Longitude: -92° 18' 47.59"

UTM Zone: 15    Easting: 547715.12   Northing: 5700960.85    UTM Datum: NAD83

Resident Geologist District: Red Lake

NTS Grid: 52N08NW

Point Location Description: Shaft and diamond drill holes

Location Method: Data Compilation

Exploration History

1928-31: McIntyre-Porcupine Mines staked the property and carried out stripping, trenching, and drilling of 5 DDH totalling 595.6 m. 1933: W.D. Cooper and P.A. Barry leased the property and commenced sinking a shaft. 1934: a 25-ton Tremaine mill with amalgamation plates was installed and began operations in August. 1935: 9 DDH drilled totalling 610 m. 1935: Mining operations were suspended. 1940: McIntyre Mines drilled 7 DDH. 1975: McIntyre Mines carried out soil sampling, geophysical surveys, blasting, sampling, and geological mapping. 1983: Tenajon Silver Corp and Carmac Resources jointly drilled 2 DDH totalling 458.4 m. 2003: Continuum Resources and Tribute Minerals jointly carried out sampling and an MMI soil survey. 2004: Continuum Resources drilled 3 DDH totalling 600.75 m.

Assessment Work on File

Assessment Work on File
Office File Number Online Assessment File Identifier Online Assessment File Directory
63.4341 52N08NW0042 52N08NW0042
2.28782 52N09SW2007 52N09SW2007
63.4511 52N08NW0041 52N08NW0041
63.4510 52N08NW0043 52N08NW0043
2.27065 52N09SW2005 52N09SW2005


Province: Superior

Subprovince: Uchi

Terrane: North Caribou

Domain: Uchi

Belt: Birch-Uchi

Geological Age: Archean  


Lithology Data
Rock Type Rank Composition Texture Relationship
Felsic Tuff 1 Tuff Adjacent
Ironstone-unsubdivided 2
Schist-Unsubdivided 3 Adjacent
Vein 4 Contains


Mineralization and Alteration
Rank Mineral Name Class Economic Mineral Type Alteration Mineral Type Alteration Ranking Alteration Intensity Alteration Style

Mineralization Comments

Nov 27, 2020 (Therese Pettigrew) - Gold occurs in quartz-carbonate-tourmaline veins accompanied by arsenopyrite, pyrite and chalcopyrite. The veins lie along shears in chloritized, carbonatized intermediate to basic volcanics (Ass. rep. 52N08NW0042). The main zone, which is about 400 feet (122 m) long, lies in the southern part of claim KRL 8596, in basalt, tuff, and iron formation. The west end has a maximum width of 14 feet (4.3 m) in sheared chloritic schist. At the south edge of the mineralized belt, there is a pronounced shear zone 3 feet (0.9 m) wide composed of limonite and schist fragments. Another shear zone occurs along the northern edge of the pit. Between them there are a few quartz stringers half an inch to 2 inches (1.25-5 cm) wide parallel to the schistosity, which dips 77 degrees N. These stringers silicify the walls for 2 inches (5 cm) on either side and contribute arsenopyrite and pyrite. Coarse gold occurs in three zones in this pit and a considerable quantity was recovered from the gossan. Two hundred and fifty feet (76 m) east the vein lies in altered and oxidized chloritic schists and tuffs containing some short bands of iron formation. Arsenopyrite occurs in the fractures in small quartz veinlets, in inclusions, and in bands as much as 2 inches (5 cm) wide in the schist. Considerable gold occurred here also. Another vein striking 145 degrees lies in the southwest corner of claim KRL 8597, and extends into the adjacent claims on the west and south. Trenching over a length of 200 feet (61 m) showed chlorite schists, tuffs, and iron formation intruded by small quartz stringers. Coarse arsenopyrite, the chief metallic mineral, constitutes about 10 per cent, of the rock, and pyrite and chalcopyrite about 5 per cent. Siderite, calcite, and muscovite are gangue minerals, siderite being most abundant. At the west end of the showing a small vein 2 feet wide contains minute patches of tourmaline needles. The dip of the schistosity ranges from 40 to 60 degrees NE. Near the west end the vein is vertical. A showing near the east side of claim KRL 8600 contains a band of silicified chlorite schist, 6 feet (1.8 m) wide and 66 feet (20 m) long, striking east-west and dipping 84 degrees N. It is traversed by many small stringers of quartz and calcite less than 3 inches (7.6 cm) wide. The quartz contains black radiating tourmaline crystals, and the schist is mineralized with arsenopyrite and pyrite. Near the southwest corner of claim KRL 8601, there is a rusty schist zone, 6 to 12 feet (1.8 to 3.6 m) wide and 130 feet (39.6 m) long, cut by irregular stringers of quartz about 2 inches (5 cm) wide. One of these stringers has a width of 1.5 feet (0.45 m). The zone strikes at S65E and dips vertically. The quartz appears to be barren, but the walls and schist inclusions contain pyrite and arsenopyrite (Furse, 1933). DDH 4 drilled in 1931 returned 0.38 oz/t Au over 13 feet. DDH 1-83 cut three quartz veins between 408 and 413 feet mineralized with 10% pyrite and arsenopyrite. Visible gold was also noted in this section. The five foot section assayed 0.288 oz/t Au. Also a 6 inch vein between 397 and 401 was mineralized with pyrite and arsenopyrite and the three foot section assayed 0.088 oz/t Au (Assessment report 52N08NW0042). Field investigation by Continuum Resources included an MMI soil geochem survey. Results of the survey suggest that the strike of the gold-bearing zone appears to be appreciably different to that postulated by previous workers, and is closer to 280 degrees. Samples of the Cooper Shaft dump, and pits immediately east and west of the shaft, returned some excellent gold grades, ranging up to 155 grams gold. DDH MB04-2 returned up to 25.454 g/t Au from a quartz vein with 15% arsenopyrite and visible gold (Assessment report 52N09SW2007).

Mineral Record Details

Production Data
Year Tonnes Commodities Reference Comment
1934 5 Gold 23 Ounces
MDI Tonnage not reported. 1934-35: 23 oz Au produced (worth $825 in 1936)


Mono - Copper, nickel, lead and zinc deposits of Ontario

Publication Number: MDC012 Page: 191  Date: 1969

Author: Shklanka R.

Publisher Name: Ontario Dept. of Mines


Part - Geology of the Shabumeni-Birch lakes area

Publication Number: ARV42-06.002 Page: 40-41  Date: 1998

Author: Furse G.D.

Publisher Name: Ontario Dept. of Mines


Mono - Volcanic studies in the Birch-Uchi lakes area of Ontario

Publication Number: MP006 Page: 94  Date: 1967

Author: Goodwin A.M.

Publisher Name: Ontario Dept. of Mines


Part - Geology of the Birch-Springpole lakes area

Publication Number: ARV45-04 Page: 22-23  Date: 1997

Author: Harding W.D.

Publisher Name: Ontario Dept. of Mines


Folio - Cassumit Lake Area - Red Lake Mining Division

Publication Number: GDIF601 Date: 1990

Author: Dutka R.J.

Publisher Name: Ontario Geological Survey


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For detailed information regarding this mineral record please contact the Red Lake Resident Geologist District Office