The MRD299 download files have been modified from the original CD distribution. Due to the size of this data, it has been split into more downloadable pieces. The folder structure is shown below, to enable you to rebuild it from the individual ZIP files: MRD299─┐ data─┐ Report Appendixes─┐ Appendix 9_Field Photos_Burntbush Appendix 10_Field Photos_Normétal Appendix 11_Core Photos_Normétal Appendix 12_Petrographic Photos_Burntbush Appendix 13_Petrographic Photos_Normétal {7 Excel and 1 PDF file} Report Large Figures Report Tables {metadata, readme and report PDF files} The contains all the data with the exception of the following files. Unzip, and into the "Appendix 9_Field Photos_Burntbush" sub-folder in the "Report Appendixes" folder. There are 742 images in the folder and 9 images in the "Normetal field day" sub-folder. If you encounter any problems or have questions, please email up to 245