Ontario Geological Survey Publication

Ministry of Mines

Publication: OFR6410

Publication Details:

Title: Report of Activities 2023, Resident Geologist Program, Timmins Regional Resident Geologist Report: Timmins and Sault Ste. Marie Districts

Publication Year: 2024

Type: Monograph

Author(s): V. D'Angelo, M. Krukowski, B.K. Maity, P. Bousquet, C.M. Daniels, S.L.K. Hinz, G. Meyer, N. Sabiri, J. Swiercz and C.J. Adrianwalla

Series: Open File Report

Type: Monograph

Price: $11.45


Abstract: The annual Report of Activities summarizes the mineral exploration and mining activities that have occurred within each Resident Geologist Program (RGP) district, and program staff activities that have been conducted during the 2023 calendar year. The RGP district offices across the province offer the following services.
- Providing expert geological consultation and advisory services to promote and stimulate mineral exploration by providing in-office and in-field client consultations and expert advice; conducting client mineral exploration property visits; and conducting geological field trips for mineral industry clients.
- Generating and transferring new geoscientific data and ideas through the investigation and documentation of mineral occurrences and deposits; making recommendations of areas and ideas for mineral exploration; providing talks and posters at geoscience symposia and conventions; providing geological field trips for university students, geological association conferences or events.
- Maintaining and providing public access to geoscience databases/other resource materials, such as mineral industry assessment files and donated materials; local geoscience libraries; diamond-drill hole database; rock sample suites and drill-core libraries; Ontario Mineral Inventory (OMI) database; monthly mineral exploration activity reports; ancillary geoscience databases.
- Monitoring and reporting on mineral exploration and development activity by visiting and reporting on active mines and mineral exploration operations; maintaining regular communication with prospectors and mineral exploration company representatives who are active in the district; conducting literature reviews and maintaining relevant information databases.
- Providing geoscience and mineral sector information to the general public and First Nation communities through outreach activities that include participation in public education forums to promote mineral sector awareness; providing talks and posters in support of geoscience-related events; providing mineral sector information sessions and prospecting classes to First Nation communities; leading geological field trips for community groups.

Each RGP district receives support from regional staff who provide specialized services in the areas of land use planning, mineral deposits and GIS/data management. This report provides a summary of these activities as outlined below.

The Regional Land Use Geologist (RLUG) section summarizes regional activities, within the following areas of service.
- Participating in Crown land use planning activities that have the potential to impact provincial mining interests, or to expose those using Crown lands to natural or mining-related hazards.
- Participating in government land use planning policy development and planning initiatives.
- Facilitating communication between First Nations and the mineral sector as it relates to land use.
- Assisting in municipal land use planning by reviewing and commenting on Official Plans, Official Plan Amendments and Severance Consent applications, and by providing information and guidance on land tenure, mineral potential, and mine hazard and safety issues that must be addressed in accordance with the Provincial Policy Statement.

The Mineral Inventory Geoscientists section summarizes regional activities in the following areas.
- Investigating and documenting mineral deposits and occurrences.
- Ensuring that the Ontario Mineral Inventory (OMI) database is updated regularly through field visits, comprehensive literature research and personal research.

The GIS/Data Specialists section summarizes province-wide activities in the following areas.
- Maintaining and updating RGP data sets.
- Providing GIS cartographic and data analysis services.
- Participating in the development of new RGP geoscience data products and data management systems.

Purpose: The primary functions of the Ontario Geological Survey’s Resident Geologist Program (RGP) are to generate and provide geoscience information to a variety of clients, stakeholders and the general public, and to monitor, stimulate and support the economically and environmentally sound development of Ontario's mineral resources. The program is provincial in scope, forms the primary client service component of the Ontario Geological Survey and operates through a network of 8 field offices strategically located across the province.

The Regional Resident Geologists, supported by the District Geologists, and District Geological Assistants, who are responsible for 9 Resident Geologist districts across the province, provide a variety of geoscience services. These services include the provision of expert geological advice, generating new geoscientific data and ideas, maintaining and providing public access to geoscience databases and other resources, monitoring and reporting on mineral exploration and development activity, and participating in public education forums in First Nations and other communities. Although the primary users of the Regional Resident Geologists’ services are mineral sector clients, these services are also available to other client groups, stakeholders and the general public.

The Report of Activities for each Resident Geologist district is released annually and includes summaries of mineral production, development and exploration activity that occurred during the calendar year, as well as information about historical mineral production and deposits not being mined. It also provides a summary of district staff activities, including sections on mineral exploration property examinations, recommendations for exploration, and updates on geological studies that are underway in the district. In addition to the district-specific information, each Report of Activities volume includes summaries of the activities of the Regional Land Use Geologists, Mineral Inventory Geoscientists and GIS/Data Specialists.

The Regional Land Use Geology program of the RGP is staffed by a Land Use Planning & Policy Coordinator and 3 Regional Land Use Geologists (RLUGs) located in Northwestern (Thunder Bay), Northeastern (Timmins) and Southern (Tweed) Ontario. Their primary function is to ensure that geoscience information is considered in the development of provincial land use policies, and in the land use planning decision-making process. Working with other RGP staff, the RLUGs provide specialized knowledge of the geology, mineral potential and land use issues that affect their respective regions.

The RGP also includes 2 regional Mineral Inventory Geoscientists, 2 GIS/Data Specialists and a Geoscience Data Processor. The Mineral Inventory Geoscientists assist with the investigation and documentation of mineral deposits and occurrences in Ontario. Through field visits, comprehensive literature research and personal research, they work with regional and district staff to ensure that the Ontario Mineral Inventory (OMI) database is regularly updated. The GIS/Geoscience Data staff support the RGP by providing GIS cartographic and data analysis services, maintaining existing databases, and assisting in the development of new geoscience data products and data management systems.

Keywords: Mineral Exploration:Mineral Resources:Land Use Planning:Mineral Occurrences:Industrial Minerals Including Stone

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