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OGSEarth data comes from a variety of sources. Use the link in the original source data with each layer when available.
View a list of available data in the OGSEarth KML bookmarks section.
OGSEarth provides geoscience data in Keyhole Markup Language (KML) format. View the data using Google Earth Pro (free) or the mobile version (Android or Apple). Use the browser version of Google Earth with caution. The browser version does not display all data.

If the data you have loaded does not update to the current data, delete the cache in Google Earth. Do this before opening the KML.

Use the following steps.

  1. Open Google Earth
  2. select File > Server Sign Out
  3. Go to Tools > Options
  4. Select the Cache tab
  5. Click Delete cache file and then OK.
  6. Exit Google Earth and download the KML.

Google Earth is a 3D geographic mapping and viewing tool. Read the Google Earth tutorial for instructions.

Please read the OGS document.


Go to the data for: 
Abandoned Mines
Abandoned Mines
KML updated
ZIP updated
Abandoned Mines (Abandoned Mines Information System-AMIS) contains all known abandoned and inactive mine sites and features.
Data include information on mine site names, alias names, geographic township, site status, primary commodity, jurisdiction, mine features, hazard status, class and type, access and geospatial information.
The data download file includes the following: ESRI® geodatabase and shapefile formats, Excel® spreadsheets, Google Earth files, AMIS disclaimer and Mines site type class description files in PDF format.
Read the AMIS description page for more information.
Activity Reports-Mineral Exploration
Activity Reports-Mineral Exploration
Get the latest news on mineral sector activity in Ontario. These reports contain monthly and year-to-date listings of mineral sector activity, and new information available at the Ontario Geological Survey’s 8 Resident Geologist District Offices.
These reports can also be accessed in tabular format.
The reports include company, project, and activity type, and links to corporate news releases. They also include lists of new assessment work received, new mineral deposit inventory data and Resident Geologist field activity. Some of this information may not be available on-line. Contact your District Office for access to it.
Archived month end reports are available on request. Please contact your nearest Resident Geologist office.
Administrative Boundaries and Spatial Reference Grids
Administrative Boundaries and Spatial Reference Grids
Administrative Boundaries and Spatial Reference Grids contains layers which define different areas of the province according to number of classifications.
Data include administrative boundaries such as townships, lots and concessions, municipal boundaries, aboriginal lands, conservation authorities and provincial parks and spatial reference grids such as Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zones and National Topographic System (NTS) map indexes.
Aggregate Resources of Ontario (compilation)
Aggregate Resources of Ontario (compilation)
The Aggregate Resources of Ontario—2020 (or ARO—2020) is a GIS-based compilation of the aggregate resources of Ontario is based on data compiled from aggregate resources inventory mapping conducted by the Ontario Geological Survey (OGS) from 1980 to 2020. This compilation includes data updated from the previously published information and may include newer geological data and/or mapping, where the latter are available. It is intended that this compilation will be updated annually.
It is important to note that this compilation is not intended to be used as a standalone product and the referenced original reports should always be consulted in conjunction with this compilation. Information contained within the referenced original reports (i.e., test results, resource properties and potential) is still highly relevant. However, it is possible that resource estimates provided in the referenced original reports may no longer be accurate, and may not reflect the data contained in this compilation. It must also be noted that, although the data represented in this compilation have been modified and updated since the release of the previously published information, the referenced original publications have not been revised to incorporate these changes. The compressed ( download file provides data in geodatabase format using ESRI® ArcGIS® 9.3.1 with a completed project file (.mxd). Geospatial data are provided in North American Datum 1983 (NAD83) geographic co-ordinate system using decimal degrees. A user document and readme file that explains the GIS content is provided.
Aggregate Test Results for Various Rock Types: Northern, Central and Southern Ontario
Aggregate Test Results for Various Rock Types
Aggregate test results represent the results of "standard" aggregate testing collected and collated by the Ontario Geological Survey (OGS).
Data include Formation/Rock Type, Petrographic Number, Micro Deval, Los Angeles Abrasion Test, Freeze Thaw, Absorption, Bulk Relative Density, Polish Stone Value, Average Aggregate Abrasive Value.
Bedrock Geology
Bedrock Geology
Bedrock Geology contains information about the solid rock underlying the Province of Ontario at a compilation scale of 1:250 000.
Data include bedrock units, major faults, dike swarms, iron formations, kimberlites and interpretation of the Precambrian bedrock geology underlying the Hudson Bay and James Bay lowlands Phanerozoic cover.
Earth Resources & Geoscience Mapping Section Project areas
Earth Resources & Geoscience Mapping Section Project areas
The Ontario Geological Survey (OGS) carries out field-based investigations to define and understand geological processes and the earth resources to support mineral investment priorities and inferences about the state of the environment, natural hazards, public health and safety, and climate change adaptation. As the steward of Ontario's public geoscience data and information, the OGS provides public access to these information and knowledge holdings.
The Earth Resources & Geoscience Mapping Section (ERGMS) of the Ontario Geological Survey is responsible for the mapping of Ontario's geology from Hudson Bay to Lake Erie. This encompasses Precambrian, Phanerozoic, Quaternary, Aggregate, Industrial Minerals geology as well as geochemistry studies, geophysical surveys, overburden and hydrostratigraphic units and contained groundwater resources.
The geoscientists of the Earth Resources & Geoscience Mapping Section of the OGS were out again last summer (2019) collecting new geoscientific information right across the province. Descriptions of the 20 active projects and their locations and a list of related publications can now be viewed here using OGSEarth.
Elevation contains elevation data acquired from Nasa through the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission.
Data include shaded relief and elevation models displaying terrain elevation across the province of Ontario.
Geochronology Inventory of Ontario (compilation)
Geochronology Inventory of Ontario (compilation)
Note: This is the first release in this configuration and it should be considered to be a “beta” version. We welcome comments and suggestions from users regarding changes to the query criteria, report form, etc. Any errors or omissions should be brought to the attention of the Ontario Geological Survey so that they can be corrected, and included in future updates of this compilation. Contact information is provided in the readme document.
The Geochronology Inventory of Ontario (GeochrON) is a compilation of the geochronology information for Ontario and for adjacent jurisdictions with similar geology. The GeochrON provides an overview of isotopic ages obtained from rock samples from the province of Ontario and contains information on age, error, methods, rock type, sample number, location, geological environment, and the source of the information. It is based on data acquired by the Ontario Geological Survey (OGS) as part of its geological mapping program, data from Geological Survey of Canada publications, and data compiled from the scientific literature from 1932 to 2019. It is intended that this compilation will be updated annually.
The compressed ( download file provides GeochrON data in 2 formats: 1) a relational database (Microsoft® Access® 2016 (.accdb) file) and 2) geospatial (ESRI® shape file) provincial coverage. Geospatial data are provided in North American Datum 1983 (NAD83) geographic co-ordinate system using decimal degrees. A user document, a bibliography, and a readme file (that explains the content) are provided. It is important to note that this compilation is not intended to be used as a standalone product and the source reference(s) should always be consulted in conjunction with this compilation.
The Geophysics KML contains polygons and images illustrating areas that have published digital data products released by the Ontario Geological Survey.
Data include images of high resolution aeromagnetic surveys (residual magnetic intensity and second vertical derivative), regional gravity (bouguer and first vertical derivative), regional magnetics (residual magnetic intensity and first vertical derivative), locations of published airborne surveys, seismic and magnetotelluric data with links to download the data from GeologyOntario.
Geoscience Theses
Geoscience Theses
Geoscience Theses is a collection of university theses held by the OGS’s 8 district office libraries.
The collection includes a wide variety of undergraduate and graduate theses on geoscience subjects relevant to the district.
These reports can also be accessed in tabular format.
Data include author, title and keywords. The theses are geospatially located based on subject matter. The complete theses catalogue for each district is accessible through the KML download file
Geotechnical Boreholes
Geotechnical Boreholes
Geotechnical Boreholes contains records of boreholes constructed during geotechnical investigations.
Data include information on the Geological Stratum identified down each hole as well as the hole depth.
Gravity and Aeromagnetic Data
Gravity and Aeromagnetic Data
Gravity and Aeromagnetic contain ground field reading of gravity strengths and airborne surveys of magnetic strengths from across the province of Ontario.
Data include gravity and magnetic information.
Index to Aggregate Resources
Index to Aggregate Resources
Aggregate Resources contains reports on the nature and extent of sand, gravel and bedrock resources within specific areas across Ontario.
Data include locations of aggregate resource studies with a link to the report and associated maps on GeologyOntario.
Index to Geological Maps, Digital Data and Reports
Index to Geological Maps and Digital Data
Geological Maps, Digital Data and Reports contains outlines illustrating areas that have published products released by the Ontario Geological Survey.
Data include published product locations with links to download the product from GeologyOntario.
Read the Publications description page for more information.
Lake Geochemistry of Ontario (compilation)
Lake Geochemistry of Ontario (compilation)
Current to
This is the first release in this configuration and it should be considered to be a “beta” version. We welcome comments and suggestions from users regarding changes to the query criteria, report form, etc. Any errors or omissions should be brought to the attention of the Ontario Geological Survey so that they can be corrected, and included in future updates of this compilation. Contact information is provided in the readme document.
Lake Geochemistry of Ontario (LakeGeochemON) is a compilation of lake geochemical data for Ontario. This compilation contains information for over 65 000 sample locations and 5.7 million geochemical analytical values and includes quality control (QC) data for blind duplicates and certified reference materials (CRMs). It is based on data compiled from 45 digital data releases (Miscellaneous Release—Data (MRDs)) published by the OGS between 1995 and 2018. It is intended that this compilation will be updated annually. This compilation augments a previous OGS digital compilation (MRD 153: Ontario Geochemistry and Indicator Mineral Database) published in 2005.
The compressed ( download file provides 1) Lake Geochemistry data as a relational database (Microsoft® Access® 2016 (.accdb) file); 2) geospatial data (ESRI® shape file ) providing the outline of each survey area; and 3) for user convenience, examples of several Ontario-wide data queries (exported as Microsoft® Excel® (.xlsx) files). Geospatial data are provided in North American Datum 1983 (NAD83) geographic co-ordinate system using decimal degrees. A readme file (that explains the content) is provided. It is important to note that this compilation is not intended to be used as a standalone product and the referenced original reports should always be consulted in conjunction with this compilation.
Mining Claims
Mining Claims
Operational data (KML) Updated
Operational data (ZIP) Updated
Mining Claims contains active claims and alienations.
The data have been split into two files:
Operational data (claims and alienations, mining land tenure, non-mining land tenure, and plans and permits) gets updated regularly and;
Administrative data (cell grid, lots and concessions, administrative boundaries, mining divisions, exploration regions, legacy claims and the provincial boundary).
Note: The claims data presented here is an unofficial version to be used for viewing purposes only. Official mining claim information is available from the MLAS Map Viewer application.
KML Updated bi-weekly. Last updated
ZIP Updated bi-weekly. Last updated
OGSFocus is a series of map layers that quantify data from the Ontario Assessment File Database (OAFD), Ontario Drill Hole Database (ODHD) and Ontario Mineral Inventory (OMI) database.
Data include A Data Rating Grid for Open Areas that provides a visual representation of the quantity of exploration data available and a Data Hot Spots layer that highlights significant contiguous areas with robust data that are available for acquisition.
OGS GeoData Listing
Ontario Geological Survey
Exploring geoscience data and publications by geographic township
The OGS GeoData Listing provides users a list of all publications (OGS), assessment files (OAFD), drill holes (ODHD) and mineral inventory (OMI) data available for each Township and Area in Ontario.
Data include Information about and Links to download Ontario's geological information.
Ontario Assessment File Database (OAFD)
Ontario Assessment File Database locations
Assessment File contains the technical results from all exploration work done in the province of Ontario.
Data include: details on location, property ownership, type of work done, commodities sought for each assessment file and a link to the PDF version of each file that is stored on GeologyOntario.
NOTE: Additional donated data that are not available online may be accessed at each of the 8 Resident Geologist Program offices located throughout the province.
Read the OAFD description page for more information.
Ontario’s Critical Minerals
Ontario’s Critical Minerals
On March 17, 2022 Ontario released its Critical Minerals Strategy. This strategy includes a list of 33 critical minerals. This product highlights Ontario Mineral Inventory records that list these critical minerals as a primary or secondary commodity. The Ontario Mineral Inventory (OMI)(previously known as the Mineral Deposit Inventory or MDI database) contains an overview of mineral occurrences in the province of Ontario.
Ontario Drill Hole Database (ODHD)
Ontario Drill Hole Database locations
Drill Holes contains information on surface and underground drilling done as outlined by assessment files.
Data include company name, company hole number, township and a link to the full drill hole record on GeologyOntario.
Read the ODHD description page for more information.
Ontario Mineral Inventory (OMI)
Ontario Mineral Inventory locations
The Ontario Mineral Inventory (OMI)(previously known as the Mineral Deposit Inventory or MDI database) contains an overview of mineral occurrences in the province of Ontario
Data include occurrence type, primary and secondary commodity, deposit name and a link to the full record on GeologyOntario.
Read the OMI description page for more information.
Precambrian Bedrock Magnetic Susceptibility Geodatabase
Precambrian Bedrock Magnetic Susceptibility Geodatabase
Magnetic susceptibility (sometimes known as volume susceptibility) is the fundamental rock parameter in magnetic prospecting.
Data include magnetic susceptibility readings from various rock types. Magnetic susceptibility refers to the degree to which a substance can become temporarily magnetized while within an applied magnetic field.
Quaternary Geology
Quaternary Geology
Ontario's Quaternary Geology at a compilation scale of 1:1 000 000.
Data include Quaternary geology units, point features such as drumlins and glacial striae and line features such as eskers, shore bluffs and moraines.
Specific Gravity
Specific Gravity
This digital data set contains specific gravity data for rock samples collected by Ontario Geological Survey staff from across Ontario between 1970 and 2014. The majority of the more than 26 000 geolocated data records were obtained from specific gravity measurements of Archean rocks, with smaller populations of data from Proterozoic and Paleozoic eras.

Northern Ontario

Go to the data for: 
Far North Predictive Mapping
Far North Predictive Mapping
Far North Predictive Mapping contains an interpretation and classification of surficial materials in the Far North of Ontario as predicted by a combination of satellite imagery, digital elevation models and limited on the ground field observations.
Data include polygon features of surficial geology material distribution and areas of Rögen moraines, karst and palsas and linear features, such as eskers, drumlins, crests of moraines and abandoned shoreline features.
Geology Terrain (NOEGTS)
Geology Terrain (NOEGTS)
Geology Terrain contains an evaluation of near-surface geological conditions such as material, landform, topography and drainage.
Data include land form type, geomorphology, primary material, secondary material, topography and drainage condition, point features such as sand and gravel pits, sand dunes, drumlins, eskers, landslide scars and index maps to study areas.
Property Examination Articles
Property Examination Articles
Dating back to the 1960s, the Ontario Geological Survey’s Resident Geologist Program (RGP) has included Property Examination articles in its annual Reports of Activities. The articles are based on field visits by RGP geologists and capture exploration history, significant assay results and geological summaries for specific properties and/or mineral occurrences. They provide third-party geological interpretations from the field visit and often provide recommendations to guide further exploration work.
Data include a link to the property examination article, location information, report references, availability of assay data and associated Mineral Inventory (OMI) points and Assessment Files (OAFD).
At this time, data is only available for the Thunder Bay North, Thunder Bay South, Kenora and Red Lake Districts.
Rhyolite Occurrences Northern Ontario
Rhyolite Occurrences Northern Ontario
Rhyolite contains a layer which depicts the location and composition of various rhyolite occurrences across northern Ontario.
Data include approximate location, physical character, age and the chemical nature of each rhyolite occurrence.

Southern Ontario

Go to the data for: 
3D Mapping of Surficial Aquifers
3D Mapping of Surficial Aquifers
3D Mapping of Surficial Aquifers contains information regarding the three dimensional distribution and character of surficial materials that may form groundwater aquifers and aquitards.
Data include borehole information, isopachs, structural contours and both bedrock and surficial geology image overlays.
Ambient Groundwater Geochemistry
Ambient Groundwater Geochemistry
KML BETA Updated
Ambient Groundwater Geochemistry contains detailed inorganic chemistry data collected from over 2300 water samples from southern Ontario.
Data include well information, dissolved gases, major ions, trace elements, field measurement of temperature, pH, redox potential and electrical conductivity.
Bedrock Topography and Overburden Thickness
Bedrock Topography and Overburden Thickness
Bedrock Topography and Overburden Thickness contain a bedrock elevation map and information on the thickness of material deposits above the bedrock surface.
Data include an interpolated bedrock surface created from a variety of existing point data, a bedrock shaded relief grid and an interpretation of overburden thickness.
Karst contains a layer which depicts the nature and regional distributions of karstification of Paleozoic bedrock units within thin drift and exposed bedrock regions of southern Ontario and Manitoulin Island.
Data include karst point features such as caves, sink holes and disappearing streams, karst and Paleozoic geological units and photographs of various karst features.
Paleozoic Geology
Paleozoic Geology
Paleozoic Geology contains a layer which depicts southern Ontario geological units formed during the Paleozoic era.
Data include Paleozoic geological units, linear features such as faults, point features such as quarries, drill hole and outcrop locations and photos depicting key sections of each of the Paleozoic rock formations found across southern Ontario.
Physiography contains information on the physical structure of southern Ontario.
Data include linear features such as beaches and escarpments, point features such as dunes and mudflow scars, landforms such as drumlins and moraines and physiographic regions.
Southern Ontario Stream Sediment Geochemistry Survey
Southern Ontario Stream Sediment Geochemistry Survey
The Southern Ontario Stream Sediment Geochemistry Survey consists of stream sediment data including inorganic (metals) chemistry concentrations determined in 2113 samples collected across southern Ontario.
Data include Geochemical metals data determined by ICP, loss-on-ignition (LOI) and particle size analysis (PSA) data including quality control results from Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) and analytical (pulp) duplicates.
Surficial Geology
Surficial Geology
Surficial Geology contains a layer which depicts the distribution and characteristics of surficial deposits across southern Ontario.
Data include surficial geology units, linear features such as eskers and bluffs, point features such as drumlins or striae, gravel pit and quarry locations.
Tritium in Shallow Groundwater of Southern Ontario (GRS020)
Tritium in Shallow Groundwater
Tritium in Shallow Groundwater of Southern Ontario comprises the interpolated shallow groundwater tritium concentrations and the associated prediction standard error map.
Data include interactive raster images of shallow groundwater tritium concentration and the associated prediction standard error, as well as the groundwater sampling data points used to generate the interpolation showing tritium concentrations, well depth and aquifer type (overburden or bedrock) at each station.