Ministry of Mines
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The Ontario Drill Hole Database (ODHD) contains information for over 158 000 percussion, overburden, sonic and diamond-drill holes. Data include location, company name, company hole number, hole orientation, hole depth, and overburden depth if applicable. The presence of assay results with cutoff values for gold, silver, copper, zinc, lead, nickel and platinum group elements is noted. Source assessment file numbers are captured for cross referencing with the Ontario Assessment File Database (OAFD).
The GeologyOntario application provides access to the ODHD through a quick and effective search engine. Searches can be done by using simple keywords or by using focused searches using Boolean operators. Keywords can include the drill hole id, company drill hole id, hole type, element, year drilled and geographic area (NTS, township). An overview and description of the search types including Boolean can be found in the Help page.
The ODHD can be downloaded from the GeologyOntario application. It is available as a packaged product provided in 2 formats: 1) a relational database and 2) a geospatial GIS (ESRI® shapefile) format.
The Drill Hole data found on our OGSEarth page can also be viewed in Keyhole Markup Language (KML) format using Google Earth Opens in a new window or other applications compatible with KML.
Further database information and metadata are found within the download package.