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About our Data

Report No., or Map No., or Digital Data No.: publication number of the report, map or digital data. The prefix of the publication number indicates the publication series. If a report or map has been revised, both the original publication and the revised version are listed (e.g. P3349 and P3349-REV). For revisions of digital data, only the most recent version is listed in the index (e.g. Miscellaneous Release—Data 229—Revised (MRD229-REV), Geophysical Data Set 1210—Revision 1 (GDS1210-REV1)).

Publication Series explanations are provided below the table.

The following are the abbreviations used for publication series:

NOTE: A 'Series Code' is used to prefix publications. The following is a list of all the codes being used, a description and notes on how to search for the publication. When searching for publications by publication number on Search GeologyOntario add the * (star) character at the end of your search string (e.x. MRD229* returns MRD229 and MRD229-REV).

Series Code Description, Example and Notes Format
A Aeromagnetic Series Map series code + 3 numbers
ARIP Aggregate Resources Inventory Paper (e.g. ARIP177) series code + 3 numbers
ARM Annual Report Map series code + 2 numbers + 1 letter (+ sometimes a dash and 2 numbers)
ARO Aggregate Resources of Ontario series code
ARV Annual Report Volume series code + 2 numbers (+ sometimes a dash and 2 numbers)
ASR Annual Statistical Report (e.g. ASR08) series code + 2 numbers
B Bulletin series code + 3 numbers (+ sometimes a dash + 2 characters)
EDS ERLIS Data Series (e.g. EDS013-REV1) series code + 3 numbers (+ sometimes a -REV or -REV1)
ES Education Series series code + 2 numbers
GB Guidebook series code + 2 numbers
GDIF Geoscience Data Inventory Folio (e.g. GDIF419) series code + 3 numbers
GDS Geophysical Data Set (e.g. GDS1059) NOTE: 3 series (1000, 1100 & 1200) series code + 4 numbers (plus sometimes a single letter and/or -REV or -REV1)
GPR Geophysical Report series code + 2 numbers
GRS Groundwater Resources Studies (e.g. GRS001) series code + 3 numbers
IC Information Circular (e.g. IC02) series code + 2 numbers
IMBP Industrial Mineral Background Paper (e.g. IMBP017) series code + 3 numbers
IMR Industrial Minerals Report series code + 3 numbers
INV Index Volume (e.g. INV01) series code + 2 numbers
M1 1900 Series Map series code + 3 numbers (+ sometimes a letter or a dash and 3 characters)
M2 2000 Series Map (e.g. M2350) series code + 3 numbers (+ sometimes a -REV)
M5 5000 Series map series code + 3 numbers
M6 60 000 Series Map (e.g. M60273) series code + 4 numbers (+ sometimes a -REV)
M8 80 000 Series Map (e.g. M81215) series code + 4 numbers (+ sometimes a letter)
MDC Mineral Deposits Circular (e.g. MDC024) series code + 3 numbers
MDI Mineral Deposit Inventory series code + 3 numbers (+ sometimes a -REV or -REV1)
MG G series Map (e.g. M00001G) series code + 5 numbers + G
MP Miscellaneous Paper (e.g. MP170) series code + 3 numbers (+ sometimes many characters)
MPBP Mineral Policy Background Paper series code + 3 numbers
MRD Miscellaneous Release—Data (e.g. MRD233) series code + 3 numbers
MS S Series Map series code + 3 numbers
NOEGTS Northern Ontario Engineering Geology Terrain Study series code + 3 numbers
NSP Non-Serial Publications series code + 3 numbers (+ sometimes a letter)
OFM Open File Map (e.g. OFM0242) series code + 4 numbers (+ sometimes a letter)
OFR Open File Report (e.g. OFR6225) Note: starts at 5000 series code + 4 numbers
OGP Oil and Gas Paper series code + 3 numbers (+ sometimes a dash and 2 numbers)
OP Occasional Paper series code + 2 numbers
P Preliminary Map series (e.g. P3600) series code + 4 numbers [start at 0001] (+ sometimes a letter or -REV)
POP Popular Publications series code + 3 numbers [only 001 to 004]
POSTER Posters series code + 3 numbers [only 001 to 005]
PR Preliminary Report series code + 4 numbers (+ sometimes dash and 2 numbers)
R Report, Geological Report, Geoscience Report (e.g. R288) series code + 3 numbers
S Study, Geological Circular (e.g. S59) series code + 3 numbers
SV Special Volume (e.g. SV07) series code + 2 numbers (+ sometimes a dasha and 2 numbers)
VC Video Census series code + 2 numbers (+ sometimes .001 or .002)

Publication Series detailsPUB details

Report Series

Aggregate Resources Inventory Papers (ARIP): this series reports on the nature and extent of aggregate re- sources within specific areas. The reports include maps illustrating areas of potential for aggregate extraction.

Annual Report Volume (ARV): this series reported on all investigations of the Ontario Bureau of Mines and Ontario Department of Mines from 1891 to 1960. From 1961 to 1972, the annual reports contained statistical reviews of mining in Ontario. The last report in this series was published in 1972.

Annual Statistical Reports (ASR): this series contains reviews of mineral production in Ontario. Publications in this series were issued from 1970 to 1978, and from 2010.

Bulletins (B): most of the 173 bulletins deal with mining accidents and annual mineral production. Approximately 20 of the early bulletins cover geological or miscellaneous topics.

Educational Series (ES): this series of nontechnical booklets, which cover topics of interest to explorationists, was begun in 1991. There are only 2 reports in the series.

General Index to Reports Volumes (INV): this series provides a general subject index to all publications of the Mines and Minerals Division and its predecessors. Last issued in 1984, the 9 volumes cover publications from 1891 to 1980. More recent indexes are published as Miscellaneous Papers (MP) 177 and 178, and their supplements.

Geophysical Reports (GPR): these reports contain the results of geophysical investigations of specific areas. There are only 2 reports, issued in 1973–1974.

Geoscience Data Inventory Folios (including Geological Data Inventory Folios) (GDIF): this series, initiated in 1982, summarizes all exploration data for specific townships or National Topographic System (NTS) areas. Each folio consists of tabulated data and one or more maps. The series replaces the “Data Series” maps that were released within the Preliminary (P) Map series. The most recent folio was issued in 1994.

Guidebooks (including Geological Guidebooks) (GB): guidebooks are informative and colourful guides to the geology, physiography and scenery of specific areas of the province.

Industrial Mineral Background Papers (IMBP): this series covers subjects related to the inventory, development, marketing and use of industrial minerals. The most recent paper was issued in 1994.

Industrial Mineral Reports (IMR): this series presents the results of investigations of the geology and uses of industrial minerals. The series was issued during the period 1953–1975.

Information Circulars (IC): this series of leaflets was begun in 1991 to provide general information about mineral commodities in Ontario.

Mineral Deposits Circulars (including Mineral Resources Circulars) (MDC): this series covers inventories and geological studies of specific types of mineral deposits, commodities or resources, mainly on an Ontario-wide or regional basis. The most recent circular was issued in 2000.

Mineral Policy Background Papers (MPBP): this series covers a variety of subjects, each related to the background information needed by government agencies and companies to make in-depth economic decisions on metallic mineral matters.

Miscellaneous Papers (MP): this series, first issued in 1960, provides information on a variety of geoscience topics. Annual compendia, such as the Summary of Field Work and Other Activities and Resident Geologist Program Report of Activities, were published in this series from 1967 to 1998. The reports are rarely accompanied by maps. MP177 and MP178, and their supplements, are indexes of all publications published since 1891.

Nonserial Publications (NSP): approximately 150 nonserial publications are available. Most of these are information brochures or booklets, but some are technical reports.

Northern Ontario Engineering Geology Terrain Studies (NOEGTS): these reports include detailed descriptions of engineering geology and terrain studies of a specific area. Each report is accompanied by 1 or 2 coloured maps. The series was issued during the period 1979–1983.

Occasional Papers (OP): this series covers a wide variety of mineral-related subjects. The most recent report in this series was issued in 1981.

Oil and Gas Papers (including Papers) (OPG): this series reports annually on the exploration, drilling and production of oil and gas in Ontario.

Open File Reports (OFR): this series provides the means for rapid release of information soon after project completion. Annual compendia, such as the Summary of Field Work and Other Activities and the Resident Geologist Program Report of Activities, have been published in the OFR series since 1999.

Popular Publications (POP): this represents the ROCK ON series of 2 general-interest publications, both available in English and French, which explain the geology of Ontario. The first volumes were issued in 1994 as part of the Geology of Ontario publications published to commemorate the centennial of the founding in 1891 of the Ontario Bureau of Mines. The second volumes were issued in 1997 as a revision and expansion of a previous guidebook originally published in 1969.

Posters (Posters): this series of 5 posters were issued in 1995 as part of the Geology of Ontario publications published to commemorate the centennial of the founding in 1891 of the Ontario Bureau of Mines.

Preliminary Reports (PR): this series was issued from 1928 to 1966 and presented preliminary results of geological investigations. The series was replaced by the MP and OFR series.

Reports (including Geological Reports, Geoscience Reports) (R): Reports generally cover the detailed geology of specific areas, always include a coloured map, and are based on the results of 1 to 3 years of field investigation. The series, started in 1960, continues the theme of the former Annual Report series. These reports have been published infrequently since 1997.

Special Volumes (SV): Special Volumes are comprehensive compilations of major topics of broad interest to the geoscience community. The series started in 1984. The largest compilation in this series was Geology of Ontario, issued to commemorate the centennial of the founding in 1891 of the Ontario Bureau of Mines.

Studies (including Geoscience Studies, Geological Circulars) (S): this series reports on new information or concepts of scientific merit not covered by other series. The content varies, but mainly covers larger areas than are covered by the report series or discusses a specific subject.

Video Census Series (VC): this series was used to release annually a statistical computer analysis of the mining industry of Ontario including exploration and development work, and production. This series was issued during the period 1982–1992.

Map Series

1900 Maps (M1): first issued in 1931, these maps show information on a provincial or regional scale. Later, the 1900 series included all geological maps and replaced the ARM series of maps, which accompanied Annual Reports. This series was discontinued and replaced by the 2000 series in 1960.

2000 Maps (M2): this series of coloured geological maps presents the final results of the geological investigation of specific areas. Most are accompanied by a final published report, generally in the Report series but occasionally also in the Open File Report, Studies or Mineral Deposit Circular series. This map series replaced the 1900 series.

5000 Maps (M5): this series of coloured, engineering geology maps usually accompany Northern Ontario Engineering Geology Terrain Studies (NOEGTS) reports. There are also similar Southern Ontario Engineering Geology Terrain Studies (SOEGTS) maps published; however, the reports to accompany these latter maps were never published. The most recent map in the 5000 series was published in 1990.

60 000 Maps (M6): this series of geophysical and geochemical maps has been produced since 2001. This map series provides a means of releasing data purchased by the Ontario Geological Survey.

80 000 Maps (M8): this series of geophysical and geochemical maps has been produced since 1979.

A Maps (A): this series of maps, recording magnetic surveys by Ontario Department of Mines, was issued during the period 1950–1959.

Annual Report Maps (ARM): this map series, accompanying the Annual Reports of the Ontario Bureau of Mines and Ontario Department of Mines, was issued during the period 1891–1944. The maps cover all geological investigations during that time, but the majority show the results of geologic surveys of specific areas. In 1931, the series was discontinued and replaced by the 1900 series.

G Maps (MG): this series of aeromagnetic maps of Canada provides coverage of standard quadrangles of the National Topographic System (NTS). Within Ontario, these maps are funded and produced jointly or individually by the governments of Canada, Manitoba and Ontario. A complete listing of these maps is given in Index to Maps, Geophysical Surveys, 1950–1991.

Open File Map (OFM): this map series was started in 1985 with the purpose of providing a means for rapid release of information. The last map in this series was issued in 1994.

Preliminary Maps (P): these maps show the preliminary results obtained for each of the areas studied. The series started in 1956 to provide a means for rapid release of information after each field season and, until 1997, featured uncoloured maps with descriptive notes. Since 1997, preliminary maps, providing information after one or more field seasons, have been produced in colour, generally without descriptive notes.

S Maps (MS): these maps show surficial geology and were produced by the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests in 1965. There are only 4 maps in this series.

Digital Data Series

Aggregate Resources of Ontario (ARO): this publication is not a series, but is a stand-alone GIS-based compilation of the aggregate resources in the province of Ontario. It is based on data compiled from aggregate resources inventory mapping conducted by the OGS from 1980 to the most recent version. First published in 2015 and updated in 2018, it is intended that this compilation will be updated annually.

Earth Resources and Land Information System (ERLIS) Data Sets (EDS): this series, initiated in 1993, presents the results of the Geology of Ontario Provincial Mapping Project in vector format. The publications of this series provide access to the provincial bedrock geology, Quaternary geology and tectonic assemblage compilations, as well as the Ontario Drill Hole Database. Updates to provincial ground and aeromagnetic data publications, originally released in this series, have been re-released under the Geophysical Data Set series (see below).

Geophysical Data Sets (GDS): this series provides the digital data from geophysical surveys in Ontario and usually accompanies 60 000 or 80 000 series maps. The data are available normally in ASCII and Geosoft® formats, and occasionally in native format. This series was introduced in 2000.

Groundwater Resources Studies (GRS): the Groundwater Resources Study series, first published in 2006, has the objective of providing information on groundwater-related themes, including local- to watershed-scale aquifer characterization and delineation; geologic controls and influences on groundwater quantity and quality; and methods development. The series typically consists of digital reports accompanied by full-colour digital maps and figures.

Mineral Deposit Inventory (MDI): this publication is not a series, but is a stand-alone inventory, in database format, of mineral deposits in the province of Ontario. Originally compiled in the early 1970s by the Resident Geologist Program (RGP) staff, the database is continually reviewed and updated by the RGP staff.

Miscellaneous Release—Data (MRD): this series is an avenue for releasing large amounts of information in digital form, rather than as inclusion as an appendix in a hard-copy report, and allows clients to perform their own data analysis. Some examples of information published in this series are geochemical data, drill hole data and geochronology data; field photographs; and geographic information system (GIS) map compilations.