Sommaire des travaux sur le terrain et d’autres activités
La publication Summary of Field Work and Other Activities présente les points saillants et de nouveaux renseignements importants relatifs à la cartographie et aux recherches géoscientifiques effectuées au cours de l’année. Les publications sont classées par année. Vous pouvez en savoir plus sur les articles dans les publications et télécharger le rapport de fichier ouvert associé directement à partir du lien de téléchargement.
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Sommaire des travaux sur le terrain et d’autres activités, 2024
La Commission géologique de l’Ontario est heureuse de mettre à votre disposition par voie électronique la publication Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2024 (OFR 6413).
L'on peut visualiser, imprimer ou sauvegarder sur disque dur la publication Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2024. Pour acheter une copie papier (13,15 $) du Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2024, il suffit de communiquer avec le personnel du comptoir Vente de publications.
Activities of the Indigenous Geoscience Liaisons in 2023–2024 M.D. Levesque
Unité des ressources terrestres et de la cartographie géoscientifique
Earth Resources and Geoscience Mapping Section: 2024–2025 Program and Projects Overview L. Robichaud, R.M. Easton, S. Préfontaine, M. Duguet, C.A. Gordon, R. Cormier et K.J.J. Kalmo
Géologie du Précambrien – Nord-Est de l’Ontario
Project NE-24-002. Geology of Strathcona Township, Temagami Greenstone Belt, Northeastern Ontario P.J. MacDonald
Project NE-24-003. An Introduction to the Timmins–Kirkland Lake Compilation Mapping Project E.C.G. Hastie et P.J. MacDonald
Projects NE-23-004 and NE-22-002. Preliminary Structural Mapping of Deformation Zones in the Northeastern Michipicoten Greenstone Belt, Northeastern Ontario L.E.D. Vice et S. Perrouty
Project NE-24-005. Precambrian Geology and Mineral Potential of Totten Township, Superior Province, Sudbury District, Northeastern Ontario N.T. Carter et R.M. Easton
Géologie du Précambrien – Nord-Ouest de l’Ontario
Project NW-19-001. Mapping Regional Fractionation Patterns in S-type Peraluminous Granite and Pegmatite Intrusions in the Southern Quetico Subprovince G. Launay et R.T. Metsaranta
Géologie du Précambrien – Protérozoïque
Newly Identified Magmatic and Metamorphic Events in the Southern Province near Walford, Ontario R.M. Easton, E.C.G. Hastie, S.L. Kamo et M. Duguet
Projects SO-22-003, NE-24-005 and AS-19-002. Geoscience Studies in the Sudbury Area, Northeastern Ontario R.M. Easton et S.L. Kamo
Summary of Geophysical Projects and Activities S. Biswas et J. Evangelatos
Cartographie et échantillonnage des dépôts superficiels
Project FN-24-002. Far North Terrain Mapping, the Northern Opasquia Lake Area, Northern Ontario C. Gao, N. Szumylo et K.H. Yeung
Project FN-24-001. Riverbank Mapping for Quaternary Stratigraphy Along the Attawapiskat River, James Bay Lowland, Far North of Ontario C. Gao, N. Szumylo et K.H. Yeung
Project ON-23-004. Determination of Indicator Minerals in Archived Fine-Fraction Nonmagnetic Heavy Mineral Concentrate Samples Using Scanning Electron Microscope Energy Dispersive Spectrometry: An Update C. Gao, G.W. Hagedorn, D.C. Crabtree, S.A. Clarke, E.C.G Hastie, G. Launay, C.E. Beckett‑Brown et T.E. Gore
Project NW-23-002. Till Sampling and Surficial Mapping South of the Georgia Lake Area, Northwestern Ontario G.W. Hagedorn
Project NW-24-003. Surficial Geochemistry of the Marathon Deposit, Northwestern Ontario G.W. Hagedorn, C.E. Beckett‑Brown et J.R.B. Jonsson
Études sur la géochimie des dépôts superficiels
Project NW-24-004. Top-To-Bottom Surficial Geochemical Characterization of the Great Bear Gold Project, Red Lake, Northwestern Ontario C.E. Beckett‑Brown, P.M. Malegus et P.J. MacDonald
Project NE-24-006. Restarting the Lake Sediment and Water Geochemistry Program: Batchawana Greenstone Belt, Northeastern Ontario C.E. Beckett‑Brown et L.A. Handley
Études sur la géologie Paléozoïque et de l’énergie
Project SO-22-001. Paleozoic Geology of Eastern South-Central Ontario: Tichborne–Sydenham and Bath–Yorkshire Island Areas K.E. Hahn
Études sur les eaux souterraines
Project ON-21-005. Proposed Nomenclature for New Water Well Records: Internal Test Results J.M. Galvao et A.K. Burt
Project SO-24-001. Groundwater Geochemistry Mapping Across the Ottawa Valley L.M. Colgrove
Project NW-24-001. The Ambient Groundwater Geochemistry Project: Thunder Bay Area K.M. Dell
Project SO-22-005. Glimpsing Gorgeous Glacial Geology in Guelph L.E. Brunton et A.K. Burt
Études sur les ressources en agrégats
Project NE-23-006. Update on the Aggregate Resources of the North Bay Area, Central Nipissing District, Northeastern Ontario L.A. Handley
Laboratoires géoscientifiques
Determination of Ferrous Iron in Geological Samples by Automated Potentiometric Titration: Verifying Method Capabilities on New Instrumentation O.M. Burnham et V.L. Hingst
Production and Characterization of an Alkali-Carbonate Reactive Reference Material: MTO RM ACR XRF O.M. Burnham et C.A. MacDonald
Summary of Quality Control Data for the Geoscience Laboratories Methods FEO‑ION, IAW‑200, IRC‑100, IRW‑H2O and TOC‑100 J.C. Hargreaves
Programme des géologues résidents
Characterizing the Geochemistry and Nickel-Copper-Platinum Group Element Potential of Mafic and Ultramafic Intrusions in Northwestern Ontario: An Update J.R.B. Jonsson, P.M. Malegus, S.V. Churchley et R.L. Price
Identification of Fertile Parent Granitoid Units in the Superior Province of Ontario: Project Update R.L. Price, J.R.B. Jonsson, S.V. Churchley, E.G. Amyotte, P.M. Malegus, G.F. Paju, P.J. Chadwick et V. D’Angelo
Explorez les publications Sommaire des travaux sur le terrain et d’autres activités de 2023 à 2011 :
Sommaire des travaux sur le terrain et d’autres activités, 2023
La Commission géologique de l’Ontario est heureuse de mettre à votre disposition par voie électronique la publication Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2023 (OFR 6405).
L'on peut visualiser, imprimer ou sauvegarder sur disque dur la publication Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2023. Pour acheter une copie papier (14,90 $) du Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2023, il suffit de communiquer avec le personnel du comptoir Vente de publications.
Activities of the Indigenous Geoscience Liaisons in 2022–2023 M.D. Levesque et D.J. Bennett
Unité des ressources terrestres et de la cartographie géoscientifique
Earth Resources and Geoscience Mapping Section: 2023–2024 Program and Projects Overview J.H. Hechler, R.M. Easton, S. Préfontaine, M. Duguet, L. Robichaud et R. Cormier
Géologie du Précambrien – Nord-Est de l’Ontario
Project NE-19-004. Preliminary Uranium-Lead Ages from the Ramsey–Algoma Granitoid Complex and Surrounding Area, Northeastern Ontario S. Préfontaine et S.L. Kamo
Project NE-23-004. Preliminary Geology of Riggs and Glasgow Townships, Michipicoten Greenstone Belt, Northeastern Ontario L.E.D. Vice, S. Perrouty et S.G. Pelletier
Project NE-23-002. Preliminary Geology and Mineral Potential of Cunningham Township and Part of Garnet Township, Swayze Area, Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Northeastern Ontario T.P. Gemmell et J.R.H. Creppin
Project NE-23-003. Reconnaissance Bedrock Geological Mapping in Haultain, Van Hise and Nicol Townships, Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Northeastern Ontario J. Walker
Project NE-23-001. Geology of Strathy Township, Temagami Greenstone Belt, Northeastern Ontario P.J. MacDonald
Géologie du Précambrien – Nord-Ouest de l’Ontario
Project NW-21-001. Geochronology of the LP Zone Volcanic Rocks, Red Lake Area, Uchi Subprovince, Northwestern Ontario P.J. MacDonald, S.L. Kamo et P.M. Malegus
Project NW-19-001. Precambrian Bedrock Geology Mapping in the Onion Lake and Sunshine Areas, Quetico and Wawa Subprovinces, Northwestern Ontario G. Launay et R.T. Metsaranta
Project NW-19-003. Archean Geology of the Georgia Lake Area, Quetico Subprovince, Northwestern Ontario M. Duguet
Project NW-19-003. Structural Control of the Georgia Lake Lithium Cesium-Tantalum-type Pegmatite Field, Northwestern Ontario: Preliminary Results of Lineament Analyses M. Duguet et G. Launay
Géologie du Précambrien – Protérozoïque
New Mafic Sill Complex Identified in the Lower Huronian Supergroup Succession: The May Township Sills W. Bleeker, S.L. Kamo, R.M. Easton et D.W. Davis
Project AS-19-002. A Study of Why Some Fine-Grained Sedimentary Rocks of the Gowganda Formation in Northeastern Ontario are Magnetic R.M. Easton
Project NE-22-001. Occurrences of Critical Minerals in Hyman Township, Southern Province, Northeastern Ontario C.A. Gordon
Project NE-22-004. Geochronological Study of a Saprolite Atop the Grenvillian Mulock Pluton near Redbridge, Northeastern Ontario R.M. Easton, A.S. Marich et C.J. Wall
Project SO-22-003. Geology of the Grenville Front Tectonic Zone near Sudbury, Northeastern Ontario: An Update R.M. Easton
Géologie du Précambrien – Pan-Provincial
Project ON-22-002. An Overview of the Critical Minerals in Gold Deposits Project E.C.G. Hastie, P.M. Malegus, D.A. Campbell, O.M. Burnham et P.J. MacDonald
Summary of Geophysical Projects and Activities J. Evangelatos et S. Biswas
Cartographie et échantillonnage des dépôts superficiels
Project ON-23-004. Determination of Indicator Minerals in Archived Fine-Fraction Non-Magnetic Heavy Mineral Concentrate Samples Using Scanning Electron Microscope Energy Dispersive Spectrometry C. Gao, G.W. Hagedorn, D.C. Crabtree, S.A. Clarke, E.C.G. Hastie, G. Launay et C.E. Beckett-Brown
Project NE-23-007. Quaternary Geological Mapping of the Eastern Part of the Lake Nipissing Basin, Northeastern Ontario: An Update Half a Century in the Making A.S. Marich
Project NW-23-002. Till Sampling and Surficial Mapping in the Georgia Lake Area, Northwestern Ontario G.W. Hagedorn et C.E. Beckett-Brown
Géologie du Paléozoïque et études sur l’énergie
Project SO-23-001. Paleozoic Geology of Eastern Ontario: Hawkesbury and Alexandria Areas C. Béland Otis
Project SO-21-002. Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of Upper Ordovician Strata, Southern Ontario and Manitoulin Island D. Atasiei, C.J. Tsujita, F.R. Brunton, J. Jin et K.H. Yeung
Project SO-22-004. Revisiting the Cambrian Stratigraphy of Southwestern Ontario: Next Steps A.R. Phillips, F.R. Brunton et K.H. Yeung
Project SO-22-001. Paleozoic Geology of Eastern South-Central Ontario: Tweed–Kaladar and Belleville–Wellington Areas K.E. Hahn
Études sur les eaux souterraines
Project ON-21-005. Keeping it Simple: Geological Information on Water Well Records A.K. Burt, K.H. Yeung, D. Grant et R.P.M. Mulligan
Project ON-23-005. A Unified Stratigraphic Framework for the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Network R.P.M. Mulligan, A.K. Burt, K.H. Yeung et F.R. Brunton
Project SO-23-002. Ambient Groundwater Geochemistry Project: Six Nations of the Grand River L.M. Colgrove et K.M. Dell
Études sur les ressources en agrégats
Project NE-23-006. Aggregate Resources Inventory of the North Bay Area, Central Nipissing District, Northeastern Ontario L.A. Handley
Laboratoires géoscientifiques
Revised Methods for the Multi-Element Analysis of Vegetation by Acid-Digestion and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry at the Geoscience Laboratories O.M. Burnham et E.G. Amyotte
Characterization of New In-House Quality Control Materials for Tellurium Analysis: Results of a Round Robin Study O.M. Burnham et E.C.G. Hastie
Summary of Quality Control Data for the Geoscience Laboratories Methods IML-100, IML-101, LOI-2ST, LOI-3ST and LOI-4ST V.L. Hingst
Revision of the Calibration for Major Element Analysis of Geological Samples by Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence at the Geoscience Laboratories G.L. Keating
Programme des géologues résidents
Geochemical Data from the Critical Minerals Mine Waste Sampling Project G.F. Paju
Geology and Mineral Potential of the Eastern English River Subprovince, Northwestern Ontario: Project Introduction S.V. Churchley
Characterizing the Geochemistry and Nickel-Copper-Platinum Group Elements Potential of Mafic and Ultramafic Intrusions in Northwestern Ontario J.R.B. Jonsson, P.M. Malegus, S.V. Churchley et R.L. Price
Investigation of Biogeochemical Exploration Techniques to Aid in the Exploration for Lithium-Cesium-Tantalum Pegmatite Dikes: Preliminary Results E.G. Amyotte
Sommaire des travaux sur le terrain et d’autres activités, 2022
La Commission géologique de l’Ontario est heureuse de mettre à votre disposition par voie électronique la publication Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2022 (OFR 6390).
L'on peut visualiser, imprimer ou sauvegarder sur disque dur la publication Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2022. Pour acheter une copie papier (13,50 $) du Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2022, il suffit de communiquer avec le personnel du comptoir Vente de publications.
Activities of the Aboriginal Geoscience Liaisons in 2021–2022 M.D. Levesque et D.J. Bennett
Unité des ressources terrestres et de la cartographie géoscientifique
Earth Resources and Geoscience Mapping Section: 2022–2023 Program and Projects Overview J.H. Hechler, R.M. Easton, S. Préfontaine, M. Duguet, L. Robichaud et R. Cormier
Géologie du Précambrien - Nord-Est de l’Ontario
New Geochronological Data from the Hollinger Mine, Timmins Area, Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Northeastern Ontario P.J. MacDonald et S.L. Kamo
Project NE-22-003. Preliminary Geology and Mineral Potential of Dore and Swayze Townships and Part of Garnet Township, Swayze Area, Abitibi Greenstone Belt T.P. Gemmell et A. Buyers
Project NE-18-007. Preliminary Geology of Meath Township, Northeastern Michipicoten Greenstone Belt, Northeastern Ontario L.E.D. Vice
Project NE-22-002. Introduction to a Geochronological and Structural Study of Supracrustal Assemblages in the Northeastern Michipicoten Greenstone Belt L.E.D. Vice, S. Perrouty et L. Robichaud
Géologie du Précambrien – Nord-Ouest de l’Ontario
Project NW-19-001. Highlights of Bedrock Geology Mapping in the Quetico Subprovince, North of Thunder Bay, Northwestern Ontario R.T. Metsaranta
Project NW-22-001. Precambrian Geology of the Straw Lake–Esox Lake Area, Western Wabigoon Subprovince, Northwestern Ontario S.R. Meade
Géologie du Précambrien – Protérozoïque
Project NW-22-002. Reconnaissance Bedrock Geology Mapping of the Animikie Basin and Spatially Associated Midcontinent Rift–Related Igneous Rocks, Thunder Bay Area, Northwestern Ontario: A Project Introduction R.T. Metsaranta et C.E. Kurcinka
Project SO-22-003. Geology of the Grenville Front Tectonic Zone near Sudbury, Northeastern Ontario R.M. Easton
Project NE-22-001. Preliminary Geology of Hyman Township, Southern and Superior Provinces, Sudbury District, Northeastern Ontario C.A. Gordon
Project SO-19-001. Preliminary Geology of Patton and Thompson Townships, Iron Bridge Area, Southern Province, Northeastern Ontario E.C.G. Hastie, P.J. MacDonald et M. Duguet
Géologie du Précambrien – Pan-Provincial
Project ON-19-004. Trace Element Content of Gold Across Ontario: An Update on the Gold Fingerprinting Project J.D. Melo-Gómez, E.C.G. Hastie, H.L. Gibson, K.T. Tait et J.A. Petrus
Summary of Geophysical Projects and Activities S. Biswas et J. Evangelatos
Cartographie et échantillonnage des dépôts superficiels
Project NE-22-004. Quaternary Geological Mapping of the Lake Nipissing Basin, Highway 17 Corridor, Northeastern Ontario A.S. Marich
Project SO-19-003. Sediment Mapping in the City of Ottawa, Southeastern Ontario R.P.M. Mulligan
Géologie du Paléozoïque et études sur l’énergie
Project SO-20-001. Subsurface Stratigraphy of Early Silurian Medina Group Mixed Siliciclastic–Carbonate Strata, Southwestern Ontario: Final Update R.H. Paterson, F.R. Brunton, J. Jin, A.R. Phillips et K.H. Yeung
Project SO-21-002. Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of Upper Ordovician Strata, with Emphasis on the Collingwood and Rouge River Members, Southern Ontario and Manitoulin Island D. Atasiei, C.J. Tsujita, F.R. Brunton, J. Jin et K.H. Yeung
Project SO-22-004. Revisiting the Cambrian Stratigraphy of Southwestern Ontario A.R. Phillips, F.R. Brunton et K.H. Yeung
Project SO-22-001. Paleozoic Geology of the Kingston Area, Eastern Ontario K.E. Hahn
Project SO-22-002. Paleozoic Geology of Eastern Ontario: Russell–Thurso Area C. Béland Otis
Études sur les eaux souterraines
Project SO-22-005. From Mighty Moraines to Dramatic Drumlins: Introducing the Guelph Three-Dimensional Sediment Mapping Project A.K. Burt et G.W. Hagedorn
Project SO-22-006. South Ottawa Groundwater Study, Eastern Ontario T. Di Iorio, S. Foubister et C.N. Bocking
Laboratoires géoscientifiques
Osmium Analysis at the Geoscience Laboratories by Nickel Sulphide Fire Assay with Inductively Coupled Mass Spectrometric Finish O.M. Burnham
Expansion of the Capabilities of the Geoscience Laboratories Methods for the Analysis of Trace Elements Important to Ontario’s Critical Minerals Strategy O.M. Burnham
Summary of Quality Control Data for the Geoscience Laboratories Methods IMC-100, IMO-100 and IMP-101 J.C. Hargreaves
Revision of the Calibration for Trace Element Analysis of Geological Samples by Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence at the Geoscience Laboratories G.L. Keating
Programme des géologues résidents
Identification of Fertile Parent Granitoid Units in the Superior Province of Ontario: Project Description R.M. Cundari
Investigation of Biogeochemical Exploration Techniques to Aid in the Exploration for Lithium-Cesium-Tantalum Pegmatite Dikes: Project Description and Preliminary Observations E.G. Amyotte, S.V. Kurucz, G.F. Paju, J.R.B. Jonsson et C.E. Kurcinka
Catching it by the Tailings: An Introduction to the Ontario Geological Survey Critical Minerals Mine Waste Sampling Project D.J. Bennett
Geology, Geochemistry and Mineralogy of the Enid Creek Cobalt-Copper-Nickel-Palladium-Platinum Prospect, Loveland Township, Northwest of Timmins, Ontario E.H. van Hees, S.A. Clarke, D.C. Crabtree, A.S. Péloquin et Z. Azadbakht
Sommaire des travaux sur le terrain et d’autres activités, 2021
La Commission géologique de l’Ontario est heureuse de mettre à votre disposition par voie électronique la publication Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2021 (OFR 6380).
La publication Summary of Field Work and Other Activities présente les points saillants et de nouveaux renseignements importants relatifs à la cartographie et aux recherches géoscientifiques effectuées au cours de l’année.
L'on peut visualiser, imprimer ou sauvegarder sur disque dur la publication Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2021. Pour acheter une copie papier (11,50 $) du Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2021, il suffit de communiquer avec le personnel du comptoir Vente de publications.
Activities of the Aboriginal Geoscience Liaisons in 2020–2021M.D. Levesque
Unité des ressources terrestres et de la cartographie géoscientifique
Earth Resources and Geoscience Mapping Section: 2021–2022 Program and Projects Overview J.H. Hechler, R.M. Easton, S. Préfontaine, S.M. Hamilton, D.R.B. Rainsford, L. Robichaud et R. Cormier
Géologie du Précambrien — Grand Nord
Project FN-21-002. Geological Compilation Map of the North Caribou–Wachusk Lake Area, North Caribou Greenstone Belt, Northwestern Ontario S.A. Ferguson
Géologie du Précambrien — Nord-Est de l’Ontario
Project AS-20-003. Preliminary Interpretation of the Saganash Lake Area Aeromagnetic Survey, Northeastern Ontario R.M. Easton, D.R.B. Rainsford et S. Préfontaine
Project NE-17-002. Geological Investigation of the Shunsby Base Metal Prospects Area, Southern Swayze Area of the Abitibi Greenstone Belt T.P. Gemmell
Project NE-19-001. New Uranium–Lead Geochronology from the Temagami Greenstone Belt, Northeastern Ontario P.J. MacDonald et S.L. Kamo
Géologie du Précambrien — Nord-Ouest de l’Ontario
Project NW-21-001. Introduction to the Red Lake Bedrock Geology Mapping Compilation Project, Northwestern Ontario P.J. MacDonald et P.M. Malegus
Géologie du Précambrien — Protérozoïque
Project NE-18-007. Evidence for Geon 12 Carbonatitic Magmatism in the Wawa Area: A Distal Manifestation of the Sudbury Dike Swarm Mantle Plume R.M. Easton, S.L. Kamo et L. Robichaud
Project SO-21-003. Proterozoic Mafic Intrusions of the Sudbury Area: Compilation and Characterization Project C.A. Gordon et A.S. Péloquin
Project NW-19-001. A Uranium–Lead Baddeleyite Age for the Midcontinent Rift-Related Lone Island Lake Intrusion, Northwestern Ontario R.T. Metsaranta et S.L. Kamo
Géologie du Précambrien — Pan-Provincial
Project ON-19-004. Gold Fineness Across Ontario: An Update on the Gold Fingerprinting Project J.D. Melo-Gómez, E.C.G. Hastie, H.L. Gibson, K.T. Tait et J.A. Petrus
Summary of Geophysical Projects and Activities D.R.B. Rainsford et S. Biswas
Cartographie et échantillonnage des dépôts superficiels
Updates on Drill-Core Logging in Southern James Bay Lowland, Far North of Ontario C. Gao et C.L. Turton
Géologie du Paléozoïque et études sur l’énergie
Project SO-21-001. Progress on the Development of a New Stratigraphic Framework for the Paleozoic Geology of Southern Ontario F.R. Brunton, C. Béland Otis, K.E. Hahn et K.H. Yeung
Project SO-21-002. Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of Upper Ordovician Strata, with Emphasis on Collingwood and Rouge River Members, Southern Ontario and Manitoulin Island: Project Introduction D. Atasiei, F.R. Brunton, J. Jin et K.H. Yeung
Project SO-20-001. Subsurface Correlation of the Silurian Clinton and Medina Groups, Southwestern Ontario R.H. Paterson, F.R. Brunton, J. Jin, A.R. Phillips et K.H. Yeung
Études sur les eaux souterraines
Project Unit 07-025. Ambient Groundwater Geochemical Database Compilations for Ontario, 2021–2022: Summary of Available Data and Forthcoming Publications S.M. Hamilton, K.M. Dell et E.H. Priebe
Project ON-21-005. Improving Geological Nomenclature in Ontario Well Records A.K. Burt, R.P.M. Mulligan, F.R. Brunton, K.H. Yeung, N.E. Spina et T. Cheng
Laboratoires géoscientifiques
Summary of Quality Control Data for the Geoscience Laboratories Methods AAF-101, AAF-102, AAF-103, AAF-104, AAF-200, CTK-100, IMP-200 and SGT-R01J.C. Hargreaves
Sommaire des travaux sur le terrain et d’autres activités, 2020
La Commission géologique de l’Ontario est heureuse de mettre à votre disposition par voie électronique la publication Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2020 (OFR 6370).
La publication Summary of Field Work and Other Activities présente les points saillants et de nouveaux renseignements importants relatifs à la cartographie et aux recherches géoscientifiques effectuées au cours de l’année.
L'on peut visualiser, imprimer ou sauvegarder sur disque dur la publication Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2020. Pour acheter une copie papier (11,70 $) du Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2020, il suffit de communiquer avec le personnel du comptoir Vente de publications.
Activities of the Aboriginal Geoscience Liaisons in 2019–2020M.D. Levesque et L.C. Schmidt
Unité des ressources terrestres et de la cartographie géoscientifique
Earth Resources and Geoscience Mapping Section: 2020–2021 Program and Projects Overview J.H. Hechler, R.M. Easton, D.R.B. Rainsford, S. Préfontaine, S.M. Hamilton et R.D. Dyer
Géologie du Précambrien — Nord-Est de l’Ontario
Project NE-19-004. Summary of 2019 Field Activity, Ramsey–Algoma Area Compilation Project, Superior and Southern Provinces S. Préfontaine
Project AS-19-002. Preliminary Interpretation of the Sturgeon River Area Aeromagnetic Survey, Northeastern Ontario R.M. Easton, D.R.B. Rainsford et S. Préfontaine
Géologie du Précambrien — Nord-Ouest de l’Ontario
Project NW-19-001. Precise U/Pb Age for a North-Trending Mafic Dike from the Western Flank of the Marathon Swarm, East Bay Area, Northwestern Ontario R.T. Metsaranta et M.A. Hamilton
Project NW-19-003. Geochemistry of Archean Volcaniclastic and Mafic Intrusive Rocks, Georgia Lake Area, Quetico Subprovince, Northwestern Ontario M. Duguet
Géologie du Précambrien — Panprovincial
Exploration Guidelines for Carbonatites in Ontario R.M. Easton
Project ON-19-004. Gold Fingerprinting: Using Major and Trace Elements Associated with Native Gold to Work Toward a Global Gold Database E.C.G. Hastie, J.A. Petrus, H.L. Gibson et K.T. Tait
Summary of Geophysical Projects and Activities D.R.B. Rainsford, S. Biswas et T.O. Larsen
Cartographie et échantillonnage des dépôts superficiels
Project FN-19-001. Far North Terrain Mapping in the Pickle Lake–Cat Lake Area, Northwestern Ontario: Preliminary Indicator Mineral Results C. Gao et K.H. Yeung
Project NE-18-001. Quaternary Geology Mapping in the “Great Clay Belt” of Northeastern Ontario A.S. Marich
Géochimie des dépôts superficiels
Project NE-16-001. The Ambient Groundwater Geochemistry Project: Investigating the Controls on Groundwater Chemistry in Crystalline Silicate Rock Terrain in Northeastern Ontario K.M. Dell
Géologie du Paléozoïque et études sur l’énergie
Project SO-20-001. Subsurface Correlation of the Silurian Clinton and Medina Groups, Southwestern Ontario R.H. Paterson, F.R. Brunton, J. Jin, A.R. Phillips et K.H. Yeung
Laboratoires géoscientifiques
Summary of Quality Control Data for the Geoscience Laboratories Methods GFA-PBG, XRF-M01, XRF-M02, XRF-T02, XRF-T03, XRF-T04, XRF-T05 and XRF-W01J.C. Hargreaves et O.M. Burnham
Sommaire des travaux sur le terrain et d’autres activités, 2019
La Commission géologique de l’Ontario est heureuse de mettre à votre disposition par voie électronique la publication Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2019 (OFR 6360).
La publication Summary of Field Work and Other Activities présente les points saillants et de nouveaux renseignements importants relatifs à la cartographie et aux recherches géoscientifiques effectuées au cours de l’année.
L'on peut visualiser, imprimer ou sauvegarder sur disque dur la publication Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2019. Pour acheter une copie papier (16,75 $) du Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2019, il suffit de communiquer avec le personnel du comptoir Vente de publications.
Bureau du directeur, Commission géologique de l'Ontario
Ontario Geological Survey: Update of Strategic Perspective for 2019–2020 S. Beneteau et R-L. Simard
Ontario Geological Survey: Measuring Success J.E. Nadeau et M.D. Clement
Activities of the Aboriginal Geoscience Liaisons in 2018–2019L. Schmidt et M. Levesque
Unité des ressources terrestres et de la cartographie géoscientifique
Earth Resources and Geoscience Mapping Section: 2019–2020 Program and Projects Overview J.H. Hechler, R.M. Easton, D.R.B. Rainsford, A.F. Bajc, S. Préfontaine et S.M. Hamilton
Géologie du Précambrien – Nord-Est de l’Ontario
Project NE-19-004. Geological Compilation Project: Ramsey–Algoma Granitoid Complex and Surrounding Rocks, Superior and Southern Provinces S. Préfontaine et D.R.B. Rainsford
Project NE-18-007. Alkalic Intrusive Rocks and Carbonatites in West Township, Michipicoten Greenstone Belt J. Walker et L. Robichaud
Project NE-19-001. Geological Introduction to the Temagami Greenstone Belt Mapping Project P.J. MacDonald
Project NE-19-002. Preliminary Geology of Reeves and Sewell Townships, Northern Swayze Area, Abitibi Greenstone Belt L.E.D. Vice et P.J. MacDonald
Project NE-19-003. Preliminary Geology and Mineral Potential of Heenan and Benton Townships and Part of Esther Township, Swayze Area, Abitibi Greenstone Belt T.P. Gemmell et N. Szumylo
Project NE-17-007. Tectonometamorphic History of the Wawa–Abitibi Terrane: Crustal Differention and Low-Grade Metamorphism in the Kapuskasing Uplift J. Kendrick, C. Yakymchuk et M. Duguet
Géologie du Précambrien – Nord-Ouest de l’Ontario
Project NW-19-001. Precambrian Geology of Western McGregor Township and Adjacent Areas, Northeast of Thunder Bay R.T. Metsaranta et J. Walker
Project NW-19-003. Archean and Proterozoic Geology of the Georgia Lake Area, Quetico Subprovince, Ontario M. Duguet
Géologie du Précambrien – Protérozoïque et province de Grenville
Project SO-19-001. Preliminary Geology of Scarfe and Cobden Townships, Blind River Area, Southern Province E.C.G. Hastie et L.E.D. Vice
Project SO-17-001. Geological History at Circa 1290 Ma of the Composite Arc Belt, Grenville Province, as Revealed by New Mapping and Geochronological Results from the Carleton Place Area R.M. Easton et S.L. Kamo
Summary of Geophysical Projects and Activities D.R.B. Rainsford et S. Biswas
Cartographie et échantillonnage des dépôts superficiels
Project FN-19-001. Field Studies in Support of Remote Predictive Mapping in the Pickle Lake–Cat Lake Area, Far North of Ontario C. Gao, K.H. Yeung, K.K.-Y. Ho, H.M. Meagher et T.N. Wolfe
Project SO-19-003. Quaternary Sediment Mapping in the City of Ottawa, Eastern Ontario R.P.M. Mulligan
Project SO-19-002. Aggregate Resources in the County of Haldimand, Southern Ontario L.A. Handley
Géochimie des dépôts superficiels
Project NE-18-008. Soil Gas Compositional Changes and Electrical Field (SP) Responses at the Edges of the Thorn North Forest Ring S.M. Hamilton, K. von Gunten, B. Sherwood Lollar, Z.A. DiLoreto, M.S. Alam, K. Snihur, H. Majeed, D.S. Alessi, M. Dittrich, K.O. Konhauser et K.M. Dell
Géologie du Paléozoïque et études sur l’énergie
Project SO-19-005. Paleozoic Geology of Eastern Ontario: Arnprior–Quyon Area C. Béland Otis
Project SO-19-006. Karst Map of Southern Ontario: An Update F.R. Brunton
Études sur les eaux souterraines
Project SO-18-002. Regional Groundwater Systems Mapping in the County of Simcoe, Southern Ontario: Second Phase of Field Work E.H. Priebe, R.P.M. Mulligan, A.F. Bajc, A.M. Cartier et A.K. Burt
Project SO-19-004. West Ottawa Groundwater Study T. Di Iorio, R.A. Harrison, T. Al, A. Majury et S.M. Hamilton
Laboratoires géoscientifiques
Characterization of New In-House Groundwater Quality-Control Materials: Results of a Round-Robin Study O.M. Burnham, J. Pallot, E.H. Priebe, K.M. Dell et S.M. Hamilton
Summary of Quality-Control Data for the Geoscience Laboratories Methods FEO-ION, IAW-200, ICW-100, IRC-100, IRW-H2O and TOC-100J.C. Hargreaves
Metal Earth
Étude régionale
Terrane-scale Crustal Sampling of the Wawa Subprovince, Superior Craton D.R. Mole et P.C. Thurston
Transect de Larder Lake
Regional Field Mapping to Determine the Significance of a Magnetotelluric Anomaly in the Blake River Group, Katrine Township, Northeastern Ontario K.E. Rubingh, E. Roots et R.L. Sherlock
Geochemical Characterization of Alteration Processes Associated with the Kerr–Addison Orogenic Gold System, Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Ontario G. Tuba et R.L. Sherlock
Région de Cobalt
Structure and Stratigraphy of Archean Basement near Cobalt, Ontario S.E. White
Tracing the Origin of Metals and Fluids in the Enigmatic Ag-Co-Ni-As±(Bi,U) Deposits of Cobalt, Ontario L.V. Rush, S.E. White, D.J. Kontak et R.L. Sherlock
Transect de Geraldton–Onaman
The Volcanic Lithofacies, Stratigraphy and Metamorphosed Alteration Assemblages of the Vent Property, Onaman–Tashota Greenstone Belt, Northern Ontario K.R. Strongman et H.L. Gibson
Regional and Contact Metamorphism in the Onaman–Tashota Greenstone Belt A.K. Haataja, Z. Tóth, D.K. Tinkham, B. Lafrance et H.L. Gibson
Preliminary Results from a Study on the Structural Evolution of the Tashota Shear Zone, Northern Onaman–Tashota Greenstone Belt B. Mark, Z. Tóth, B. Lafrance et H.L. Gibson
Structural Evolution and Gold Molybdenum Mineralization in the Humboldt Bay Deformation Zone, Central Onaman–Tashota Greenstone Belt Z. Tóth, B. Lafrance, H.L. Gibson et J. Pinter
Transect de Sturgeon
Geologic Overview and Petrogenetic History of the Sturgeon Transect, Western Wabigoon Subprovince R.W.D. Lodge, C. Ma, M. Etienne, T.J. Nelson, M.D. Chandler et N.M. Brock
Variations of Structures Along the Metal Earth Sturgeon Transect in the Winnipeg River Terrane and Western Wabigoon Subprovince, Superior Province C. Ma, R.W.D. Lodge and M. Etienne
Preliminary Results of a Metallogenic Investigation of Felsic-dominated Supracrustal Assemblages in the Sturgeon Lake Greenstone Belt, Western Wabigoon Subprovince M. Etienne, C. Ma, and R.W.D. Lodge
Transect de Dryden–Stormy Lac
Field Constraints on Geophysical Investigations of a Regional Fold Structure in the Western Wabigoon Subprovince R.M. Montsion, S. Perrouty et B.M. Frieman
Preliminary Results from Structural Investigations of the Manitou–Dinorwic Deformation Zone at Upper Manitou Lake, Western Wabigoon Subprovince K. Zammit, B.M. Frieman et S. Perrouty
Investigation of the Emplacement History and Internal Structure of the Revell Batholith in the Western Wabigoon Subprovince A. Mavundza, S. Perrouty et B.M. Frieman
Mapping of an Intrusion-Related System Within the Boyer Lake Group in the Western Wabigoon Subprovince, Ontario D. Downie, B.M. Frieman et S. Perrouty
Preliminary Constraints on the Structural and Stratigraphic Relationship Between the Western Wabigoon Subprovince and Marmion Terrane B.M. Frieman et S. Perrouty
Investigating the Metallogenic Characteristics of the Goliath Gold Deposit: Preliminary Results of Mapping the Stratigraphic and Structural Setting M.L. McRae, G. Launay et R.L. Sherlock
Transect de Rainy River
Preliminary Results from Stratigraphic and Structural Study of the Rainy River Greenstone Belt and the Quetico Subprovince G. Launay, M.L. McRae et R.L. Sherlock
Final Phase of Gravity Data Acquisition Along Metal Earth’s Transects F. Justina, R. Vayavur et R.S. Smith
Région de Kapuskasing
Assessing the Potential for Metal Mobility During Lower Crustal Evolution, Kapuskasing Structural Zone, Ontario N. Estrada, D.K. Tinkham et T.R.C. Jørgensen
Sommaire des travaux sur le terrain et d’autres activités, 2018
La Commission géologique de l’Ontario est heureuse de mettre à votre disposition par voie électronique la publication Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2018 (OFR 6350).
La publication Summary of Field Work and Other Activities présente les points saillants et de nouveaux renseignements importants relatifs à la cartographie et aux recherches géoscientifiques effectuées au cours de l’année.
L'on peut visualiser, imprimer ou sauvegarder sur disque dur la publication Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2018. Pour acheter une copie papier (16,80 $) du Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2018, il suffit de communiquer avec le personnel du comptoir Vente de publications.
Activities of the Aboriginal Geoscience Liaisons in 2017–2018L. Schmidt et J. Simpson
Unité des ressources terrestres et de la cartographie géoscientifique
Earth Resources and Geoscience Mapping Section: 2018–2019 Program and Projects Overview R-L. Simard
Géologie du Précambrien – Nord-Est de l’Ontario
Project NE-18-007. Geology and Mineral Potential of West Township, Michipicoten Greenstone Belt J. Walker et L. Robichaud
Project NE-18-003. Preliminary Geology of Penhorwood Township, Northern Swayze Area, Abitibi Greenstone Belt P.J. MacDonald, J.M. Bisaillon et L.E.D. Vice
Project NE-18-003. Preliminary Geology of Kenogaming Township, Northern Swayze Area, Abitibi Greenstone Belt L.E.D. Vice et P.J. MacDonald
Project NE-18-002. Preliminary Geology and Mineral Potential of Mallard and Marion Townships and Part of Genoa Township, Swayze Area, Abitibi Greenstone Belt T.P. Gemmell, N. Szumylo et A.B. Mowbray
Project NE-17-007. Tectonometamorphic History of the Wawa–Abitibi Terrane: A Deep Crustal Transect Through the Kapuskasing Uplift J. Kendrick, C. Yakymchuk et M. Duguet
Géologie du Précambrien – Nord-Ouest de l’Ontario
Project NW-18-001. Geology and Mineral Potential of Priske and Strey Townships, Western Schreiber–Hemlo Greenstone Belt S.J. Magnus et E.C.G. Hastie
Project NW-17-001. Preliminary Results from Geological Mapping in Conmee Township, Shebandowan Greenstone Belt, Wawa–Abitibi Terrane L.M. Ratcliffe et L.R. Streit
Project NW-17-003. Geology and Geochemistry of Komatiites, Lake of the Woods Greenstone Belt C. Boucher et P. Hollings
Géologie du Précambrien – Protérozoïque et province de Grenville
Project Unit 15-010. Precambrian Geology of Denison Township, Southwest Sudbury Structure C.A. Gordon
Project SO-17-001. Precambrian Geology and Mineral Potential of the Carleton Place Area, Grenville Province R.M. Easton
Project SO-18-001. Precambrian Geology of the Renfrew Area, Northeastern Central Metasedimentary Belt, Grenville Province M. Duguet
Summary of Geophysical Projects and Activities D.R.B. Rainsford et S. Biswas
Project AS-18-002. Aeromagnetic Inversion Pilot Study S.A. Bulanda et D.R.B. Rainsford
Cartographie et échantillonnage des dépôts superficiels
Project FN-17-002. Surficial Geology of the Sandy Lake Area, Far North of Ontario C. Gao, K.H. Yeung, J.A. Dyer et K.R. Dzuirban
Project NE-18-001. An Update on Multi-Year Quaternary Geological Mapping Along the Highway 11 Corridor, Northeastern Ontario A.S. Marich
Project SO-18-003. Aggregate Resources in the Regional Municipality of Niagara, Southern Ontario K.E. Hahn
Géochimie des dépôts superficiels
Project NE-18-008. Biogeochemical and Electrical Investigations in Soils at the Thorn North Forest Ring K. von Gunten, S.M. Hamilton, Z.A. DiLoreto, M.S. Alam, D.S. Alessi, M. Dittrich, B. Sherwood Lollar, K.O. Konhauser et K.M. Dell
Géologie du Paléozoïque et études sur l’énergie
Project SO-18-006. Paleozoic Geology of Eastern Ontario: Ottawa Area C. Béland Otis
Project SO-18-005. Identification and Mapping of Alkali–Carbonate Reactive Layers in the Gull River Formation, Near Kingston, Ontario K.E. Hahn et C.A. MacDonald
Études sur les eaux souterraines
Project NE-18-004. The Ambient Groundwater Geochemistry Project: North Bay Area K.M. Dell et M.A. Francis
Project Unit 14-015. Last Phase of Subsurface Data Collection for Three-Dimensional Mapping in the Central Part of the County of Simcoe, Southern Ontario R.P.M. Mulligan
Project SO-18-002. First Phase of Regional Groundwater Systems Mapping in the County of Simcoe, Southern Ontario E.H. Priebe, A.F. Bajc, A.K. Burt et R.P.M. Mulligan
Update on Geological Survey of Canada Activities in 2017–2018 Related to the Ontario Geological Survey Groundwater Collaboration in Southern Ontario H.A.J. Russell
Laboratoires géoscientifiques
Sample Preparation: Contamination from Grinding Media during Pulverization O.M. Burnham
Summary of Quality Control Data for the Geoscience Laboratories Methods IML-100, IML-101, IMW-100, LOI-2ST, LOI-3ST and LOI-4STJ.C. Hargreaves
Calibration for Silver and Cadmium Trace Analysis of Geological Samples by Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence at the Geoscience Laboratories G.L. Keating
Metal Earth
Région de Kapuskasing
Identification of Partial Melting Relationships in the Southern Kapuskasing Structural Zone, Ontario N. Estrada, D.K. Tinkham, T.R.C. Jørgensen et J.H. Marsh
Transect de Geraldton–Onaman
Preliminary Results from the Assessment of the Structural Evolution of the Southern Geraldton–Onaman Transect Z. Tóth et B. Lafrance
Preliminary Results from Geological Mapping of the Volcanic Stratigraphy of the Elmhirst–Rickaby and Humboldt Assemblages, Onaman–Tashota Greenstone Belt K.R. Strongman, H.L. Gibson et Z. Tóth
Transect de Dryden
Preliminary Observations from Structural Mapping of Regional Deformation Zones in the Dryden–Stormy Lake Area of the Western Wabigoon Subprovince K. Zammit, B.M. Frieman et S. Perrouty
Preliminary Results from Detailed Geological Mapping of the Lost Lake Area in the Western Wabigoon Subprovince, Ontario D. Downie, B.M. Frieman et S. Perrouty
Preliminary Structural and Stratigraphic Investigations Along the Metal Earth Dryden–Stormy Lake Transect B.M. Frieman et S. Perrouty
Preliminary Regional Interpretation and Sampling for Modelling and Prospectivity Analysis of the Western Wabigoon Subprovince R.M. Montsion, S. Perrouty et B.M. Frieman
Région de Cobalt
Structure and Stratigraphy of Archean Volcanic Units and the Paleoproterozoic Cobalt Group Near Cobalt, Ontario S.E. White et R.L. Sherlock
Transect de Larder Lake
Geological Mapping of Timiskaming-age Intrusions Along the Lincoln–Nipissing Shear Zone, Larder Lake, Ontario S. Brace, D.J. Kontak, K.E. Rubingh et P. Jugo
Preliminary Results from Detailed Geological Mapping of the Stratigraphic and Structural Framework of the Hearst Assemblage, and the Nature of the Lincoln–Nipissing Shear Zone, Skead Township, Northeastern Ontario K.E. Rubingh, S. Brace et R.L. Sherlock
Regional and Detailed Structural Mapping of the Timiskaming Assemblage–Larder Lake Group Contact Between the Kerr–Addison and Cheminis Mine Sites, Northeastern Ontario N. St-Jean, R.L. Sherlock et B. Lafrance
Preliminary Results from Mapping Alteration and Structure of a New Exposure South of Dobie, Ontario L. Hunt et K.E. Rubingh
Transect de Swayze
Lithological and Stratigraphic Relationships of the North Swayze and Matheson Areas, Abitibi Greenstone Belt R. Haugaard, T.P. Gemmell, J.A. Ayer et P.C. Thurston
Base Metal Mineralization Associated with the Woman River Iron Formation, with a Focus on the Jefferson and Stackpool Prospects, Marion and Genoa Townships, Swayze Area, Abitibi Greenstone Belt A.B. Mowbray, H.L. Gibson, T.P. Gemmell et R. Haugaard
The Rundle Intrusive Complex: Investigating Oxidation Processes Related to Gold Mineralization in an Archean Alkalic Intrusive Setting C.R. Small, A.M. McDonald et E.C.G. Hastie
Potential Field Data Acquisition and Compilation Across Metal Earth’s Areas of Interest A. Maleki, W.J. McNeice, F. Justina, E. Eshaghi et R.S. Smith
Magnetotelluric Data Collection in the Superior Province, Canada E. Roots et G. Hill
Sommaire des travaux sur le terrain et d’autres activités, 2017
La Commission géologique de l’Ontario est heureuse de mettre à votre disposition par voie électronique la publication Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2017 (OFR 6333).
La publication Summary of Field Work and Other Activities présente les points saillants et de nouveaux renseignements importants relatifs à la cartographie et aux recherches géoscientifiques effectuées au cours de l’année.
L'on peut visualiser, imprimer ou sauvegarder sur disque dur la publication Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2017. Pour acheter une copie papier (15,80 $) du Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2017, il suffit de communiquer avec le personnel du comptoir Vente de publications.
Activities of the Aboriginal Geoscience Liaisons in 2016–2017L. Schmidt et J. Simpson
Unité des ressources terrestres et de la cartographie géoscientifique
Earth Resources and Geoscience Mapping Section: 2017–2018 Program and Projects Overview R-L. Simard
Géologie du précambrien – Grand Nord
Project FN-17-001. Preliminary Results from Geological Mapping in the Wabassi River and Peninsular Lake Areas, Fort Hope–Miminiska Greenstone Belt, Eastern Uchi Domain B. Azar
Géologie du Précambrien – Nord-Est de l’Ontario
Project NE-17-006. Geology and Mineral Potential of Bruyere Township, Michipicoten Greenstone Belt J. Walker
Project NE-17-001. Preliminary Geology of Osway and Huffman Townships and Parts of Eric, Fingal and Arbutus Townships, Southern Swayze Area, Abitibi Greenstone Belt P.J. MacDonald, E.C.G. Hastie et D.W. Davis
Project NE-17-002. Preliminary Interpretation of the Geology and Base Metal Potential of the Doré Road–Foleyet Timber Road Transect, Swayze Area, Abitibi Greenstone Belt T.P. Gemmell et A.B. Mowbray
Géologie du Précambrien – Nord-Ouest de l’Ontario
Project Unit 15-003. Precambrian Geology of the Rowan–Kakagi Greenstone Belt, Western Wabigoon Subprovince: Flint Lake and Otterskin Lake Areas S.R. Meade
Project NW-16-002. Preliminary Results from a Structural Study of the Dogpaw and Dubenski Deposits, Rowan–Kakagi Greenstone Belt, Western Wabigoon Subprovince A.D. Krapf-Jones, S.R. Meade et S. Lin
Project NW-17-002. Geology and Mineral Potential of Syine Township, Western Schreiber–Hemlo Greenstone Belt S.J. Magnus
Project NW-16-003. Geology and Mineral Potential of the Terrace Bay Pluton, Western Schreiber–Hemlo Greenstone Belt K.A. Arnold, P. Hollings et S.J. Magnus
Project NW-16-004. Preliminary Results from Geological Mapping in Marks Township, Shebandowan Greenstone Belt, Wawa–Abitibi Terrane L.M. Ratcliffe et J.B. Wroblewski
Project NW-17-003. Geology and Geochemistry of Komatiites in the Lake of the Woods Area C. Boucher et P. Hollings
Géologie du Précambrien – Protérozoïque et province de Grenville
Project Unit 15-010. Preliminary Results from Geological Mapping in Denison Township, Southwest Sudbury Structure C.A. Gordon et C-A. Généreux
Project Unit 15-019. The Creighton Fault and its Relation to the Mylonite Zone in Drury Township, Southwest Sudbury Structure C-A. Généreux, B. Lafrance et C.A. Gordon
Project NE-17-005. Sedimentary Provenance of the Elliot Lake and Hough Lake Groups, Huronian Supergroup, Sudbury Area J.A. Ménard
Project SO-17-001. Precambrian and Paleozoic Geology of the Carleton Place Area, Grenville Province R.M. Easton
Summary of Geophysical Projects and Activities D.R.B. Rainsford et S. Biswas
Cartographie et échantillonnage des dépôts superficiels
Project NE-17-003. Quaternary Geological Mapping of the Highway 11 Corridor, Northeastern Ontario: An Update A.S. Marich
Project FN-17-002. Field Studies in Support of Remote Predictive Mapping in the Sandy Lake Area, Far North of Ontario C. Gao, K.H. Yeung et N. Szumylo
Géologie du Paléozoïque et études sur l’énergie
Project SO-17-002. Paleozoic Mapping of Eastern Ontario C. Béland Otis
Project Unit 14-034. Lithofacies and Stratigraphy of the Devonian Onondaga Formation, Southwestern Ontario S. Sun, F.R. Brunton et J. Jin
Études sur les eaux souterraines
Project Unit 13-018. Digging Deep on the Niagara Peninsula: A Drilling Update A.K. Burt
Project Unit 14-015. An Update on Subsurface Data Collection for Three-Dimensional Sediment Mapping in the Central Part of the County of Simcoe, Southern Ontario R.P.M. Mulligan
Project NE-17-004. The Ambient Groundwater Geochemistry Program: Manitoulin Island and North Shore Areas K.M. Dell, M.A. Francis et S.M. Hamilton
Project SO-17-004. East Ottawa–Champlain Township Groundwater Study T. Di Iorio, M. Melaney, S. Foubister et S.M. Hamilton
Status Report on Three-Dimensional Geological and Hydrogeological Modelling of the Paleozoic Bedrock of Southern Ontario T.R. Carter, F.R. Brunton, J. Clark, L. Fortner, C.N. Freckelton, C.E. Logan, H.A.J. Russell, M. Somers, L. Sutherland et K.H. Yeung
Building a Geological Framework to Support Regional Groundwater Management: Data Capture, Consolidation and Reclassification in Southern Ontario H.A.J. Russell, N. Baranova, H.L. Crow, D.I. Cummings, C.E. Logan, A. McBride, A.J-M. Pugin et D.R. Sharpe
A Surficial Sediment Chemostratigraphic Framework for Southern Ontario H.A.J. Russell, A.F. Bajc, R.D. Knight et D.A.J. Stepner
Laboratoires géoscientifiques
Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Trace Elements in Geological Samples after Aqua Regia Extraction at the Geoscience Laboratories: Revised Capabilities Resulting from New Instrumentation O.M. Burnham
Summary of Quality Control Data for the Geoscience Laboratories Methods EMP-100, IMC-100, IMO-100 and ISE-R01J.C. Hargreaves
Determination of Total Carbon, Total Organic Carbon and Total Inorganic Carbon in Groundwater Samples J.-L. Pamer
Metal Earth
Lithological and Stratigraphic Relationships of the Swayze Area, Abitibi Greenstone Belt R. Haugaard, T.P. Gemmell, J.A. Ayer et P.C. Thurston
A Potential Erosional Unconformity in the Swayze Area, Abitibi Greenstone Belt C. Meyer, R. Haugaard, J.A. Ayer et P.C. Thurston
Preliminary Results from Detailed Geological Mapping of Syenite-Associated Gold Mineralization Along the Lincoln–Nipissing Fault, Larder Lake, Ontario S. Brace et R.L. Sherlock
Preliminary Results from Mapping a New Exposure of the Basal Unconformity Between the Hearst and Larder Lake Assemblages, Skead Township, Northeastern Ontario N. St-Jean, L. Hunt et R.L. Sherlock
Preliminary Results from Detailed Geological Mapping and Core Logging of Volcanic and Sedimentary Rocks in the Footprint of the Kerr–Addison Mine, Virginiatown, Ontario N. St-Jean, J. Blackwell, R.L. Sherlock et B. Lafrance
Sommaire des travaux sur le terrain et d’autres activités, 2016
La Commission géologique de l’Ontario est heureuse de mettre à votre disposition par voie électronique la publication Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2016 (OFR 6323).
La publication Summary of Field Work and Other Activities présente les points saillants et de nouveaux renseignements importants relatifs à la cartographie et aux recherches géoscientifiques effectuées au cours de l’année.
L'on peut visualiser, imprimer ou sauvegarder sur disque dur la publication Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2016. Pour acheter une copie papier (12,00 $) du Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2016, il suffit de communiquer avec le personnel du comptoir Vente de publications.
Bureau du directeur, Commission géologique de l'Ontario
Ontario Geological Survey: Update of Strategic Perspective for 2014–2019J.R. Parker
Unité des ressources terrestres et de la cartographie géoscientifique
Earth Resources and Geoscience Mapping Section: 2016 Program and Project Overview J.E. Schweyer
Géologie du précambrien — Grand Nord
Project FN-16-001 and Project Unit 14-001. Preliminary Results from Geological Mapping in the Makokibatan Lake Area, Fort Hope–Miminiska Greenstone Belt, Eastern Uchi Subprovince B. Azar
Géologie du Précambrien — Nord-Est de l’Ontario
Project NE-16-002. Archean and Proterozoic Geology of the Borden Lake Area, Kapuskasing Structural Zone, Abitibi–Wawa Terrane M. Duguet and N. Szumylo
Project NE-16-005 and Project Unit 13-012. Geology and Mineral Potential of Stover Township, Michipicoten Greenstone Belt L. Robichaud, J. Walker, S.M. West and A. Nywening
Project NE-16-006 and Project Unit 13-012. Geology and Mineral Potential of Copenace Township, Michipicoten Greenstone Belt J. Walker and L. Robichaud
Project Unit 14-008. Geology and Mineral Potential of Yeo and Southern Potier Townships, Southern Swayze Area, Abitibi Greenstone Belt T.P. Gemmell and P.J. MacDonald
Project Unit 14-009. Update on Activities Related to a Gold Metallogenic Study of the Southern Swayze Greenstone Belt E.C.G. Hastie. D.J. Kontak and B. Lafrance
Project Unit 14-010. Structural Patterns in the Southern Swayze Greenstone Belt Q. Wu and S. Lin
Géologie du Précambrien — Nord-Ouest de l’Ontario
Project Unit 15-003. Precambrian Geology of the Flint Lake Area, Rowan–Kakagi Greenstone Belt, Wabigoon Subprovince S.R. Meade
Project NW-16-003 and Project Unit 15-004. Geology and Mineral Potential of the Western Schreiber–Hemlo Greenstone Belt S.J. Magnus and K.A. Arnold
Project NW-16-004 and Project Unit 13-007. Preliminary Results from Geological Mapping in Adrian and Marks Townships, Shebandowan Greenstone Belt, Wawa–Abitibi Terrane L.M. Ratcliffe
Project Unit 15-020. Preliminary Geology and Macroscopic Textures of the Ultramafic Rocks from Conmee Township, Eastern Shebandowan Greenstone Belt S. Hinz, P. Hollings, R.W.D. Lodge, M.J. Olson and S.L. Helmuth
Project Unit 15-021. Field Observations and Geochemistry of the Balmer and Confederation Assemblages on the Laird Lake Property, Red Lake Greenstone Belt B.R. Gélinas and P. Hollings
Project NW-16-002. A Structural Study of the Dogpaw and Dubenski Deposits, Rowan–Kakagi Greenstone Belt, Western Wabigoon Subprovince A.D. Krapf-Jones, S.R. Meade and S. Lin
Géologie du Précambrien — Protérozoïque et province de Grenville
Project Unit 15-010. Geology of Drury Township, Southwest Sudbury Structure: An Overview R-L. Simard, C.A. Gordon and C-A. Généreux
Project Unit 15-014. Precambrian and Paleozoic Geology of the Perth Area, Grenville Province R.M. Easton
Project Units 15-014, 13-013 and 11-006. Metasomatism, Syenite Magmatism and Rare Earth Element and Related Metallic Mineralization in Bancroft and Frontenac Terranes: A Preliminary Deposit Model R.M. Easton
Project Unit 15-019. Mylonite Zone and Regional Deformation in Drury Township, Southwest Sudbury Structure C-A. Généreux, B. Lafrance, R-L. Simard and C.A. Gordon
Summary of Geophysical Projects and Activities D.R.B. Rainsford and S. Biswas
Ressources en agrégats et minéraux industriels
Project SO-16-003. Aggregate Resources Inventory for the County of Peterborough, Southern Ontario L.A. Handley
Cartographie et échantillonnage des dépôts superficiels
Project NW-16-001. Quaternary Geology Mapping of the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt Area, Northwestern Ontario A.F. Bajc
Project NE-16-004. Quaternary Geological Mapping Along the Highway 11 Corridor, Northeastern Ontario A.S. Marich
Géochimie des dépôts superficiels
Project Units 13-020 and 14-016. Update on Lake Erie Tributary Sediment and Water Phosphorus Study H.E. Burke and R.D. Dyer
Project NE-16-007. Field Activities Supporting Regional Analysis of Stream Sediment Geochemistry over the Kapuskasing Structural Zone, Northeastern Ontario L.M. Colgrove and R.D. Dyer
Géologie du Paléozoïque et études sur l’énergie
Project Unit 14-034. The Silurian–Devonian Unconformity in Subsurface and Outcrop of Southwestern Ontario S. Sun, F.R. Brunton and J. Jin
Preliminary Lithostratigraphy, Chemostratigraphy and Lithofacies Analysis of the Devonian Succession, Moose River Basin, Northern Ontario M. Braun, D.K. Armstrong, N. Chow and S.A. Gouwy
Toward a Sequence Stratigraphic Framework for the Ordovician Hudson Bay and Moose River Basins, Northern Ontario K.E. Hahn, D.K. Armstrong, E.C. Turner and M.P.B. Nicolas
Études sur les eaux souterraines
Project Unit 11-032. Regional-Scale Groundwater Mapping in the Early Silurian Carbonates of the Niagara Escarpment: Final Update E.H. Priebe and F.R. Brunton
Project Unit 13-018. The Niagara Peninsula in Three Dimensions: A Drilling Update A.K. Burt
Project Unit 14-015. Subsurface Data Collection for Three-Dimensional Sediment Mapping in the Central Part of the County of Simcoe, Southern Ontario R.P.M. Mulligan
Project NE-16-001. The Ambient Groundwater Geochemistry Program: Sudbury Area K.M. Dell, S.P. Fudge and S.M. Hamilton
Project SO-16-002. The Provenance of, and Possible Relationship Between, Methane and Halogens in Groundwater in Southeastern Ontario A.J. Lemieux, I.D. Clark, S.M. Hamilton, C.M. Rogerson and D.F. Kelton
The Investigation of Groundwater as a Source of High Iodine Levels in Milk from Dairy Herds in Eastern Ontario C.M. Rogerson, D.F. Kelton, S.M. Hamilton, A.J. Lemieux and I.D. Clark
Ontario Geological Survey–Geological Survey of Canada Groundwater Geoscience Collaboration: Southern Ontario 2015–2019H.A.J. Russell and R.D. Dyer
Laboratoires géoscientifiques
The Effect of Digestion Time on the Acid Decomposition of Zirconium and Hafnium in Coarse-Grained Rocks O.M. Burnham
Summary of Quality Control Data for the Geoscience Laboratories Methods AAF-101, AAF-102, AAF-200, IAC-100, IAO-100 and IAL-100J.C. Hargreaves
Sommaire des travaux sur le terrain et d’autres activités, 2015
La Commission géologique de l’Ontario est heureuse de mettre à votre disposition par voie électronique la publication Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2015 (OFR 6313).
La publication Summary of Field Work and Other Activities présente les points saillants et de nouveaux renseignements importants relatifs à la cartographie et aux recherches géoscientifiques effectuées au cours de l’année.
L'on peut visualiser, imprimer ou sauvegarder sur disque dur la publication Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2015. Pour acheter une copie papier (12,00 $) du Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2015, il suffit de communiquer avec le personnel du comptoir Vente de publications.
Bureau du directeur, Commission géologique de l'Ontario
Ontario Geological Survey: Update of Strategic Perspective for 2014–2018J.A. Fyon
Unité des ressources terrestres et de la cartographie géoscientifique
Earth Resources and Geoscience Mapping Section: 2015 Program and Project Overview J.R. Parker
Géologie du précambrien – Grand Nord
Project Unit 14-001. Preliminary Results from Bedrock Geology Mapping in the Eabamet Lake Area, Fort Hope Greenstone Belt, Eastern Uchi Subprovince B. Azar
Project Unit 14-002. Geochemistry and Uranium–Lead Zircon Geochronology of the Lang Lake Greenstone Belt, Central Uchi Domain S.J. Magnus, M. Hanewich, S.L. Kamo et J.A. Petrus
Géologie du Précambrien – Nord-Est de l’Ontario
Project Unit 13-012. Geology and Mineral Potential of Rennie and Leeson Townships, Michipicoten Greenstone Belt L. Robichaud, J.A. McDivitt et B.E. Trevisan
Project Unit 14-007. Characterization of Gold Mineralization in the Missanabie–Renabie District of the Wawa Gold Camp J.A. McDivitt, B. Lafrance, D.J. Kontak et L. Robichaud
Project Unit 06-002. Preliminary Lithogeochemical Results and Interpretations of the Supracrustal Rocks of the Bartlett and Halliday Domes, Abitibi Greenstone Belt S. Préfontaine
Project Unit 14-008. Geology and Mineral Potential of Chester Township, Southern Swayze Greenstone Belt T.P. Gemmell
Project Unit 14-009. Observations on the Kenty and Rundle Deposits, Swayze Greenstone Belt E.C.G. Hastie, B. Lafrance et D.J. Kontak
Project Unit 14-010. Deformation of the Swayze Greenstone Belt: Insights from Structural Geology and Uranium–Lead Geochronology Q. Wu et S. Lin
Géologie du Précambrien – Nord-Ouest de l’Ontario
Project Unit 13-007. Geology and Mineral Potential of Adrian Township, Shebandowan Greenstone Belt, Wawa–Abitibi Terrane L.M. Ratcliffe
Project Unit 15-003. A New Mapping Project in the Rowan Lake–Kakagi Lake Area, Western Wabigoon Subprovince S.R. Meade
Project Unit 13-006. Uranium–Lead Zircon Geochronological Study of the Eastern Portion of the Sioux Lookout Greenstone Belt, Western Wabigoon Subprovince S.R. Meade et S.L. Kamo
Project Unit 15-004. Geology and Mineral Potential of Walsh, Tuuri and Syine Townships, Schreiber–Hemlo Greenstone Belt S.J. Magnus et J. Walker
Project Unit 15-005. Preliminary Results from Geological Mapping of the Quetico Subprovince, the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt and Proterozoic Rocks North of Thunder Bay R.T. Metsaranta
Project Unit 15-020. Preliminary Description of the Ultramafic Metavolcanic Rocks in the Eastern Part of the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt, Northwestern Ontario S. Hinz et P. Hollings
Project Unit 15-021. The Geology and Geochemistry of the Laird Lake Property, Red Lake Greenstone Belt, Ontario B. Gélinas et P. Hollings
Géologie du Précambrien – Protérozoïque et province de Grenville
Project Unit 15-014. Precambrian and Paleozoic Geology of the Perth Area, Grenville Province R.M. Easton
Project Unit 13-014. Geology and Mineral Potential of the Centennial Lake Area, Northeastern Central Metasedimentary Belt, Grenville Province M. Duguet, Q. Duparc et C. Mayer
Project Unit 13-029. Geologic Studies in the Nepewassi Domain, Central Gneiss Belt, Grenville Province S.R. Van De Kerckhove
Project Units 15-010 and 15-019. Geology and Low-Sulphide Platinum Group Element Mineralization of Drury Township, South Range, Sudbury Igneous Complex C.A. Gordon, R–L. Simard et C–A. Généreux
Project Unit 09-004. Mineralogical and Geochemical Studies of Rocks from the Pecors Magnetic Anomaly East of Elliot Lake, Southern Province R.M. Easton
Project Unit 15-006. Petrology and Geochemistry of the Crystal Lake Gabbro and Mount Mollie Dike, Northwestern Ontario S. O’Brien, P. Hollings, J. Miller et R.M. Cundari
Summary of Geophysical Projects and Activities D.R.B. Rainsford et S. Biswas
Ressources en agrégats et minéraux industriels
Project Unit 15-018. Aggregate Resources Inventory of the County of Elgin, Southwestern Ontario V.L. Lee
Project Unit 15-001. Reconnaissance Aggregate Resource Sampling and Assessment, James Bay Lowland, Northern Ontario: An Update V.L. Lee
Cartographie et échantillonnage des dépôts superficiels – Grand Nord
Project Unit 15-001. Field Studies in Support of Remote Predictive Mapping in the Missisa Lake Area, Far North of Ontario C. Gao, V.L. Lee et K.H. Yeung
Cartographie et échantillonnage des dépôts superficiels
Project Unit 14-015. An Update on Three-Dimensional Mapping of Quaternary Deposits in the Central Part of the County of Simcoe, Southern Ontario R.P.M. Mulligan
Project Unit 15-012. Quaternary Geology and Geochemical and Mineralogical Signature of Surficial Media in Drury and Denison Townships, City of Greater Sudbury S. Hashmi
Géochimie des dépôts superficiels
Project Units 14-006 and 11-024. Nakina and Mc Faulds Lake (“Ring of Fire”) Areas Lake Sediment and Till Geochemistry Infill Sampling, Northern Ontario K.M. Dell, R.D. Dyer et L.A. Handley
Géologie du Paléozoïque et études sur l’énergie
Project Unit 10-028. Hudson Platform Project: Paleozoic Geology of the Mc Faulds Lake, South Moosonee, Ekwan River and Attawapiskat River Areas, James Bay Lowland D.K. Armstrong
Project Unit 10-028. Upper Ordovician Stratigraphy of Northern Ontario: Differential Subsidence and Deposition in Two Late Ordovician Basins Contemporaneous with Hirnantian Glaciation and the Taconic Orogeny E.C. Turner et D.K. Armstrong
Project Unit 10-028. Preliminary Lithostratigraphy and Chemostratigraphy of the Devonian Kwataboahegan Formation, Moose River Basin, Northern Ontario N. Chow et D.K. Armstrong
Project Unit 14-034. Upper Silurian–Middle Devonian Core Logging and Bedrock Groundwater Mapping along the Onondaga Escarpment, Southwestern Ontario S. Sun, F.R. Brunton et J. Jin
Études sur les eaux souterraines
Project Unit 13-018. Quaternary Stratigraphy of the Niagara Peninsula Revealed with Three-Dimensional Mapping A.K. Burt
Project Unit 13-018. Filling Groundwater Data Gaps in the Niagara Region to Assist Decision-Making Processes J.D. Campbell et A.K. Burt
Project Unit 15-017. Geochemical and Isotopic Sampling to Delineate Sources of Highly Mineralized Groundwater on the Niagara Peninsula C.A. McEwan, S.M. Hamilton, G.F. Slater et J.D. Campbell
Project Unit 15-016. Township of Alfred and Plantagenet Groundwater Study T. Di Iorio, A.J. Lemieux et S.M. Hamilton
Laboratoires géoscientifiques
Summary of Quality Control Data for the Geoscience Laboratories Methods CTK-100, SGT-R01, IMP-200, XRF-M01, XRF-M02, XRF-T02 and XRF-T03J.C. Hargreaves
Initiative géoscientifique ciblée 4 (TGI-4)
Constraining the Age of Synorogenic Conglomerate and Sandstone in Penhorwood Township, Northern Swayze Greenstone Belt W. Bleeker, S.L. Kamo, B.T. Atkinson et M. Stalker
Sommaire des travaux sur le terrain et d’autres activités, 2014
La Commission géologique de l’Ontario est heureuse de mettre à votre disposition par voie électronique la publication Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2014 (OFR 6300).
La publication Summary of Field Work and Other Activities présente les points saillants et de nouveaux renseignements importants relatifs à la cartographie et aux recherches géoscientifiques effectuées au cours de l’année.
L'on peut visualiser, imprimer ou sauvegarder sur disque dur la publication Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2014. Pour acheter une copie papier (12,00 $) du Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2014, il suffit de communiquer avec le personnel du comptoir Vente de publications.
Table des matières
Bureau du directeur, Commission géologique de l'Ontario
Ontario Geological Survey: Strategic Perspective for 2014–2018J.A. Fyon
Unité des ressources terrestres et de la cartographie géoscientifique
Earth Resources and Geoscience Mapping Section: Program and Project Overview J.R. Parker
Géologie du précambrien – Grand Nord
Project Unit 14-002. Geology and Mineral Potential of the Lang Lake Greenstone Belt, Central Uchi Domain S.J. Magnus
Project Unit 14-001. Preliminary Results from Bedrock Geology Mapping in the Attwood Lake Area, Fort Hope Greenstone Belt, Eastern Uchi Subprovince B. Azar et S.A. Ferguson
Géologie du Précambrien – Nord-Est de l’Ontario
Project Unit 13-012. Geology and Mineral Potential of Brackin Township, Michipicoten Greenstone Belt L. Robichaud et J. McDivitt
Project Unit 06-002. Review of the Stratigraphic Episodes Associated with the Bartlett, Halliday and Shaw Domes, Abitibi Greenstone Belt S. Préfontaine
Project Unit 14-009. Gold Metallogeny of the Southern Swayze Greenstone Belt E.C.G. Hastie
Project Unit 14-010. Structural and Tectonic Study of the Ridout Shear Zone Q. Wu et S. Lin
Géologie du Précambrien – Nord-Ouest de l’Ontario
Project Unit 13-007. Geology and Mineral Potential of Sackville and Conmee Townships, Wawa Subprovince R.W.D. Lodge, L.M. Ratcliffe et J.A. Walker
Project Unit 13-006. Geology and Gold Mineralization in the Eastern Portion of the Central Volcanic Belt, Sioux Lookout Greenstone Belt, Western Wabigoon Subprovince S.R. Meade
Project Unit 11-009. Wabigoon Subprovince Metamorphic Synthesis: An Update M. Duguet
Project Unit 13-030. The Marmion Terrane Four-Dimensional Crust–Mantle Evolution and Mineral Systems: An Update K.E. Bjorkman, T.C. McCuaig, Y.J. Lu, G.P. Beakhouse, P. Hollings et M.C. Smyk
Géologie du Précambrien – Protérozoïque et province de Grenville
Project Unit 13-013. Geology and Mineral Potential of the Cobden Area, Northeastern Central Metasedimentary Belt, Grenville Province R.M. Easton
Project Unit 13-014. Geology and Mineral Potential of the Black Donald Lake Area, Northeastern Central Metasedimentary Belt, Grenville Province M. Duguet, K. Whitney et S. Ma
Project Unit 13-032. Precambrian Geology of Eastern Ontario Based on Data from a New Aeromagnetic Survey S.J. Magnus, R.M. Easton et D.R.B. Rainsford
Project Unit 13-029. Geology and Mineral Potential of the Nepewassi Domain, Central Gneiss Belt, Grenville Province R.M. Easton
Project Unit 13-029. Geological Mapping and Investigation of the Tectonic History of the Nepewassi Domain, Central Gneiss Belt, Grenville Province S.R. Van de Kerckhove
Summary of Geophysical Projects and Activities D.R.B. Rainsford et S. Biswas
Ressources en agrégats et minéraux industriels
Project Unit 12-007. Aggregate Resources Inventory of the County of Renfrew, Southeastern Ontario V.L. Lee
Project Unit 14-017. Aggregate Resources in the Central and Eastern Parts of the District of Parry Sound D.J. Rowell
Project Unit 14-013. Aggregate Test Results from West-Central Manitoulin Island D.J. Rowell
Project Unit 13-025. Aggregate and Industrial Mineral Potential of the Guelph Formation: Year 2 Update D.J. Rowell
Cartographie et échantillonnage des dépôts superficiels
Project Unit 14-033. Field Studies in Support of Terrain Mapping and Aggregate Resource Assessment, James Bay Lowland, Ontario A.F. Bajc, V.L. Lee et K.H. Yeung
Project Unit 11-028. Surficial Geology Mapping and Till Sampling in the Chapleau Area, Northern Ontario: A Progress Report C. Gao, A. Wywrot et D. Zhu
Project Unit 13-019. Quaternary Geology Mapping of the Peterborough Area, Southern Ontario A.S. Marich
Project Unit 14-015. Three-Dimensional Mapping of Quaternary Deposits in the Central Part of the County of Simcoe, Southern Ontario R.P.M. Mulligan
Géochimie des dépôts superficiels
Project Unit 14-006. Nakina–Marshall Lake Area High-Density Lake Sediment and Water Geochemical Survey, Northwestern Ontario R.D. Dyer et L.A. Handley
Project Unit 11-024. McFaulds Lake (“Ring of Fire”) Area Lake, Stream and Till Geochemistry Infill Sampling, Far North, Ontario R.D. Dyer et L.A. Handley
Project Unit 14-016. Temporal Geochemical Assessment of Phosphorus in Stream Sediment, Water and Soil, Niagara Peninsula H.E. Burke
Géologie du Paléozoïque et études sur l’énergie
Project Unit 10-028. Hudson Platform Project: Aggregate Sampling and Paleozoic Geology of the Moose River Basin, Northern Ontario D.K. Armstrong
Project Unit 14-034. Sequence Stratigraphic Architecture and Bedrock Aquifers of Upper Silurian to Middle Devonian Strata, Southwestern Ontario S. Sun, F.R. Brunton et J. Jin
Études sur les eaux souterraines
Project Unit 13-018. Penetrating Niagara with Three-Dimensional Mapping A.K. Burt
Project Unit 10-026. An Update on the Final Phase of Subsurface Data Collection in the Southern Part of the County of Simcoe, Southern Ontario A.F. Bajc, R.P.M. Mulligan, A.J.-M. Pugin et D.R.B. Rainsford
Project Unit 07-025. Patterns and Controls of Shallow Groundwater Chemistry in Eastern Ontario L.M. Colgrove, S.M. Hamilton et F.J. Longstaffe
Project Unit 08-004. Evaluating the Influence of Geological Features on Hydraulic Conductivity Variability in Early Silurian Carbonate Rock Aquifers of the Guelph Region E.H. Priebe, C.J. Neville et F.R. Brunton
Programme des géologues résidents
Rare Earth Elements Occurrences and the Mineral Deposit Inventory Database P.J. Sangster et A.C. Wilson
Laboratoires géoscientifiques
Sample Preparation: Pulverization Time and Particle Size Reduction for Carbonate-Rich Samples O.M. Burnham
Quantitative X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Shales using the Rietveld Method D.C. Crabtree
Summary of Quality Control Data for the Geoscience Laboratories Methods FEO-ION, GFA-PBG, IAW-200, ICW-100 and IRC-100J.C. Hargreaves
Initiative géoscientifique ciblée 4 (TGI-4)
Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4. Lode Gold Deposits in Ancient Deformed and Metamorphosed Terranes: Relative Chronology Between Hydrothermal Activity, Gold Mineralization and Deformation Events in the Geraldton Area, Northwestern Ontario Z. Tóth, B. Lafrance, B. Dubé, P. Mercier-Langevin et V.J. McNicoll
Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4. Lode Gold Deposits in Ancient Deformed and Metamorphosed Terranes: Preliminary Observations on the Nature and Distribution of the Deformed and Metamorphosed Hydrothermal Alteration Associated with the Archean Rainy River Gold Deposit, Northwestern Ontario M. Pelletier, P. Mercier-Langevin, D. Crick, J. Tolman, G.P. Beakhouse et B. Dubé
Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4. Lode Gold Deposits in Ancient Deformed and Metamorphosed Terranes: Detailed Mapping of Key Stripped Outcrops in the Musselwhite Mine Area, Northwestern Ontario, and Implications for the Geological and Structural Setting of the Gold Mineralization W. Oswald, S. Castonguay, B. Dubé, P. Mercier-Langevin, M. Malo, J. Biczok et V.J. McNicoll
A “New” Occurrence of Timiskaming Sedimentary Rocks in the Northern Swayze Greenstone Belt, Abitibi Subprovince—With Implications for the Western Continuation of the Porcupine–Destor Fault Zone and Nearby Gold Mineralization W. Bleeker, B.T. Atkinson et M. Stalker
Sommaire des travaux sur le terrain et d’autres activités, 2013
La Commission géologique de l’Ontario est heureuse de mettre à votre disposition par voie électronique la publication Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2013 (OFR 6290).
La publication Summary of Field Work and Other Activities présente les points saillants et de nouveaux renseignements importants relatifs à la cartographie et aux recherches géoscientifiques effectuées au cours de l’année.
L'on peut visualiser, imprimer ou sauvegarder sur disque dur la publication Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2013. Pour acheter une copie papier (12,00 $) du Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2013, il suffit de communiquer avec le personnel du comptoir Vente de publications.
Table des matières
Bureau du directeur, Commission géologique de l'Ontario
The Ontario Geological Survey Branch—2013 J.A. Fyon
Unité des ressources terrestres et de la cartographie géoscientifique
Earth Resources and Geoscience Mapping Section: Program and Project Overview J.R. Parker
Géologie du Précambrien – nord-est de l’Ontario
Project Unit 13-012. Geology and Mineral Potential of Marsh and Lang Townships, Michipicoten Greenstone Belt L. Robichaud
Structural and Mineralogical Evidence for Paleoproterozoic Hydrothermal Activity at the Young–Davidson Mine, Matachewan, Ontario B.G. Daniels, S. Lin, J. Zhang et R.L. Linnen
Géologie du précambrien – nord-ouest de l’Ontario
Project Unit 09-006. Western Wabigoon Subprovince Synthesis Project G.P. Beakhouse
Project Unit 13-007. Geology and Mineral Potential of Aldina Township, Wawa Subprovince R.W.D. Lodge
Project Unit 13-006. Structure and Stratigraphy of the Eastern Portion of the Sioux Lookout Greenstone Belt, Western Wabigoon Subprovince S.R. Meade
Project Unit 13-030. Preliminary Observations of the Marmion Terrane Four-Dimensional Crust–Mantle Evolution and Mineral Systems K.E. Bjorkman, T.C. McCuaig, Y.J. Lu, G.P. Beakhouse, P. Hollings et M.C. Smyk
Géologie du précambrien – grand nord
Project Unit 13-028. Zircon Lutetium-Hafnium Systematics of Granites Across the Uchi Domain–North Caribou Terrane Boundary: A Preliminary Report T.M. Stainton, P. Hollings, S.E. Zurevinski et R.M. Cundari
Géologie du précambrien – Protérozoïque et province de Grenville
Project Unit 11-004. Mineralogy of the Rare Earth Elements in Marbles from the Brudenell Area, Northeastern Central Metasedimentary Belt, Grenville Province R.M. Easton et S.A. Clarke
Project Units 11-004 and 13-013. Geology and Mineral Potential of the Late Syenite Suite (1090–1030 Ma) and Associated Rocks, Central Metasedimentary Belt Boundary Tectonic Zone, Grenville Province R.M. Easton
Project Unit 13-013. Faulting History, Terrane Subdivision and Mineral Potential of the Cobden Area, Northeastern Central Metasedimentary Belt, Grenville Province R.M. Easton
Project Unit 13-013. Geology and Mineral Potential of the Chenaux Gabbro, Northeastern Central Metasedimentary Belt, Grenville Province B. Azar et R.M. Easton
Project Unit 13-014. Geology and Mineral Potential of the Admaston–Horton and Mud Lake Map Areas, Northeastern Central Metasedimentary Belt, Grenville Province M. Duguet, V. Dubé–Bourgeois et S. Ma
Project Unit 11-003. Rare Earth Element Mineralization in a Skarn Zone, Burnstown Outcrop, Mazinaw Domain, Grenville Province V. Dubé-Bourgeois, Q. Gall et M. Duguet
Project Unit 11-003. Late Dextral Strike-Slip Event in the Northern Mazinaw Domain, Central Metasedimentary Belt, Grenville Province Z. Liu, S. Lin et M. Duguet
Project Unit 13-029. Reconnaissance Geological Mapping in the Nepewassi Domain, Central Gneiss Belt, Grenville Province N.G. Culshaw, S. Van de Kerckhove et R.A. Jamieson
Project Unit 12-003. Geological Mapping Results from Varley Township, Southern and Superior Provinces D. Lewis
Project Unit 12-004. Geology, Geochemistry and Geochronology Studies with Emphasis on Proterozoic Mafic Intrusions, Otter and Morin Townships, Southern and Superior Provinces C.A. Gordon
Summary of Geophysical Projects and Activities D.R.B. Rainsford
Ressources en agrégats et minéraux industriels
Project Unit 13-022. Aggregate Resources Inventory of Middlesex County, Southwestern Ontario V.L. Lee
Project Unit 13-023. Aggregate Resources Inventory for Oxford and Brant Counties D.J. Rowell
Project Unit 13-024. Industrial Sand Pilot Project Results P.J. Sangster et D.J. Rowell
Project Unit 13-025. Aggregate and Industrial Mineral Potential of the Guelph Formation: An Update D.J. Rowell
Cartographie et échantillonnage des dépôts superficiels
Project Unit 11-023. Till Sampling for Indicator Minerals in the McFaulds Lake (“Ring of Fire”) Area, Far North of Ontario C. Gao
Project Unit 11-028. Surficial Geology Mapping and Till Sampling in the Chapleau Area, Northern Ontario: Second Phase C. Gao
Project Unit 13-019. Quaternary Geological Mapping of the Lindsay Area, Southern Ontario A.S. Marich
Project Unit 08-008. Field Studies in Support of Remote Predictive Terrain Mapping in the Far North of Ontario P.J. Barnett, S.A. Finkelstein et K.H. Yeung
Project Unit 13-005. Sedimentological and Structural Analysis of Quaternary Sediments from the Ridge River Area, Hudson Bay Lowland M.K. Nguyen, S.R. Hicock et P.J. Barnett
Géochimie des dépôts superficiels
Project Unit 13-010. Marathon Area High-Density Lake Sediment and Water Survey, Northwestern Ontario R.D. Dyer et L.A. Handley
Project Unit 11-024. McFaulds Lake (“Ring of Fire”) Area High-Density Lake Sediment and Water Survey, Far North, Ontario R.D. Dyer et L.A. Handley
Project Unit 13-020. Characterization of Phosphorus in Stream Sediments and Waters in Selected Watersheds of Lake Erie H.E. Burke
Géologie du paléozoïque et études sur l’énergie
Project Unit 10-028. The Hudson Platform Project: Stratigraphy of the Aquitaine Sogepet et al. Pen No. 1 Core D.K. Armstrong, A.D. McCracken, E. Asselin et F.R. Brunton
Project Unit 10-028. Petrographic Analysis of Paleozoic Strata in the Hudson Platform, Northern Ontario K.E. Hahn et D.K. Armstrong
Project Unit 10-028. The Hudson Platform Project: 2013 Field Work and Drill-Core Correlations, Western Moose River Basin L.M. Ratcliffe et D.K. Armstrong
Project Unit 08-004. Karst and Hazards Lands Mitigation: Some Guidelines for Geological and Geotechnical Investigations in Ontario Karst Terrains F.R. Brunton
Études sur les eaux souterraines
Project Unit 13-018. The Niagara Peninsula Study: A New Three-Dimensional Quaternary Geology Mapping Project A.K. Burt
Project Unit 07-025. Ambient Groundwater and Geochemistry Project of the Kingston–Peterborough Area C.N. Freckelton et S.M. Hamilton
Project Unit 13-027. Development of an Aquifer Mapping Tool, City of Clarence–Rockland, Ontario S.R. Morton, T. Di Iorio, S.M. Hamilton et M.J.L. Robin
Project Unit 13-026. Investigation of Gases and Biota Related to Serpentinization of Kimberlites in the Kirkland Lake Area B. Esen, T.H. Brisco, B. Sherwood Lollar, M.O. Schrenk, S.M. Hamilton et G. Lacrampe–Couloume
Programme des géologues résidents
The Westward Extension of the Larder–Cadillac Fault Through the Kenogamissi Batholith, Abitibi Subprovince B.T. Atkinson
Laboratoires géoscientifiques
Carbon and Sulphur Analysis in Geological Samples by Combustion–Infrared: Verifying Method Capabilities on New Instrumentation F. Amirault et O.M. Burnham
Analysis of Oxide-Rich Samples by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry Following Lithium Metaborate Fusion O.M. Burnham
A Review of Gravimetric Lead Fire-Assay Analysis at the Geoscience Laboratories V. Hingst et O.M. Burnham
Revision of the Calibration for Trace Element Analysis of Geological Samples by Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence at the Geoscience Laboratories G.L. Keating et O.M. Burnham
Determination of Fluoride and Chloride Concentrations in Geological Materials by Ion Selective Electrode L. Pamer
QA/QC: Summary of 2012–2013 Quality-Control Data at the Geoscience Laboratories J.H. Hechler
Initiative géoscientifique ciblée 4 (TGI-4)
Project Unit 10-004. An Update of the High-Magnesium Ultramafic to Mafic Systems Subproject Under the Targeted Geoscience Initiative M.G. Houlé et R.T. Metsaranta
Project Unit 10-004. An Update on Regional Bedrock Geology Mapping in the McFaulds Lake (“Ring of Fire”) Region R.T. Metsaranta et M.G. Houlé
Project Unit 13-001. Overview of the Mafic and Ultramafic Intrusions in the Eastern Uchi Domain of the Superior Province, Northern Ontario A.–A. Sappin, M.G. Houlé, C.M. Lesher et V.J. McNicoll
Project Unit 13-002. Stratigraphy, Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of the Black Thor Intrusive Complex and Associated Chromium and Nickel-Copper-Platinum Group Element Mineralization, McFaulds Lake Greenstone Belt, Ontario H.J.E. Carson, C.M. Lesher, M.G. Houlé, R.J. Weston et D.A. Shinkle
Project Unit 13-002. Stratigraphy, Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of the Black Label Chromitite Horizon, Black Thor Intrusive Complex, McFaulds Lake Greenstone Belt, Ontario K. Mehrmanesh, H.J.E. Carson, C.M. Lesher et M.G. Houlé
Project Unit 13-002. Geology and Genesis of Mobilized Chromitite in the Black Label Pyroxenite Zone of the Black Thor Intrusive Complex, McFaulds Lake Greenstone Belt, Ontario C.S. Spath III, C.M. Lesher et M.G. Houlé
Project Unit 13-002. Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of Nickel-Copper-Platinum Group Element Mineralization in the Black Thor Intrusive Complex, McFaulds Lake Greenstone Belt, Ontario N. Farhangi, C.M. Lesher et M.G. Houlé
Project Unit 12-010. Petrogenesis of Ferrogabbroic Intrusions and Associated Iron-Titanium-Vanadium-Phosphorus Mineralization within the McFaulds Lake Greenstone Belt, Superior Province, Northern Ontario B. Kuzmich, P. Hollings et M.G. Houlé
Project Unit 13-008. Geology and Geochemistry of the Thunder Intrusion, Midcontinent Rift, Thunder Bay, Ontario B. Trevisan, P. Hollings et D.E. Ames
Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4. Lode Gold Deposits in Ancient Deformed and Metamorphosed Terranes: Geological Mapping and Structural Re-Appraisal of the Banded Iron Formation–Hosted Gold Mineralization in the Geraldton Area, Ontario Z. Tóth, B. Lafrance, B. Dubé, P. Mercier–Langevin et V.J. McNicoll
Redefining the Pattern and Timing of Metamorphism in the North Caribou Greenstone Belt C.J. Kelly, É. Gagnon et D.A. Schneider
Sommaire des travaux sur le terrain et d’autres activités, 2012
La Commission géologique de l’Ontario est heureuse de mettre à votre disposition par voie électronique la publication Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2012 (OFR 6280).
La publication Summary of Field Work and Other Activities présente les points saillants et de nouveaux renseignements importants relatifs à la cartographie et aux recherches géoscientifiques effectuées au cours de l’année.
L'on peut visualiser, imprimer ou sauvegarder sur disque dur la publication Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2012. Pour acheter une copie papier (12,00 $) du Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2012, il suffit de communiquer avec le personnel du comptoir Vente de publications.
Table des matières
Bureau du directeur, Commision Géologique de l'Ontario
The Ontario Geological Survey Branch J.A. Fyon
Unité des ressources terrestres et de la cartographie géoscientifique
Earth Resources and Geoscience Mapping Section: Program and Project Overview J.R. Parker
Géologie du précambrien – nord-est de l'Ontario
Project Unit 11-001. Interpretation of Geochemistry in the South of Gogama Area B.R. Berger
Project Unit 11-001. Report on Geochronology for the South of Gogama Area B.R. Berger and R.W.D. Lodge
Project Unit 11-008. Geology and Mineral Potential of Price and Thorneloe Townships, Abitibi Greenstone Belt S. Préfontaine
Project Unit 06-002. Geology and Mineral Potential of Nursey Township, Abitibi Greenstone Belt L. Robichaud
Géologie du précambrien – nord-ouest de l'Ontario
Project Unit 09-006. Western Wabigoon Subprovince Synthesis Project G.P. Beakhouse
Project Unit 11-011. Metamorphism in the Western Wabigoon Subprovince: Insights from the Bending Lake Area M. Duguet and G.P. Beakhouse
Project Unit 11-002. New Geochemical and Geochronological Results from the Rowan Lake Area, Northwestern Ontario D. Lewis, S.L. Kamo and R.W.D. Lodge
Project Unit 10-010. Preliminary Results of Uranium–Lead Geochronology from the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt, Wawa Subprovince R.W.D. Lodge
Géologie du précambrien – grand-nord
Project Unit 10-002. Uranium–Lead Geochronological Results from the Keezhik Lake and Miminiska Lake Area, Fort Hope Greenstone Belt, Eastern Uchi Subprovince S. Buse and M.A. Hamilton
Géologie du précambrien – Protérozoïque et province de Grenville
Project Unit 11-004. Geology and Mineral Potential of the Brudenell Area, Northeastern Central Metasedimentary Belt, Grenville Province, with an Emphasis on the Syenitic Rocks R.M. Easton
Project Unit 11-003. Geology and Mineral Potential of the Admaston–Horton Area, Northeastern Central Metasedimentary Belt, Grenville Province M. Duguet, S.J. Magnus and L. Ratcliffe
Project Unit 11-005. Geology and Mineral Potential of the Raglan Hills Metagabbro, Northeastern Central Metasedimentary Belt, Grenville Province S.J. Magnus, B. Cousens and R.M. Easton
Project Unit 11-013. Major Element, Trace Element and Isotope Geochemistry of Plutons Intruded Circa 1090 to 1065 Ma in the Southeastern Central Metasedimentary Belt, Grenville Province J. Cutts, R.M. Easton and S.D. Carr
Project Unit 12-003. Lithological and Structural Mapping of Albanel Township, Southern and Superior Provinces D. Lewis
Project Unit 12-004. Preliminary Results from the Otter–Morin Townships Bedrock Mapping Project, Southern and Superior Provinces C.A. Gordon
Project Unit 11-007. Whole Rock and Isotope Data from the Midcontinent Rift: Implications for Crustal Contamination History R.M. Cundari, P. Hollings, M.C. Smyk, J.F. Scott and D.A. Campbell
Summary of Geophysical Projects and Activities D.R.B. Rainsford and T.L. Muir
Ressources en agrégats et minéraux industriels
Summary of Aggregate Resource and Industrial Mineral Projects and Activities, Southern Ontario V.L. Lee and D.J. Rowell
Project Unit 12-008. Aggregate Resources of the County of Perth, Southwestern Ontario D.J. Rowell
Project Unit 12-012. The St. Edmund Formation—The Next Major Bedrock-Derived Aggregate Source in Ontario D.J. Rowell and F.R. Brunton
Cartographie des dépôts superficiels et échantillonnage
Project Unit 08-005. Surficial Mapping in the Detour Lake–Burntbush Areas: A Progress Report C. Gao
Project Unit 08-008. Field Investigations for Remote Predictive Terrain Mapping in the Far North of Ontario P.J. Barnett and K.H. Yeung
Project Unit 08-008. Quaternary Stratigraphy of the Ridge River Area in Support of Far North Terrain Mapping M.K. Nguyen, S.R. Hicock and P.J. Barnett
Géochimie des dépôts superficiels
Project Unit 11-027. Greenstone Area High-Density Lake Sediment and Water Survey, Northwestern Ontario R.D. Dyer and H.E. Burke
Project Unit 12-013. Current Lake Area High-Density Lake Sediment and Water Survey, Northwestern Ontario R.D. Dyer
Project Unit 11-024. McFaulds Lake (“Ring of Fire”) Area Lake Sediment and Water Sampling Pilot Study, Far North, Ontario R.D. Dyer
Géologie du paléozoïque et études sur l'études sur l'énergie
Project Unit 09-024. Preliminary Results: Potential Ordovician Shale Gas Units in Southern Ontario C. Béland Otis
Project Unit 10-028. Update on the Hudson Platform Paleozoic Mapping Project: Results from the Northwestern Moose River Basin D.K. Armstrong
Études sur les eaux souterraines
Project Unit 10-026. An Update on Three-Dimensional Mapping of Quaternary Deposits in the Southern Part of the County of Simcoe, Southern Ontario A.F. Bajc, D.R.B. Rainsford and R.P.M. Milligan
Project Unit 08-003. Conceptual Geologic Model for the Orangeville Moraine Three-Dimensional Project A.K. Burt
Project Unit 12-005. The Mount Forest–Elmira Study: A New Three-Dimensional Quaternary Mapping Project A.K. Burt
34. Project Unit 12-006. A Preliminary Assessment of Subsurface Sediments in the Central Norfolk Sand Plain, Norfolk County and the County of Oxford, Southern Ontario A.S. Marich
Project Unit 11-032. Regional-Scale Groundwater Mapping in Early Silurian Carbonate Rocks of the Niagara Escarpment Cuesta: Multi-Level Monitoring Well Sampling E.H. Priebe, F.R. Brunton and V.L. Lee
Project Unit 07-025. Description and Mitigation of Domestic Well Sampling Biases S.M. Hamilton and V.L. Lee
Project Unit 07-025. Ambient Groundwater Geochemistry Project of the Ottawa–St. Lawrence River Area C.N. Freckelton and S.M. Hamilton
Project Unit 07-025. Assessing Laboratories' Capabilities for Water Analysis: Results of a Round-Robin Study O.M. Burnham, J. Schroeder and S.M. Hamilton
Laboratoires géoscientifiques
Revision of the Calibration for Major Element Analysis of Geological Samples by Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence at the Geoscience Laboratories G.L. Keating and O.M. Burnham
QA/QC: Summary of 2010–2012 Quality-Control Data at the Geoscience Laboratories J. Hargreaves
Initiative géscientifique ciblée 4 (TGI-4)
Update on Research Activities in the Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4 Magmatic-Hydrothermal Nickel-Copper-Platinum Group Elements Ore System Subproject: System Fertility and Ore Vectors D.E. Ames, S.A.S. Dare, J.J. Hanley, P. Hollings, S.E. Jackson, P.J. Jugo, D.J. Kontak, R.L. Linnen and I.M. Samson
Overview of the High-Magnesium Ultramafic to Mafic Systems Subproject under the Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4: An Ontario Perspective M.G. Houlé, C.M. Lesher and R.T. Metsaranta
Project Unit 10-004. Progress on the McFaulds Lake (“Ring of Fire”) Region Data Compilation and Bedrock Geology Mapping Project R.T. Metsaranta and M.G. Houlé
Preliminary Results of Chromite Geochemistry at the Black Label, Black Thor and Big Daddy Chromite Deposits, McFaulds Lake Greenstone Belt, Ontario J.E. Laarman, R.L. Barnett and N.A. Duke
Multiple Sulphur Isotopes as a Method to Evaluate Sulphur Sources and a Potential Exploration Tool in the Komatiite-Associated Nickel-Copper-(Platinum Group Elements) Hart Deposit, Shaw Dome, Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Ontario R.S. Hiebert, A. Bekker, M.G. Houlé, C.M. Lesher and B.A. Wing
Geochemistry of Chromite from the Alexo Komatiite, Dundonald Township: Preliminary Results from Electron Microprobe and Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometric Analyses J. Méric, P. Pagé, S.-J. Barnes and M.G. Houlé
Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4. Lode Gold Deposits in Ancient Deformed and Metamorphosed Terranes: The Role of Extension in the Formation of Timiskaming Basins and Large Gold Deposits, Abitibi Greenstone Belt—A Discussion W. Bleeker
Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4. Lode Gold Deposits in Ancient Deformed and Metamorphosed Terranes: Geological Setting of Banded Iron Formation–Hosted Gold Mineralization in the Geraldton Area, Northern Ontario B. Lafrance, Z. Tóth, B. Dubé and P. Mercier-Langevin
Sommaire des travaux sur le terrain et d’autres activités, 2011
La Commission géologique de l’Ontario est heureuse de mettre à votre disposition par voie électronique la publication Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2011 (OFR 6270).
La publication Summary of Field Work and Other Activities présente les points saillants et de nouveaux renseignements importants relatifs à la cartographie et aux recherches géoscientifiques effectuées au cours de l’année.
L'on peut visualiser, imprimer ou sauvegarder sur disque dur la publication Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2011. Pour acheter une copie papier du Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2011, il suffit de communiquer avec le personnel du comptoir Vente de publications.